Firstly I am delighted for all concerned about this news especially the fans , I know a few Diamonds fans and have a lot of time for them.
Moving forward thinking about things generally should they be looking at what worked previously, I know times have changed social platforms etc but the young fans are as important probably more so than us older generation. At Glasgow they involve the Kids in a lot off activities and the number of children attending has visibly grown , what I would like to see is the return of some of the events that did work.
the regional 4tt which was always a great way to start the season , Gold and Silver Helmet match races which you always looked forward to seeing it might be that taking a step back to move forward could initiate more interest
Promoting is not an easy task in this era but it is the ones who have vision and promote that stand the best chance.
I would like too see the running of the sport outsourced independently you just have to see what Barry Hearn done to revitalise Darts and Snooker with some vision and expertise in promoting it must be a consideration to go down this route.
But that is for other people to decide but great news for the Diamonds.