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Everything posted by A ORLOV

  1. If he had not had a medical certificate or note the team would not have been able to implement the IRR rule.
  2. Another case of the not so bright posting on social media before switching their brain on.
  3. So much for all the benefit meetings and support ward has had, he might regret his stupid ungrateful actions.
  4. But some of the Poole posters claim he is the best manager and that the club is the most successful in the league Also what has happened to the new "turbo twins" that were predicted to be the next best thing. I know Brady has just come back from injury but they appear to be a couple of damp squibs. Probably Rosco
  5. That heap of dirt is the top soil from the original fields and what was dug out for the foundations of the houses. No doubt some of this top soil can be used to give the new house owners a couple of inches of soil for their gardens, the rest can be used to build the banking for the stadium terracing, if it is ever built. The Council should be kicking stadia up the rear end. One advantage of the situation is that we still race on a nice long track rather than the proposed smaller one, where parking will be a bit of a joke.
  6. I do not want you to worry about being bankrupted by putting in large bets too early, you never know I might add a couple tomorrow.
  7. It was over after heat 4 with the attitude of the Poole riders
  8. But does he know what the riders are doing and why ?
  9. They would make a lot more money with the number they would sell if it was £1.
  10. What a pity this was not on BT, it would have been a classic to keep.
  11. Is this a record for 5-1s against Poole at home, and only one heat win for Poole after 10 heats.
  12. Shovler has probably already left and on his way to the airport
  13. Would it not depend on who is the better judge of riders.
  14. Not sure yet if it might be better to have Somerset in 4th or Poole, but if we are still top it is likely either of these would be picked in the semi rather that BV or Wolves.
  15. It was not so much about all the meetings in Aug it was more about a lot in Aug but very few in June and July rather than the meetings spread out a bit better.
  16. If anyone drives on the A419 after the speedway from the stadium back towards the M4 be warned that from Aug 29th the road will be being resurfaced overnight and sections of it will be closed over different nights from 8pm to 6am. As usual the report in the local paper is ambiguous and not clear on what sections will be closed when, so check yourselves on local road works nearer the time.
  17. I would confirm that as well, plenty of help and a good bit of banter
  18. That is fine but will the clubs want to have lower numbers at a meeting and offer a lower admission price, Swindon - Kings Lynn being £5 later this month, because it is on TV without any payment from the tv organisation.
  19. The person who started the thread can and should change it. You could send a PM to hackneyrocket.
  20. One big question is where the clubs receive a payment, which I understand this year is from the Sky contract, are they going to receive any money at all in 2018 from BT or whoever might be showing speedway.
  21. That has only just been added to the schedule, if Jason is not able to ride no doubt EK might be asked again.
  22. Is this one of the tracks where the racing is stopped because of the angle of the sun, if so I wonder what BT will do when that happens.
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