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Everything posted by A ORLOV

  1. If that is the case I get the impression the replacement of a rider could get messy with some riders increasing and some dropping their average.
  2. OK who would you suggest that will be a team under 50 then
  3. Prefer the first as it is unlikely that Killer will ride over here and secondly with the daft average of Doyle which will drop to about 9.4 points after a few meetings at which point if the limit stays at 50 we can swap out a low average rider for a higher averaged rider with an average 4 points higher.
  4. Just try getting a decent team below 50, it does not seem easy
  5. Have tried building a team below 50 using these new calcs and it seems difficult. With last years riders I get to about 60 using act PL averages and EL riders only plus and times 1.4, a total of 55.72 plus whatever Stefan would be. Our reps at the agm have stated that 50 is a bit low.. It would be good if the BSPA could produce a list of the averages for each rider that can be used for team building.
  6. There is definitely a bit of ambiguity on this 1.4, it would be a good idea if the BSPA could post a list of confirmed averages for all riders at the new calculation which can then be used to get to the 40 or 50 point limit, as many fans like to guess who can be fitted in to their team .
  7. Try building a team with last years av, plus or mult by 1.4, under 50 points.
  8. Which is why I raised the point earlier re increased by or mult by 1.4, but as one or two have said when greensheets are calc after the first month or two and proper averages have been earnt there are going to be some big gaps up to the 50 limit. If you take the present Swindon team averages and mult by 1.4 you end up with 58.76. If you take the present Swindon team averages and add 1.4 per rider you end up with 51.78 You could use the EL average plus 1.4 for team building but that average would not then be right as a PL average. Is there ever a year when what the BSPA publish as the "rules for whenever" are unambiguous.
  9. Would have thought the purpose of the bond was to pay riders and certain bills etc.
  10. The statement says EL averages will be increased by 1.4 if rider did not have a PL average do they not mean EL average will be multiplied by 1.4 to bring them in line with PL averages. They could mult by 1.4 to get the EL average in line with PL averages but not mult EL average by 1.4 and easily build to a 50 point limit.
  11. BSPA announcement This is not good news about BV http://speedwaygb.co/news.php?extend.31551
  12. Probably the first two days agreements just been abandoned and burnt.
  13. Not sure but I think we had at least 1 when there was a clash. A switch to six rider teams would help a bit, and if the EL rode on a separate night or two to the PL then more could double up if needed.
  14. Recently it has not been once a week, that is part of the problem, many have even posted on here about the last few years with multiple rain offs etc. A few years ago the end of the season was chaotic when trying to run all the delayed meetings then the next season the meeting planners left gaps to cover for rain offs, in some cases this resulted in three weeks without a meeting. Just look at the Swindon list of home meetings to confirm that meetings have not been weekly. In July we had 3 meetings on 4th, 7th, 21st. followed in August with 2 meetings on 4th and 22nd, two of which were mondays and not the normal thursdays. There were other reasons but from speaking to fans the above was one of them. Guest riders Standing in Siberian type weather at Blunsdon Rubbish visitors People cutting back on spending
  15. And that is exactly what has happened with people I bump into in town, at the pub watching a gp or at the track , that used to be a regular fan but do not now bother apart from the occasional odd meeting. If the meetings do change to fortnightly hopefully we may run an NL team on some of the alternate weeks.
  16. If racing goes to one night a week and home meetings once a fortnight we shall see then. The major issue then is once fans are lost it is difficult to get them all back and the last thing speedway needs is less fans going to the meetings.
  17. That is the problem, one night a week racing will kill off some of the clubs because they cannot run on that day, also with only racing on one night that would mean racing at home once a fortnight and with the odd rainoff fans will get out of the habit of a specific night of the week is speedway night. The breaks in the schedule this season and last were awful. I also reckon that with a single race night when there is a decent meeting on tv and you have a crap team visiting many will stay at home and watch the tv meeting.
  18. What are you on about speedi they have already announced a major change that will get the fans flooding back by changing the helmet colour from yellow to green.
  19. First announcement for 2017. Rider cost cutting measures
  20. The rumour is that it could be more than just one, which would be good, the more the better.
  21. Seems to be the rumour going round
  22. The first major decision will be what type of biscuits they go and get for the tea break, that will take all this morning
  23. The farmers do get advantages over manufacturing in the subsidies they receive but many of the CAP payments have been crazy and have costed the eu millions if not billions since they have been paid. When we leave we will not be paying for the subsidies that are paid to all the farmers in the rest of the eu, a hell of a lot more than we have, so our farm subsidy bill for our farmers will be lower. Only you would know if you can get your castings etc from elsewhere, preferably the UK, no doubt you have already looked into that. I am not sure what the steel industry used to produce but it is ironic that TATA are closing down the steel mills etc yet you and many more companies are importing steel and castings. Now, if it is efficient to do so, would be a good time to produce more in this country rather than having to rely on importing so many goods. If not good luck with trying to get a subsidy or some form of help, as it may mean that you can stay in business and keep people employed, apart from that see if you can diversify somehow. I stated that many of the companies did not export to the eu, if any want to export to it they will have to decide if it is worth the paperwork etc.
  24. Well I can only report what they stated, it may be exaggerated but a lot voted out for that reason . I remember on Countryfile a few days after the vote they had a farmer who on the day of the vote had received and showed about a thirty page document he had to complete for some department in Brussels, yet he was not in any chain where the end product ended up in the eu. In or out of any chan to the eu, like any govt, every farmer has to comply with filling out the paperwork. Anyway with the drop in the value of the £, unless you are importing raw materials which will add to the cost of production, if you can, take advantage of the lower prices when selling abroad. Many are taking advantage of the present situation and doing very well.
  25. No as I am not in industry nor a farmer, but I had lots of bosses of companies and farmers as clients that I have kept in touch with and they continually moaned about the eu paperwork. Many farmers and companies that do not export to the eu have claimed that they are having to comply with eu regulations which is costing them a lot of time and money. Many farmers when asked why they voted to get out of the eu despite getting CAP payments explained it was because of all the red tape etc sent out by the eu. Now some of this may have been our government but no doubt a lot of it is the eu.
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