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LagutaRacingFan last won the day on April 12 2023

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  1. Seems like the bookmakers know more about Pickering than speedway fans.
  2. Anyone surprised by the odds for a potential Lublin vs Wroclaw final? Lublin are 1/8 to win and Wroclaw are 5/1. The bookmakers think Lublin have a 89% chance of winning. Personally, I think that is far too high. Wroclaw beat Lublin by 8 points in the regular season and Bewley scored 2/3 points in that meeting. Unlike Emil, Laguta doesn't struggle to gate, so a slick Lublin track won't catch him out.
  3. The last time Zmarzlik rode against a genuine world class rider in the GPs, this is what happened.
  4. Commentators seem to be implying that Zmarzlik has surpassed Gollob. What nonsense. Gollob rode vs Rickardsson, Crump and Pedersen. Zmarzlik rides vs a bunch of bums. Zmarzlik has the benefit of not riding vs Artem Laguta.
  5. Am I the only who thinks the quality of Polish speedway has declined massively? I remember the days when Tarnow had Hancock, Koldoziej, Vaculik and Madsen. Torun used to have Sullivan, Ward, Holder and Miedzinski. Zielona Gora used to have AJ, Pepe P, Dudek and Holta Each team used to have 4 world class riders.
  6. They did that a few years ago. You had riders turning down spots in the GP series, just so they could earn mega bucks in Poland.
  7. What a one-sided beatdown. Say what you want about British Speedway but we don't get these one-sided matches in the play-offs.
  8. Genuine question. Is this more exciting than the semi-final we saw between Ipswich and Leicester
  9. Why don't one of the Polish clubs use Tom Brennan? Wroclaw and Torun both have some useless riders riding for them.
  10. Leicester's main man (Fricke) turned up and Ipswich's main man (Emil) didn't turn up. That was the difference between the 2 sides.
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