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Everything posted by dontforgetthefueltapsbruv

  1. Looking forward to this one - could be a tasty one. Traditionally Plymouth have not done too well at Foxhall but they will have their tails up after the weekend. I expect a tough test for the Witches but will go for a 50-40 win. Make some noise support the boys!!
  2. think the earlier part of your post answers the second.... "Couldnt fit all the riders gear in" Perhaps thats why they need to be paid properly as they have to pay for all that gear. As for "Ritchie lets the cat out of the bag - sloppy gob" It takes a bigger man to speak out when something is wrong even though you know you will get stick from some for it.
  3. I couldn't register a like for 3 lines out of 4 so scrub line 3 and I'll give it full approval. wink
  4. Is that the tinkle tinkle of some bottle going?? wink Looks like my last post double bluffed my jinx!! Congratulations to Plymouth. Enjoy the celebrations!
  5. its a great hobby..... plenty of you lot join in yourselves after one bad performance anyway - wink Unfortunately looks liked ive jinxed the opposition today - pussycats really have to bottle it bigtime from here to lose. Should be in the bag.
  6. i think it would be very similar either way - didnt he finish with an EL ave of just above 4??
  7. Reasonable signing IMO. Showed up well at times at Ipswich when he first came over. Can see him being a being a bit of a 3030 type of performer.
  8. Ah well..... At least Ben got his revenge on Fisher which stopped the Monarchs qualifying! Sorry The Scotsman...
  9. perhaps they didnt fancy just £160 for tomorrow as well and preferred a day off instead....
  10. We could all dress as the Russian womens athletics team - that way we are already half way there as we all already have the bollox!!
  11. cant blame them as thats a pittance to ride in what is one of the sports major events of the year.The TM is probably on double that.... wink
  12. due to numerous possible travel companions not being able to make it i decided at the last minute (just this morning) not to go and was sitting here half regretting it.Seeing the quoted post has made me feel i made the right choice! Although I really do hope it does end up running smoothly and all of you that have turned up are rewarded with a barn stormer of a weekend. Got my fingers crossed for you all....
  13. 1) I wanted to see what ramblings the unhinged madman would come up with today! Wink 2) No (much like you I am already past the stage of possible deteriation) 3) Yes - a balanced and pragmatic post - well done. The early season woes certainly put a dampner on spirits both at the track and here on the BSF. Even I (usually the one still trying to defend what others found indefendable in the past) was being quite negative on a regular basis. It was was becoming fractious and not always very pleasant. The efforts we have mae to make some noise and raise an atmosphere were a much needed positivity to help in turning things around. As a result we have had a much better time and I hope it has also been (even in just a small way) part of the catalyst for some of the bigger changes we have seen. The exposure provided by Foz and Kevin has been superb and great credit to them for their interest and enthusiasm. 4) No 5) No to closure Yes to well meaning 6) Well edited to avoid spoiling it wink
  14. Lets hope they can pull out something special on the day.... There wont be a lack of effort or desire thats for sure.
  15. I have a feeling Danny will be grinning like a Cheshire cat....
  16. it has been but credit where due that in the last few weeks it has been significantly better.
  17. Morris was the 2nd best pussycat last night in the lastest instalment of operation 7th place.....
  18. it was quite funny seeing the scotsman last night torn between wanting to let ayres know how cack he was and cheering him for giving the pussycats a pumping!! lol
  19. have to make the most of any little chance to celebrate after the season so far! Danny Ayres certainly endeared himself to the crowd tonight. Great performance and all the showboating was justified. A local too......
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