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Everything posted by Gazc

  1. At the track slight drizzle just now but Blue skies in the distance, this may be my famous last words but nothing that should threaten the meeting. Just realised Rory is riding so it’s 50/50.
  2. Dry with occasional sunny spells forecast is dry but cold later wrap up well.
  3. Whilst I agree with the Mental Health issues Craig has and it certainly can’t be easy for him, and as we know can lead to deep depression. But there has to come a point that we have to stop using the issue as a defence . I don’t think anyone would have questioned the crash on Sunday other than a racing incident albeit Bens reaction in the aftermath suggested he thought there was more to it than a racing incident. His tweet confirms that he knew exactly what he was doing Mental Health Issues or not in no way can that be excused regardless.
  4. Trying to defend the indefensible here Blobby his stupid tweet confirmed it was intentional. How thick can he be.
  5. Yep as I said Ben knew what line Cook was going to take as he used that inside line well before. He clearly had the red mist and could have decided to shut off but instead he made the choice and wiped two riders out and wreck two bikes. The problem here is he didn’t take evasive action as he caused it. I am sure Bens ridiculous fine will be covered.
  6. They are unpaid doing this I am sure she has paid work to do in the meantime.
  7. Lunatic really, boys an out and out racer. If only there were more like him.
  8. Shame this is off I fancied Plymouth just to edge this 60-30 always the next time.
  9. I think you will pump them then after the meeting get your club twitter team to tweet. “Easy win for the Bandits but Edinburgh need a spoon of concrete and harden up” .
  10. Cheers m8 let’s hope it’s the 2021 version we get.
  11. I get what you’re saying but In the Redcar incident Wright lifts violently off bend 2 and had really nowhere to go Last night Cook was in complete control and tried a line which Ben had covered but continued to proceed anyway and wiped Ben out he had the choice to shut off but didn’t.
  12. These tweets are making them all look very childish. As I said If Cook had the issue he clearly has with Ben then why tweet it why not have it out with Ben at the time. Think most of us know the answer to that.
  13. Riding for GB Blobby you have had a rough couple of days on here. Poor wee soul. Hmm Hilarious.
  14. It was all over the local press at the time so it makes no difference if it’s on here it was common knowledge. I won’t judge him based on that though what I will judge him on is the stupid twitter post he should known better to post.
  15. The Verbal thing is reacting immediately to something you see and is human nature. Cook no longer rides for us so some vent their anger. Nothing wrong with it as long as you don’t overstep the banter line.
  16. Father Clancy saw to my day being a sh*tshow yesterday. AGAIN.
  17. Sorry I have no reason to blame Poole other than I can.
  18. Dish what out because Cook said that in a tweet ?. I never saw Ben dishing anything out just a good race between two good committed riders , until Cook tried a move that probably wasn’t there and wiped Ben out.
  19. Didn’t say he was crying though. Said he was pissing himself laughing. Surely even you can tell the difference between both.
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