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Everything posted by dontforgetthefueltapsbruv

  1. now states Berwick team as TBC Very apt it seems - Total Bloody Chaos 😛
  2. about time ⏰ well it should be!! Ipswich have a meeting to promote. Cant blame them for wanting to release a meeting preview. After all its only 48 hours away. Declarations should be sorted by now. Its not rocket science. 🚀
  3. Meeting preview now on website Welcome back Kyle 👍 Morris Etheridge and Payne in for Bandits
  4. only the same for the initial declarations.After first set of new averages each rider will have an average for each league again - converted if need be.
  5. i think you can when its only a sample of 8 matches oooo you teaser! 😆
  6. Good to see Stefan finally has a place. Presumably will have to wait until new averages are in place....
  7. but their scores wouldnt matter to the new team average. Those staying may need to score poorly to enable the changes. Those going of course may not care either way. All just a possible conspiracy and not what I actually expect to be the case btw.
  8. indeed - for 2 ptr read NL elligible. (My bad 😆) Must say I saidcCarr couldnt be No7 as he is not NL elligible this year due to his average. However the part of the regs quoted earlier dont appear to be worded in that way (which is a change) It appears now to just be previously ridden in or elligible for NL which would allow Carr at 7.Still I think with min 3 average rather than 2 though.
  9. Berwicks 4th away meeting and their new averages will be calculated 7 days after. Hopefully their score is determined by 100% effort and not the numbers needed to fit any changes they may have planned 😮
  10. You have to have a 2 ptr at no7. Carr can only drop to 3 (I think) and does not qualify to fill the no7 spot. Those not gaving ridden 4h 4a will not automatically be reassessed even if you redeclare. MC discretion. The reg has been in place for years and NEVER been applied before.
  11. Agree AS - like you I have a lot of time for Sarj but R/R is a stronger option in the Covatti position. Otherwise we are effectively 2 points under the limit which is a huge gap. There were some mutterings that a replacement was already in place but no one I spoke to could/would confirm anything.
  12. Horrible news. Everything crossed for a full and speedy recovery. Was a pleasure and an honour to watch Tomasz as a Witch. A talent of all time great proportions IMO.
  13. and to be elligible to ride NL the rider has to have an average of under 4 at the start of the season.
  14. Ipswich home fixture with Redcar was Saturday. If we had gone to Berwick then no home fixture for more than 2 weeks....
  15. dont forget Ben had already fallen in the earluer tussle with Rory (try to drop it on him and bailed out IMO) I think there had already been some words before heat 15....
  16. Shouldve had the rules so that tied on aggregate goes to golden heats. Every year the cup finals end up at the arse end of October due to early round delays (rain offs and ties and not agreeing new dates)
  17. Josh was superb for us tonight against Redcar (12+1 from 5) - more of the same please 👍👏
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