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Everything posted by Gazc

  1. Different day different outcome in the LC They hammered us at Ashfield today we so nearly beat them have faith as i say they have to be beaten at some point i couldn't bear it if they went undefeated the forum would go into meltdown with smugness.
  2. They have to get beaten some time we so nearly done it today so why not the Bandit's as they are pretty strong at home .
  3. Ok i will give you that but when i see an entertaining meeting like today was then i give both team's credit as it takes two teams to make it as enjoyable as it was today one day in the not so distant future the Monarch fan's will realize that there is actually two teams participating in a speedway meeting.
  4. How did you work that out blob man thought it was more down to us riding well rather than the smug ones riding badly nobody would have argued if we had got the draw out off Ht 15 but we didn't so we move on but rather than looking at yourself's maybe just maybe for once you could give the opposition some credit asking a lot from smugville i know but maybe it will happen one day.
  5. Was pretty enjoyable today but not reaching the heights of last week but well done to Edinburgh on another victory they really are a top side , we so nearly snatched a point and could have been even better for us but a couple of decisions went against us today. Heat 15 Wolbert & Rusty on a 5 1 to take the draw Cook comes storming under Rusty on the last lap and Rusty then trying to go back round Cook on the last bend to take the draw but runs out off room and slides into the air fence hard move by Cook but fair and the chance of a draw went out the window there and then. There will not be many if any other teams will take the win against us round our own patch if we ride like we did today and we will not face a team with the quality the Monarchs have every week so not all doom & gloom BTW Thought Rusty was absolutely outstanding today how his average has dropped to 5.5 riding like that is bizarre he should be one off the first on the team sheet next season if possible.
  6. It is m8 very balmy 18 degrees through here and very sunny, shorts and t shirt recommended.
  7. Aye it was and totally unacceptable i am taking my 5 year old today if you need some tutoring on your spelling .
  8. How many times does the guy you are talking about sell Electrical goods by any chance.
  9. Scored well down there a couple off weeks ago as well but National league standard is a bit harsh there are some good riders in that Rye team i think it may be they are more demoralised by the looks off it.
  10. Kasper having a good night paid 10 from 4 hope Mason can return the favour tomorrow .
  11. Aye but your allowed as your one of us so you would be exempt on feeding to the possil posse. Now that's the attitude who cares it is not as if the Monarchs are struggling now is it there is a small rumour no better make that big rumour that you seen the Redcar guest at No 1 last night bottled it and sunned the meeting off only saying what i heard ken.
  12. Who Knows come to think off it you seem to be the only one that actually cares anyway after last night's sun off and now trying to pass the buck to the poor old referee you would be better getting the story on that one right first.
  13. Edinburgh in sun off shocker and trying to deflect the blame .
  14. Well who would have thought Edinburgh in sun off shocker to go with Dodgy burger gate putting the rest off us to shame on the scandal front .
  15. Don't pander to them bruv why they feel the need to comment is pretty astonishing anyway it is not as if we actually pose a threat to them anyway . The smiley at the end means that i am perfectly calm aright and don't tell me to calm myself oops sorry about that that's me calm now .
  16. It is pretty clear that anyone with half a brain can work out that we have been granted a facility or we wouldn't be permitted to do it FFS why are we debating this with them anyway who really care's what they think. Having to watch them humping team after team at the midden is getting boring now and they have branched out into other team's affairs hold on take that back they have alway's done that I am sure edmon will keep us right on any future change's as i have to pop out as i go out now & again .
  17. Don't drink that anymore we have re-discovered the delights off Eldorado tonic wine nice little tipple makes you pretty obnoxious and gives you an instant dis-like to anyone that say's the word ken more than 10 times in a conversation.
  18. No We don't do rule breaking and anytime we have tried it the attempt has went pete tong
  19. And who is this we speak off i have never heard off this man it may be Jose Dickson you refer too only being pedantic . Aye you and the rest off your horde just an observation on my part .
  20. With all the rides he was getting meant he kept himself fit & Richie continued to fit into Steve's Kevlar's .
  21. Could be worse if Fricke was in as per last week he outscored anything Jensen would have and stregnthened the Devils considerebly still time for a mystery ailment to happen though.
  22. Look after him we need him back in one piece for the smug ones on Sunday.
  23. Not going to predict anything for Sunday i only have two wishes A. An injury free meeting with good racing B. Anders Thomsen to complete a meeting . Think A Is more achievable than B . In fact just thinking about it if we get A then we will also get B .
  24. Rode well and intelligently Rusty did make it easier for him in Heat 4 sliding off on his own to give him the win in the rerun but overall he looked the part scored more than Jensen probably would have but who knows,with a bit off luck we will have at least a 6 man team next week to try and stop the Monarch juggernaut these 5 man team's are not the way to go .
  25. Well that was by far & away the best speedway meeting at Ashfield for a long time credit must go to both teams for serving up an absolute cracker , just shows if the track is prepared the way the riders request it then that is what Ashfield is capable off producing. For Glasgow all had there moments but we really need to have a full team with that today and without Anders withdrawing (again) then i am sure we would have taken all three point's albeit that would have been harsh on Plymouth who deserved something for there efforts For the Devils same as Glasgow really all had there moments except Benko Heat 13 in particular was the best heat off speedway i have seen in a good few years well done to the 12 rider's on show today for serving up an absolute corker.
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