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dontforgetthefueltapsbruv last won the day on August 11 2024

dontforgetthefueltapsbruv had the most liked content!

About dontforgetthefueltapsbruv

  • Birthday 07/24/1971

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    Bell ringing, horn blowing Massif member
    Snidey banter on pussycat threads
    Campaigner for fair average assessment and team declaration protocol
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  1. It needs to be capable of receiving a signal - without an aerial it's effectively just a monitor Knowing Baldy I reckon his is one of those about 3 feet deep and weighing in the region of 300 lbs
  2. The drugs followed another unsavoury situation so I'd say he doesn't learn the lessons a second chance give him......
  3. Even if he was guaranteed to score a perfect 12 average he wouldn't be in any team I was choosing......
  4. Any team with any sense would steer well clear If he is the answer, you don't want to be asking the question
  5. Somewhere on a par with Rwanda would be far too easy as he could just do it in Scunthorpe
  6. It should be open and transparent - no reason for it not to be mentioned in the announcement Should be shown on SGB Web page anyway
  7. Indeed not, its a Speedway problem Potentially a shrewd move by Oxford and even if it doesn't really work out there is unlikely to be too much detriment
  8. If Kildemand comes in on a 4 the sport is cooked Just because someone isn't in a certain league for a year or two doesn't turn them back in to a novice....
  9. The speedway equivalent of King's Lynn v Birmingham perhaps......
  10. Team declaration regs and guest regs are totally different scenarios (whether they should be is another matter) Don't even need a lawyer to work this one out
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