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Everything posted by Gazc

  1. Apparently not anymore so i hear due to having to re-jig thing's team wise down Somerset way. Won't happen as Nick has Polish commitment's on a Sunday.
  2. What has two master's degrees got to do with anything certainly doesn't do anything for me,in regard's to the football chat you refereed to Ranger's being a new club not me which anyone who took time to explore this would find that they are not a new club or Sevco as you put it but you obviously don't want to know the fact's regarding this and to be honest who cares Back to the speedway chat yes the first Monarchs v Tigers clash shall be to raise funds for the fence fund hopefully both clubs get a good turn out and both benefit.
  3. Now that Wethers has signed for Berwick riders on or around that 6-7 point mark are starting to get thin on the ground what about Ostergaard on 6.52 to go with Joey on 3.56 as the final two, I know he was slightly inconsistent at Redcar last year but on that average surely he is worth a punt would prefer him to Lemon to be honest.
  4. Just showing up how unintelligent you really are as if you could back up your assertion of that highlighted part off your post you would find that the FOOTBALL club didn't cease to exist it was the PLC in charge of the club factual. And yes Banter is meant to be funny something you have in very short supply i will refrain from calling you friend as your limited intelligence might actually think i really care what you think. PMSL you really have had a sense off humour bypass you really need to get out more and i don't think i ever accused you of posting anything on the Glasgow thread back up your assertion on that one .oh wait a minute you can't but if you read through it there are plenty who have but it is a forum and regardless off what you think people can post what they think or like if you don't like any off my post's then don't read them simple i really couldn't give a s**t .
  5. Could say the same about you so Edinburgh fans don't go on the Glasgow pages i would check that out first before you come on boring us with how you feel about us pot & kettle spring to mind my inferior friend.
  6. How can you be serious after the team announcement last night . Just highlighting this brother stay off the wine gum's when your sniffing glue m8 as it leaves you open to ridicule but ii'l watch your back.
  7. You have just went up in my estimations my lad fellow bluenoses are exempt from any ridicule on this forum and i apologise if i ripped the pi** if you had told me earlier brother all this pain i caused you could have been avoided one piece off advice stay away from Mr B he's a wrong un and you will be welcome at Ashfield home off Scotland's No 1 speedway team with open arms even tho you have had the mis-fortume to be born a Monarch, can't be perfect like us but life would be boring if everyone were like us EH .
  8. Now now Mr B one day when you get bigger you will develop a sense off humour and you will then learn that supporting Edinburgh wasn't the brightest thing you had done see the error off your way's and join the ranks off the tiggeratti only if we let you off course you will have to pass the Buckfast challenge off course and give me & George your weekly pocket money but I'm sure it will be worth it in return we shall completely ignore you on a weekly basis except when we want someone (You) to run to the shop for us sound fair.
  9. PMSL I'm sure Mr Blobs will have some spare disposable nappies with him George if the banter gets too much .
  10. Now that should be Hilarious let me know when this is happening and i will pop along no interest in the speedway just to have an earwig at this conversation oh the banter,
  11. That doesn't look that bad and getting Sedgemen at reserve may prove to be very shrewd at least until young Fox can master at least his home track was alway's going to be difficult with Cook's average to get the balance off the team but the Edinburgh promotion have probably done as best as they can with what was left after Cook's high starting average not a bad looking team at all.
  12. Don,t know have we although it has been heard the Abramavich was seen at the chippy in Erskine with Stu Dickson so you may be right.
  13. Is that not what every club need's to get riders or am i missing something .
  14. Sorry to disappoint but we have better thing's to do like singing and dancing up Bothwell street singing happy day's are here again to be fair it could'nt have got any worse than last season
  15. Thing is George some not all but some just can't accept that we are putting together a tidy wee team but they would prefer us still to be struggling as per last year for the life off me i don't know why they are taking such an interest in how we can't afford this rider or that rider and where is the money coming for this or that it is bordering on the obsessively pathetic.
  16. Seems to be plenty off people mostly from the east having there opinion on how much cash we have whilst we couldn't care less on how much we have or don't whatever the case may be.
  17. Sorry can't answer that either as it has never been mentioned.
  18. Good question but unfortunately my crystal ball failed to come up with the answer i don't think it is only Glasgow who are getting a used fence so don't see what the deal is I'm sure the fan's will continue to donate as much as we can as it looks like the promotion are assembling a good looking team.
  19. I knew we would find a real positive post somewhere were still looking though. Forgot to add blah blah blah my apologies.
  20. Mason Came over at the start of the 2012 season with Jayden O Malley and rode the full season in 2012 with several guest appearances for the Comet's also, 2011 was our title winning year which he was not part off.
  21. Nothing interesting it is the Director's of the club that have there name at the bottom of the message Gordon is part owner with Alun Biggart whose name is also absent nothing to read into there. Got to agree with your eyes comment Mr B they are nearly not quite but nearly as big as your mouth .
  22. How on earth can you make a statement like this when you clearly don't know the in's and out's of how any deal was structured I've never seen mention off a bidding war on official channels just on here were it has grown arms & legs unbelievable .
  23. Looks like I'm wrong but I'm still a youngster and still learning.
  24. We would take the A team mantle and we will be called the Glasgow western commercial scotwaste tigers AKA monarchs A while you shall be known as simply Edinburgh Monarchs B.
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