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interested witch

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Everything posted by interested witch

  1. accomadation in bristol .holiday inn three twin rooms £62.50 per person plus coach travel available contact pcmcechc@aol.com
  2. any last minute people wanting to go to cardiff for the weekend of the year three twin rooms available for friday and saturday night cost £62.50 per person per night . also seven middle teir tickets still avilable all offers considered we are staying at bristol holiday inn .coach travel available to and from if needed.come on sun is going to be shining DO NOT MISS WEEKEND OF THE YEAR . contact me on pcmcechc@aol.com
  3. also have tickets available all offers considered contact pcmchcec@aol.com
  4. as far as i am aware all accomadation is taken in cardiff.however we do have four twin rooms available in bristol.staying at holiday inn cost £62 50 per person per night inc breakfast we can also offer coach to cardiff and return to bristol.please contact paul. on pcmcechc@aol.com ps i hope this may help
  5. i have five twin rooms available for fri and sat night .staying at the bristol holiday inn price £62.50 per night also 9 tickets middle tier just of second bend £45 25 inc programme come on do not miss the night of the season contact pcmcechc@aol.com
  6. any body looking for somewhere to stay when going to cardiff ,we have four double rooms available for friday and saturday night .please email for more details on pcmcechc@aol.com
  7. we have tickets available middle tear just coming of second bend.please contact interested witch on pcmchcec@aol.com
  8. we staying in bristol have rooms and transport available contact pcmcechc@aol.com
  9. once again we call supporters of the british grand prix. we are running a trip leaving friday morning 10 oclock and returning sunday tea time staying in bristol for 2 nights .will be going to somerset to see the mighty berwick bandits on friday night. leave for cardiff 10 oclock sat morning day in cardiff. trip includes hotel 4 2 nights bed & breakfast all coach travel pick ups in thetford & ipswich £50 tickets &programme <somerset admission not inc> FOR THE BARGIN PRICE OF £155.00 each contact PAUL CURTIS on pcmcechc@aol.com ps dont miss out on the meeting of all meetings only eight seats available
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