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Everything posted by dontforgetthefueltapsbruv

  1. Let's hope they tidy up thd regulations and remove conflicting sections rather than just adding anew "no transfers after July 31st" If not the 'lawyers' will have a field again....
  2. I have no problem spelling what I call him - 4 letters , begins with C......
  3. Everyone knows the tune..... It's beginning to look a lot like Ipswich do do do do do
  4. We've all seen the sort of gerrymandering that goes on - perhaps its now the turn of the Witches Emil reassessed to 6??
  5. Yeah - no question But now looking at at an average over 5 years old Then you have Jackobsen where they decided not to use a genuine meeting meaning he retains an old average too Not picking on Lynn - there will be others and all are far from ideal and leave a bad taste
  6. Has always been that reductions only count in the team building calculation but don't affect thd riding order - Brennan should therefore start in the 1-5
  7. He will add 2 points without even riding as that's what he actually achieved had all the meetings been used as they should've been!!
  8. Get your popcorn out - it could get rather interesting ......a real WOW REALLY moment (Disclaimer - Always remember there is the chance it could turn out like an indoor firework - great anticipation but in the end you're left with something resembling a turd )
  9. And it continues..... Rising stars retained were stated as getting a 25% average reduction but this was supposedly vetoed at the AGM Then the Belle Vue team doesn't fit unless Brennan gets the big reduction so it must be in place after all All we get from the official sources though is an impression of the 3 wise monkeys....
  10. Lidsey is so far improved from the one that achieved the average he comes in on its like a different rider The dictionary in 2023 will have his picture next to the word 'ringer'
  11. All these predictions and no Robert Lambert in any of them!!
  12. A bit like the choice of sticking a pin in your left eye or your right eye......
  13. Not a dickie bird of a mention of this being the case from any official release yet again though....
  14. I know it's nearly Christmas but that's far too friendly and helpful from a Witches fan for the Stars mob
  15. I was playing devil's advocate to the posters saying pensioners would stop going if the price increased but more would still go with a lower price The issues you state are very true but are not not relatable to the situation re concessions and their impact
  16. If the concession does indeed mean more pensioners attend to a point where it outweighs the gain of a price hike as people are saying then surely the same would apply to those of working age Therefore the concession should go but with the lower admission level applying and crowds would increase.......
  17. Many good points apart from your presumptionn Ben has many faults (some significant) and he has let people down (including himself) on a few occasions These are even more frustrating as on a personal level he is a likeable character and an excellent team member I think in normal circumstances he would have burnt his bridges with the sport now after the latest transgression but speedway being speedway as it is now I expect him to be back somewhere assuming he is permitted
  18. Common knowledge eh? Feel free to list them then......
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