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Everything posted by dontforgetthefueltapsbruv

  1. probably a good starting point if you are calling for a reduction whilst others dont want them. Meet somewhere in the middle and ends up 39/40.....
  2. then change the rules so the foreign riders cant come in on lower averages.....
  3. None of those. There will be a final set produced to add in any post September cut off and October fixtures that count.
  4. Most statements about the development seem to have been a big pile of 'soil' so far. (unfortunately)
  5. Well its finally over and a couple of days on its sinking in. I dont think that we should let a disappointingly flat performance in the semi final over shadow a superb recovery of the season. I think its fair to say that the first few weeks of the season were poor all round. The results,the track,the entertainment and of course the atmosphere. Now it could all have spiralled into to a disasterous write off of a year with crowds down and the club at risk.(thats not just an over dramatic soundbite IMO) Instead we saw a remarkable resurgence across the board which rekindled not only the season but also the whole experience of Thursday night speedway at Foxhall. As fans we decided that whatever was happening on the track wecwould still have fun. We got together and had some fun,making noise and just doing something different. On track changes both in personell and prep saw the results stabilise and entertainment improve. They also showed the club were listening. Even then we would have settled for that and a mid table respectable finish. Few if any envisaged making a play off place. But as often is proved success breeds success and the harder you work the luckier you get. The 'massif' was born and despite some strange and puzzled looks from others in the stadium and from outside it expanded and took hold. The Presenter (top man Kevin) saw the oppotunity to build it further around the stadium joning us on the back straight and encouraging others. For the first time in 20 years (or seemed that long) we could hear the home straight! To then make the play offs really was a spectacular achievement. We may have won no trophies but I dont think its too much to say that we may have taken steps forward that are priceless in comparison to a few dented pots. 2016 has been great. Roll on 2017.
  6. I would expect Gino to be under consideration. He got the required US champs qualification I believe.
  7. Its all your fault Scotsman😉 - the (wagon) wheels literally and figuratively fell off last night. All the best with your ailments over the winter and to you and your family. See you next spring.
  8. Have had the pleasure of Sue joining us in the back straight stand at Foxhall this year. Watching her juggle her phone for the updates,fill in a programme whilst eating a doughnut,drinking tea and banging a cow bell all at the same is a wonderful sight! As a man I couldnt possibly multi task like that. 👍👍👍
  9. I can certainly see why running a NL team as well is unattractive.(unfortunately) Whilst idealistically ALL teams should be doing it practically and financially it could/would be problematic at best and unworkable in many cases. Whilst Peterborough have the logistical option to run it back to back (unlike most others) IMO it would be a huge financial risk. You would only need a fraction of the normal gate to stay away if they dont wish to pay the extra and it is being run 'for free' anyway. To run as a separate entity at a higher entry fee surely wouldnt be an option either with date availabilty and also support for a 2nd lower level option not sufficient.
  10. good advice to yourself to sleep on it Baldy. A bad night but not the right time to single out tonight. All the boys have been brilliant to this point and deserve huge credit for a great turnaround of the season. Its no disgrace to be beaten by this Somereset side.
  11. thanks MF/scooby/flappy....We can still have a good knees up when you pay Baldy his £5k....
  12. Hearty congratulations to the Rebels - well deserved win with a thoroughly professional performance. Witches never got going and gave up at the interval. Good luck in the final. So disappointing but its been a great effort to get this far and brilliant fun with the massif. Up the Witches - roll on 2017. Now it really is time for 'oh well theres always next year' 😢😢😢
  13. hopefully we wont have to wait til next season to see you again.....
  14. you should be used to unneccessarily dragged out proceedings having attended so many meetings at the showground! 😊😉
  15. thats James though not Adam Ant... But cant continue the horrendous puns (lucky you lot) because I cant think of anything else James did!!
  16. On the Adam Ant theme.... In 2016 the pussycat fans did indeed STAND but the team certainly didnt DELIVER.
  17. good to hear.All the best - glad to see 2017 all set at Pboro. Looking forward to locking horns again but only after 2016 is finished (which hopefully isnt tonight!)
  18. Seems very unlikely to be off Bruno. (Hope thats not tempting fate!)
  19. A few small showers expected but largely dry - particularly from after midday so hopefully it will be a decent surface tonight. Bring it on! Up the Witches!
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