Was onced asked to sit down in the back row at a test match at the Oval - when challenged the best they could come up with was that we were blocking the advertising boards!
Im sure Danny will have it all sorted.
If he has further problems and really struggles today at Peterborough then the question mark will remain but I have every confidence in him.
IMO thats the most important part.The new suit is striking and easily identifies with the sponsor.
That the sponsor gets the exposure is what its rightly about.
Whilst no doubt there is an alturistic element as to why tru chose the Witches at the end of the day its still a business transaction and needs to be handled as such.
Not really bothered either way.
They could be in pink with yellow spots like Mr Blobby so long as they put the effort in and provide some decent entertainment.
that does surprise me - with all that huffing and puffing on a multitude of threads Ive always seen jenga as more 'big bad wolf' than 'first lttle piggy' wink
All the add ons on my box are currently blank (there is a message about Jarvis running on the page ticker) but still shows as Helix 14.2 version when loading.
Cant seem to get anything to happen at moment ?????