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Everything posted by dontforgetthefueltapsbruv

  1. Danny Danny Sarj Cam Nico Nico Morten Kyle Ben Rory Jo Danyon Danyon Connor Comparing the 2016 end team with the new line up shows how well the team has been assembled. To drop 6 points and still put together a team that looks at least on a par is great work.
  2. Top effort to put that side together. Yes there are a few risk areas but all teams will have those. When you look at including 2 pointers there were only a handful that ANY team wouldve wanted and we have 2 of those. (JPB Shanes Smith the others) Danny is one of it not the top rider in the league. Rory is being talked about as being a bargain on his average in the top league so that says it all for his prospects in the 2nd tier. Kyle everyone expects more from at this level given his top flight performances so again one that wouldve been on many wish lists. Nico and Cam both need to knuckle down with preparation and approach to get the best out of. A few comments about injury concerns but if sides didnt pick riders who have had previous injuries then the league would have to slim down to a handful of sides!! A competetive side and I think an entertaining side - particularly if yhe teack work previously mentioned is undertaken.
  3. didnt think I would ever need to say this but... .... his average was too high 😂😂
  4. everyone will know if Sarj is in the team or not first.... It will be announced at 6.59! 😲
  5. even if you dont do facebook i think you can follow the proceedings via the link on the club website. I too dont do facebook but from time to time will look at the comments via the site link. Its probably something Baldy wants to know too so he may well oblige as he follows the page.
  6. The closest precedent is Danny King. As he was an asset of neither league it was decided that as Birmingham owned him as a top league rider then Coventry got priority over Ipswich. If Frost owns the assets outside the structure or if being held by BSPA then Id imagine top league would get priority as they were bought as top league riders.
  7. rarely do i have any issue with you irreverance but this one is uncalled for.
  8. it seems many think that your postings contribute to why its viewed as the silly season...... 😲
  9. like it - a twist on the lettuce theme 👍 It would certainly provide a carrot to attend and hopefully could provide us with some swede memories.
  10. cant believe you defended that bit but accepted the other part..... 😲😲
  11. agree Baldy. If thats what it is then Chris and Ritchie deserve a huge pat on the back.
  12. The team total was around 47 in last years PL so using Holder at 1 in place of Josh G is the 3 point swing to the new 2017. That is the reality of what the league is this year - just a touch above last years PL. Generally if you replace a No7 in the new Championship with a 'top' No1 you will have a Premiership side.
  13. Asset of club gets first priority Then goes to club in same league as which the asset holding club rides
  14. I see your point and that lower limit will be in place it seems but I was looking at a different point. If a side were to lose each of their first 4 away matches by say 20/30 rather than 10 then the redeclaration will have more flexilbility whatever the limit is. With a 'brand new' average being acheived from those first 8 meetings rather than a rolling 20 the impact of any reduction would be greater.
  15. an opportunity for the track shop to stock a supply of team cushions.
  16. and well deserved too. Would be happy to see Sarj as a Witch again in the future.
  17. In the PL he also partnered Danny in 3 of his heats and ended up with more bonus points than any other Witches rider last year. For Ipswich after a shaky first few weeks he was generally exceeding expectations.
  18. Some of these connections could be very loose - leaf me out of the game....
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