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Everything posted by dontforgetthefueltapsbruv

  1. The problems are not in all areas. IMO much of the issue is due to there being no adjustments to the speakers following the seating being installed on the back straight meaning the sound is just directed into front boarding rather than fans ears!
  2. so youre suggesting as kids can quit education to get a job Poole can justify charging full adult price for them to watch speedway....
  3. Part time if lucky enough and for min wage of around £4 per hour.School is compulsory until 18 now....
  4. Great pics from Kevin. 👍 Also great that a new mike amplifier has been sourced so hopefully we will hear more of him 👂👂
  5. Have just seen a pic of a new tyre almost destroyed by just 9 laps......😲
  6. I just thought you had used the Foxhall PA system to make the announcement and thats why it came out blank! 😈
  7. ....your shell 🐚🐌😲 Im usually the one being all pragmatic but have got my serious game face on for the start of this season 😒
  8. There are only 4 play off spots this year. Id be confident to predict that of the 4 qualifiers not one of them will lose more than 2 home meetings during the season. So losing your first home meeting for me is unthinkable if you plan to be contenders.
  9. Just seen a piture from todays practice. Perfect camber looks great. Will the inside line be identical? Looks like with the work thats been done there could be options if it was wanted. Am I right in thinking that there is no kerb due to showground not allowing one?
  10. Lets hope so Baldy - we cant afford a dodgy start to the season like last year. Winning = Confidence = Winning
  11. 5 riders in a pairs competition? And some have the audacity of accusing Poole of cheating 😆😆
  12. but those riders will get assistance - via their insurance and potentially the Ben fund. Someone like Sarj wont qualify for either.
  13. The Championship wont gain 2 points as all riders get new averages after 4 home 4 away. There are no 2016 meetings in rolling averages. So all being equal the 40 start figure will rise to ave circa 42 naturally. W..aces1 is right there still needs to be an adjustment for 'old' top league averages to reflect the true change in building limit from circa 35/36 to the new 42 from the 1.4x inflated 50.
  14. Have you only just realised?How long have you been asleep for? 😆
  15. great jump over the burning bike! 😲
  16. Race suits to be unveiled at the P&P. Personally I liked last years although would like to see a little bit more blue somewhere. And so long as they all match please! 😲
  17. we certainly know how to live life on the edge! 😆😲
  18. i think the inference was that for the dogs that wouldnt be the same. Hence dogs at Oxford could mean no dogs at Swindon. No dogs could mean no stadium and no speedway at Swindon. Thats the thought pattern I saw in the posts.
  19. A very decent evening indeed. Opening night cant come quick enough now! ⏰
  20. although they werent needed for the original intention too often 😛 it was a great concept 👍
  21. using a Speedway analogy - the dog has to come from the right stock (bike/engine manufacturer) and the better ones cost more.You need the right kennells (workshop) and training (tuning) and food/consumables (fuel/tyres) again the best cost more. If crowds are falling and costs are rising (applicable to both) then thats why less breed/compete (buy bike/race) which means fewer tracks are viable (applicable to both) Just breeding a few mongrels wouldnt automatically mean more tracks are viable.
  22. why would this need Gospeed permission?The rights surely are for league speedway only not a glorified off season practice session.
  23. as no Premiership sides ride on a Sunday I thought that went without saying 😜Didnt bring the Championship into it as on a top tier thread.
  24. if any riders miss British meetings to ride in Poland then it should be no facility IMO
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