Re the new stadium at Swindon, someone went around the local houses and carried out a survey re any noise, the most objections were about the tannoy music and announcements from the dog racing rather than the bikes.
Now there are residents in the new houses who can object to the stadium and delay planning permission, and with the speed Swindon Council works May seems extremely optimistic.
The picture does not seem to show viewing facilities for 700 as stated somewhere.
1.5 to 2 kl distance, there was talk of having a minibus shuttle which might be ok before the meeting but not sure after. The biggest issue will be those turning up at the Stadium at 7.15 then being told no room so go to park and ride.
We get good numbers from Poole and would have thought Somerset would have quite a few.
Previously in the transport plan there was an indication that parking in Groundwell park and ride would be available, but cannot see many wanting to use that.
And 480 parking spaces, so they still expect fans to get the bus or park elsewhere. That number will be difficult for a meeting against Poole or Somerset when we should get big opposition numbers or a play off final etc.
May ? will they have planning permission by then?
Report in the adver states that there was a realistic program to be racing on their new track this season, oh yea.
Have they not got to go and get new planning permission as this is a complete change to what was originally proposed before they start? That will delay things and now there are occupants living a lot closer to the site.
I wonder if the people in the houses next to the pits will be happy now that the track is next to them rather than 150 mtrs away.
Also not sure why shortening the track will improve the racing !
Anyway lets see if it actually happens.
So we have our home meetings on thursdays and mondays with only two scheduled for a wed, that is ok.
It is a pity we do not see Jason at Swindon till May 28th.