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Everything posted by dontforgetthefueltapsbruv

  1. hands off Covatti!! I hope is back at Foxhall - was one of (if not the only) bright spot of last year. Theres a few that will be after Chris with their pitchforks if Nico isnt back!
  2. Tweet from Ipswich Star journalist Mike Bacon apparently stating news due in the paper tomorrow re Rohan. So seems we may soon find out if he is heading your way....
  3. possibly.....But more likely just rumours and guesswork...
  4. Totally agree Baldyman. Especially as the 3 pointers are a free for all rather than a draft. You can then effectively have 4 heat leaders. Of course you have to be able to afford it too......
  5. I raised this question aout Perry a week ago on another thtead. I said I thought he may be inelligible as he has previously achieved an average above 3 in the PL. There was no definitive answer provided but IMO Blobby may well be right this time....
  6. Probably a bit like the supposed non payment of bonus point money - just ignored or other ways found of making it up.
  7. any side protecting a rider in round 1 should fofeit priority in round 2 whether its average or grading used.Protection should effectively mean you have picked the 'top' rider as tge team is getting first pick. If more than 1 team protect then it should go back to reverse league order.
  8. of course the fact that the world champ isnt active in a UK league could be a stumbling block if using that as leverage in any talks.
  9. And that may be 4.55 if the Brit reduction still applies....
  10. I think he may well have been had he not been retained by Lakeside.I believe the agreement to let him go that has been announced this year was due to be in place last year until the last minute.....
  11. Adam ended 2014 with a 4.67 average. I cant see how he can be one of the No7s. Will be a great No6 though.
  12. totally agree - to an extent it just human nature. Even the promoters (and ex ones) are human - just! wink. so thats why you had a week off - to sort it all out for Chris! lol
  13. Probably because 4 of 13 want 1 good thing another 4 a different good thing and the other 5 something else. Some will not vote for what certain others want even if it may be good as it doesnt suit them so a lot of what could be good never gets voted in. So they come up with a paper over the cracks half baked idea thats nearly good but not quite but is one they can all vote for. It all rumbles on a little different but not quite right and they do it all again next year....
  14. Heeps looking 99% sure to be somewhere other than Foxhall so available and with no visa required.
  15. so far there have been suggestions for King , Tungate, Heeps and now Hawkins..... Why dont you just become Peterborough Witches! wink
  16. The 2 year rule was only brought in last year and not back dated so 2014 not part of it. Danny is able d/u next year without a problem. Of course if it suits then at the agm at the end of 2016 the rule will just be dropped for 2017!!
  17. Even us Witches fans who partly defended him know Rohan was in the wrong. In hindsight he was lucky to get away with 21 days. I still dont think the intention was to knock Auty off but once the move had gone wrong he had to take the consequences.
  18. Whether it is currently or ever have obtained a PL average above 3 could make a big difference. Although currently assessed at 3 I think Greenwood has previously attained above 3 albeit briefly. Tom Perry also in that postion I think and maybe 1or2 more so clarification required.
  19. Id say given the nature of the crash thats about as good as could be hoped for. Could have been so much worse.
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