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Everything posted by dontforgetthefueltapsbruv

  1. Emil perhaps but think Doyle would've turned out had it not been for rearranged Pllish fixture
  2. Can't see it would make a great deal of difference. The very few that do travel will go anyway
  3. I don't think that figure is 'reported' anywhere. I used it for effect in a post although with no basis to know that its correct. Shared event fees are notoriously poor though whatever the true figure is
  4. The argument for the numbers used is that it covers around a season Double the number and by July 2023 you could be using meetings ridden in 2021 - hardly a good reflection of current form Either way can have issues - add in those starting on assessed average gaining a first real figure after just 3 home and 3 away and there will always be 'opportunities' for those looking to manipulate
  5. Rode very well too. Intelligent track craft., good speed and brave moves. The talent is definitely there
  6. Ah well worth a go - only cost someone a broken collarbone.......
  7. Transcript of phone call BSPL - Hi Emil Emil - Hi BSPL - for the pairs we pay £400 Emil - per point? BSPL - no its a fixed fee Emil - ........ BSPL - hello , are you still there? Line - boooooooooop
  8. Shared events pay rates are pitiful The full fee for Emil is probably about what he would expect per point.......
  9. Partly because Taresenko should be a 7 but has been given a 5.....
  10. You fell for it Baldy Sucked in by the new account troll who has posted nothing but guff in the few days since joining the forum on Tuesday
  11. Possible to argue that although ultimately it was financially more attractive to stop running at the other 2 whichever opinion you have of the size of the fanbases
  12. Could play devil's advocate and say not jealous enough to turn up in the numbers to make it happen....
  13. I would certainly agree there. He has been in positions to do better and lost out (often quite tamely) and that justifiably adds to the frustrations and the validity of more negative opinions
  14. I can see and understand the general feeling towards Danny but seems to me much being said is rather harsh He is averaging around the same as his starting figure so isn't doing terribly. Granted it would've been hoped (perhaps expected) to rise Rew meanwhile is at least 2 points under expectation and just posted a zero at reserve That situation plus missing Riss is the root cause of the current position imo
  15. Looking like the play off places will be cut and dried well ahead of the cut off for a change
  16. Suggestions elsewhere is that Pickering is in at Sheffield in place of Bellago.......
  17. Spot on The rising star scheme principle is great but should be at Championship level first If used in the Premiership it should be for Championship second string level
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