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Everything posted by dontforgetthefueltapsbruv

  1. Id like to see a random timer on tape release - would stop riders knowing how a particular ref lets them go. Set say between 1 and 5 seconds...
  2. I think its great that a number of clubs are making such an effort to improve the racing surface. Well done Ged and the Panthers dor being one of them. 👍👏
  3. actually it would be Danny King (Coventry) guest v Danny King (Ipswich) 😜😛
  4. Its good news for speedway for Tru7 to be expanding its sponsorship and taking on a 'B' team.... 😛😜
  5. bikes being pushed out equivalent to ball boy returning the ball.Hands up signal before a corner equivalent to rider asking for green light test. Back four exchanging 10 passes and ball ending up in same place equivalent to a bit of gardening. Im sure a few other analogies could be made. Id say the 'entertainment time' is actually comparable betwen the 2 sports.
  6. crikey we lost half of those - you must be a bad omen! 😉 Agree with part of your point though - a good close match is much better than a rout. My favourite 98 match was away at Oxford which was one of the few we lost!😲
  7. Never heard of Slowcombe and Rush. The closest in my memory banks was Mrs Slowcombe and her pussy from 'Are you being served?' Anyway some if us want to ralk about tge Speedway! Home and away over Easter will be a good pointer to what was the best strategy - top heavy or strength in depth.... 👍👎
  8. that may be over ridden by the fact that the deal wasnt signed before the release of the fixtures as it was for Danny King and Coventry/Ipswich....
  9. 🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜 Up the Witches!!
  10. I would suggest putting them on 2 minutes but they have control of the button.... 😛
  11. My missus has only ever been to 1 meeting jenga and that was very early in our relationship. 👫💕 I suggested a few days away and said Id heard it was nice down in Poole.🌞 Booked a little B&B drove down and unpacked and then surprised her with the fact that the Witches were there too - what a shocker 😲 Backfired a bit though when we lost heavily 64-26 or similar! 😢 She still thought I was worth it though - whats is for 22 years?? ☺
  12. Its my wedding anniversary on March 25th but I will still be there particularly as it looks like I will miss 2 of the next 3! 😩😩
  13. As Ipswich fans we never called them Stars Knights or Silver Machine - not sure the words used are allowed on here though... 😈😆
  14. Cant remember the date opposition or anything much else from the meeting but I have recollections of Cookie smashing the Foxhall track record in his first ride one night -I think he took nearly a second off it. In his next outing he was leading by a mile and fell on his own. I was convinced he was going so fast that he wouldve taken another second off had he stayed on! Would be good if someone could confirm if my memory is right or has just developed over the years in an over active imagination! I think it was at the time when he had some camoflauge leathers.
  15. cant provide a link but Dannys registration was purchased by Kings Lynn last summer. He told me himself.
  16. Managed to have a quick chat with Leigh this evening. Looks like an early test for him tonight with 100 scouts/cubs on their way to the shop later!! 🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟😨
  17. Thats how it came across to me when reading about how rolling averages will be calculated. It is certainly the case in the top league. There was no caveat to state that didnt also apply to the new Championship. Just checked back on Rolling Averages thread in general section. Posts in last week of November. Gambo (of Kandysoft who provide the framework for BSPA figures I believe) outlined that. A few posts on also says that it will not be just the last 20 used but will eventually use all qualifying meetings from the year.
  18. no - 2016 meetings will not be included in rolling averages for 2017.All riders will get a new figure after 4 home 4 away...
  19. I quite like his quirky offbeat style with articles like this. Its a good attention grabber which can never be a bad thing can it. And we know that there will be the serious well balanced normal coverage from him when the time comes too.
  20. 🐖 🐖 🐖 🐖 🐖 ✈ 🐖 🐖 🐖 🐖 🐖
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