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Everything posted by A ORLOV

  1. You are lucky that Kings Lynn is self destructing other wise Poole would likely end up out of the play off top four this season, and with Poole still to race against BV and Wolves twice each they will need to up their game a lot to stay in 4th place if KL do get their act together.
  2. No it is not certain, but seeing the Robins beat the Pirates yet again, even if it is by 1 point will bring a smile to many, and not only Swindon fans. We have beaten your team 3 times already this year and had 1 drawn meeting and apart from any injuries I see no reason for Swindon to lose this one.
  3. Apart from those who come with an "injury" for a rider, who I understand can be replaced
  4. And an away one most probably tomorrow, good one Rebels
  5. At last a report I can copy to here http://www.swindonrobins.co/news.php?extend.2929
  6. Providing the Robins middle order ride like they have the last few weeks Poole will not even get a point to take home. This should be 8 wins out of 8.
  7. Scores from Abroad Poland Nick Morris riding for Rzeszow 1,3,1,3,3 11 Sweden Jason riding for Rospiggarna 3,3,3,3,2 14
  8. Not sure, but the question would be who has suspended him KL or the BSPA. If it is KL and he has been sacked then he would be free to go elsewhere, if it is the BSPA then I doubt he could be signed.
  9. No idea but if that is the case a few clubs might want to sign him before July 31st.
  10. Dan and a few other youngsters should be a group of riders those in charge of speedway should help and get them test matches both here and europe etc. Some of the youngsters are very good and need the same effort and help, if not more, that was given to the SWC lads.
  11. Or a trip to specsavers, pity as he was doing well in the meeting so far. Apart from his eyesight or counting he is a good young rider.
  12. Will accept that, with 2 guests and r/r, it is just that KL being my second team I would like to see them making the effort to get there.
  13. Kings Lynn have got the opportunity to chase Poole for the 4th playoff place but not if they ride like they are tonight.
  14. With meetings coming up with Swindon, Wolves and BV, Poole will need to up their game or start dropping down the league. They had better watch out if KL get their act together.
  15. Snus is tobacco based and is put behind the lip. It must just leech out as it gets wetter and wetter giving a nicotine hit.
  16. Swindon has had thousands at the stadium but now due to H & S the capacity is limited to about 5000, the new stadium, if we ever get it is about 3500, so any decent FIM meeting is doubtful even though the club claim they want FIM meetings. With BV wanting to hold major meetings, it is a pity that more capacity is not available for big meetings.
  17. You are right about a Matt type person in charge of each club would have grabbed the league by the gonads and improved it, unfortunately a lot of the owners etc have wanted to dumb down the sport and have continued with daft team av limits etc, many of which rules have forced a rider that has improved, out of the league. A squad system is required to start with but unfortunately, this is going to cost more, but British Speedway has not been able to get major sponsors or income in addition to the TV money in to finance any improvement in the sport. Now it looks like a possibility that the TV money might dry up, so what will happen then as I can see many clubs closing or downsizing. I have not always agreed with Matts actions or views but someone needs to get hold of speedway and give it a massive shake up or it will die. The people who control British Speedway should have had a cut of the income from the World Championships and other World competitions but they were too busy pi##ing about with the league rules and had no foresight and very little business skill. Money coming into the sport in the good times was wasted and some of it could have been invested to improve speedway.
  18. It would seem to make sense to give an earlier time a go, If I am correct they have already moved it one hour earlier so more people can get the train after the event, and if BT was ok with it many more fans might attend.
  19. It is great he got to another final and has pulled away a bit from the rest, but Magic is having a good run and Jason needs to build up a bigger lead over the next few GPs.
  20. Some of the biggest cheers in the past have been when Nicki P has been excluded for falling off his bike after a soft contact when he could have stayed on and kept going. I must admit his antics have been missed.
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