That is the same as the view I am taking, lets see what is happening by the end of May, be prepared for a couple of possible surprises, what is important is what happens at the end of the season, not the beginning.
Tell your boss that your work rate will match the increase in your rate of pay.
Have not noticed the size of mars bars but Mr Kiplings cakes have shrunk in size, at least the box they come in has also shrunk so you can tell they are smaller.
Been bl##dy cold so if the workers have got any sense they have probably been in their hut drinking tea all day.
If anyone does pass the site we would be most grateful for an update at any time between now and March.
If that happens we could have a couple of home riders in the World U21 for the Swindon leg.
Not sure if Adam Ellis can be in it as I think his 21st is in March 2017, and I do not know the age cut off date for next year.
Used to have dealings with business people of a certain culture !, always be very wary of what they say and then do.
In this situation Horton also seems to be part of the problem.
I know nothing about either Emil or Zach so will have to wait to see how they perform at the start of the next season. If we have 5.13 left it is strange that the adver is saying that Emil will be in the main 1 - 5, but we shall see.
I am a bit concerned about some of the comments from those who have seen these two riders and who have followed Somerset and Peterborough but then Rosco, apart from last year, usually knows what he is doing and has stated that both will improve.
I can see some strange scores coming from certain riders followed by a few team changes come May or June from a few teams.