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Everything posted by dontforgetthefueltapsbruv

  1. Swedes for a Thursday night track doesnt work. A new 7 point rider is a huge risk. Very few attain that level straight away.
  2. Bash - these were your quotes printed in the star "our home form is what ket us down this season, so now is time to take stock and have a clear out for next season" "from this years team I would only have Danny Nico and Ashley back. Bring back RichiecWorrall who should have been used this year on his average"
  3. knowing now your connections I think its a great team! wink
  4. Id expect there are plenty that would welcome a new guy on the scence. That team I think would be comfortably under the 42.5. May be a new limit to work with and perhaps a #7 draft/3 pointer that needs to be factored in though.
  5. Id be more than happy to see Adam back too. He certainly needs a PL place next year or his progress could stall IMO.
  6. The need for a new air fence is not a surprise. I have also heard that the collapsable sections may need attention too. Cost could run to £40-50k I would guess(??) Thats a lot of money out of the overall budget unless a very big commercial deal can be secured. Danny and Nico would be a great start. Entertainment is the key for me. Looking forward to it already!!
  7. perhaps he has and thats what the paper back page is about....
  8. Shouldve waited a couple of weeks and run it as a Halloween horror piece!
  9. they may well have won lewy .But no one knows - my point was just that Somerset are always pro active.
  10. Whether you agree with/ like the changes Somerset made the one thing you can say is that they are always prepared to be bold. They certainly wont ever be left wondering 'what if'.
  11. youre not wrong there and in hindsight put him in the Hawkins position and who knows.....Not the end of the world though - its only a game after all. Much more important things in life.
  12. Fairytale final for the Scots - good luck to both sides. Hope its a great occaision and one that you can tell your grandkids about the day you were there!! My money would be on Edinburgh (just) and I think they deserve it too.
  13. Lanham would most likely have scored more than 5 from 5 at reserve in either leg.... You make your bed and you have to lay in it... Well done Glasgow.
  14. In no way am I an apologist for the annual tinkering - quite the opposite.Ideally there would need to be little if any changes to the basics each year. It is the annual tinkering that has in many ways created the problem. However (ironically) in order to solve the problem of too much tinkering you have to make further changes. These changes need to be with a longer term view though and not viewed from an individual 'how can my club gain from this' position as seems to happen currently.
  15. It could be argued that the PL needs to be 'watered down'Ideally the league structure needs to nurture progression - a NL heat leader should be a competitive PL reserve/lower second string and similar between PL and EL. Currently the top PL riders are higher second string/lower heat leader in EL and there is a gulf between the NL and even PL reserve berths. A proper draft in the PL could be the first stepping stone to getting the future structure right. If that means losing the top few from the PL and also getting rid of the the foreign bottom end then IMO thats the right thing to do.
  16. I believe Danny agreed his Ipswich contract for last season in October.....
  17. 2016 line up selection suggestion 1) Just name guest and cut out the middle man 2)MPT on a 3.00 having got a new calculator 3) R/R - see no1 4) Conveyorbelt of Scandinavian u21 ringers 5) Robert Lambert - see no1 and no3 6)Rafa K - if at first you dont score points try and try again. 7)Rafa Ks grandad - so Rafa wont be the worst in the team and will build his confidence. Good luck - wink
  18. Just about advantage Glasgow. Kept it a lot closer than I expected. Rebels have already proved they can go to Scotland and defend a slender lead though....
  19. at least the pussycat fans are being consistent - applying the same thought process on this thread as they do to the rulebook! wink
  20. yeah it was awful for me too- having to put up with Rickardsson Gollob Louis Nicholls and all those trophies!! lol
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