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Everything posted by A ORLOV

  1. So if the rate was 3% worse on June 23rd and is 3% worse today the % drop would be the same as the interbank rate drop, the difference between buying and selling might be greater but we are not discussing that.
  2. If supermarkets wanted to advertise their presence and wide use they would sell their lifetime bags a lot cheaper. I went into Morrisons with a Sainsburys bag and when putting the shopping in the Sainsburys bag one of the staff gave me a Morrisons bag for free and put the Sainsbury bag inside the Morrisons bag before I left the till mentioning that she would rather I advertised Morrisons.
  3. I am using official exchange rate changes not what the average Brit gets ripped off for, official exchange rates are set each day by the banks, not some holiday money rip off exchange centre, and the figures I gave were the official exchange rates, ie the change in the value of the £. So the drop in the value of the £ since the referendum vote is as I posted and not 20%. You were the one who asked when is the £350 Million going to be invested in the NHS, not me as I realised what the statement meant. And in 2009 the £ was worth 1.03 euro so today the value of the £ has increased, what period do you want to use. There is no point people picking a rip off exchange company for their holiday money to quote exchange rate changes, you could go to 10 different exchange sites and get 10 different % changes. So to get a correct % drop you have to use an official rate. Does a company when buying goods from abroad go to a currency exchange shop and change their money which they then send to a foreign supplier, no they use a bank and get a bank exchange rate.
  4. The promoting of the sport needs improving. I have just typed in google "motor sports in Swindon" and it does not even mention speedway. I you wandered around the town and stopped people at random I doubt if many even know Swindon has a speedway team.
  5. The lowest the euro has been is 1.096 on Oct 11 and that was just for one day, the mean low average has been 1.10 http://www.xe.com/currencycharts/?from=GBP&to=EUR&view=1M Not selective %, they are the % relating to the change in the currency. If you and others read what was mentioned properly it was never said that £350 million a week would be invested in the NHS. If you think it did from an official source and not a dodgy one, show the statement on here. If any money was going to go to the NHS it would be after we stopped paying it in to the disaster called the eu.
  6. The £ has only dropped 14% from 1.30 to 1.12. If you work the percentage from 1.12 to 1.30 the change is 17%, so either way 20% is taking advantage.
  7. From what I have seen from what T May wants to do is to sell to and buy from the eu without tariffs but this will depend on what those in Brussels vote for, if they decide we cannot continue with free trade then there will be tariffs imposed which will penalise companies and individuals both ways. You may end up buying from elsewhere in Europe, but if you export your end product to us, we may stop buying from you if we can buy whatever you sell elsewhere at a cheaper price and similar quality. Another example of this is that we may stop buying cars made in Europe and buy different makes from elsewhere, it would all come down to the end price. The £ has not dropped 20% so whoever is selling the spares or supplying them to the company selling them is profiteering. Do not forget to ask them for a price reduction when the £ goes back up.
  8. Na they all come up with ideas then put them in sequence of good to the daftest, I will let you decide which ones they vote in after they get pi##ed.
  9. I find the Somerset circuit a bit too circular if they ride it from the inside of the bend to the outside of the centre of the straight and back to the inside of the next bend. I prefer longer straights as Swindon has, but I appreciate that they are likely to be shorter than what we have had so somewhere in between the two tracks would be ok.
  10. It needs to have longer straights than Somerset, the shape will be determined by the shape of the dog track, remember they own the stadium and speedway will have to use what is space is provided. I understand it will be Cardiff shaped but wider.
  11. What a load of cobblers, when are you going to stop the wind up. Did you moan like this when previously petrol was a lot more expensive than it is now or when the £ was worth one euro. It has all changed and it will again, but at least we will not be being told what to do by the eu. Could not agree more, the figures do not show that and we are doing better than the eu.
  12. It will be too late then as only one is at university, and she and her boyfriend voted to leave without any prompting from me, the others are still at school, anyway the decision is being made now. It may be the situation that what we are doing is the kick up the backside that those in charge of the eu need, the same as the one our politicians received, but I doubt they will understand it .
  13. If you keep reading and believing posts from SS and HA yes you are.
  14. No not at all, I have taken advantage of what has happened and done very well. I realised prices of imports might go up and that things will be tough for a while and am prepared to accept that for a better future for my grandchildren. Wait and see what the outcome is as your predictions may not be right and take advantage of the present situation.
  15. If others looked at the positives instead of moaning all the time they also might benefit from the actions of GB.
  16. Will still thank you nw42 and R&R for info.
  17. Also not that interested now that Jason is not in it, also the pub will not be open that early to watch it. If someone puts a utube link on here I will watch that, thanks.
  18. Which is what Poole has done and other teams would do if the opportunity arose.
  19. Lets hope it is sensible and not too low with all the false averages that some riders have got.
  20. Unfortunately either some courts do not take the view that the stadium was there first and the home buyer was aware of the noise when they moved in, or the stadium owners are not complying 100% with the planning permission re the level of noise, time curfews, or any other conditions set down.
  21. It was a tweet from J Tomlinson, but will wait to see as we have had tweets from him before.
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