There will be financial costs for running this meeting tomorrow. They will be desperate to get this done tonight.
The BSI will almost certainly be making a loss on this event.
If the competition does not take place today, an attempt will be made on Saturday as well as on Sunday. If the tournament does not take place by Sunday, it will be completely canceled.
They knew the weather forecast for tonight and tomorrow. Why not move the meeting to Torun or Gorzow?
It's not like they've sold out the entire venue.
BSI are awful organisation.
What exactly is the point?
If Doyle joins Leszno then the Polish league is over.
The Polish speedway league is the same as France and Germany's football league, pointless!
The best rider in Poland by a country mile.
Next year, we're going to see Emil replicate his league form in the SGP series and rightfully claim his throne.