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Everything posted by Gazc

  1. Yeah i think we have all got the jist off that one as we have only been told several hundred time's as to how good you are anyway out off curiosty any cookie rollers tonight or didn't he need to as there was nobody present to examine his rocket fuel . Think that is a bit harsh as Berwick have proved that they are a good team if they are given an actual speedway track to race on rather than a kid on one .
  2. Now that is the way to look at thing's getting 30 at the Dump is a major achievement these day's i think most if not all want to put there Armadale experience behind them and move on to racing on a fairer circuit not saying it is a bad track just very favourable in it's advantage to the home team.
  3. Maybe he would or maybe he wouldn't who knows anyway i would be asking major questions of an ex monarch of 10 years scoring only 3 surely he should be doing better than that This doesn't make Berwick a bad side though just another team on the list that cannot ride Armadump i am afraid and it is a very long list Que the smug replies as i wait with baited breath on the utter p1sh that will follow.
  4. No chance sunshine once bitten in-fact thinking about it you would have more chance in signing Dimitri than what you actually have off beating the incredibles at smugville tonight .
  5. The smugs alway's come up smelling off roses when faced with a challenge now with a free scoring opposition reserve missing on top off Wolbert lowering his average for next season what next on the soap opera that is the Armadump's Will Cookie stop rolling Will Steve finally own up he really has been Richie all season Will Desperate Deek get dropped for Mickey Dyer Will Mickey Dyer retire after getting another doin from Desperate Deek Will Lord Alex of Harkess finally own up to be slightly biased in his dealings with the Minions off Armadump watch out for the next instalment off the Armadump's
  6. You have went right up in my estimation's. Anyway I've just returned from sunning myself only to discover the incredibles have lost how did this manage to happen surely it must have been another source outwith there control or did Cook just not get his customary 5 rollers .
  7. Rain quite heavy now if it keeps up as the forecast suggest's another rain off looks on the cards.
  8. Started raining around an hour ago more drizzle than heavy but forecast is for this to continue most off the day drying up around 7.30.
  9. Nearly every Berwick thread descends into arguing over in my opinion trivial issues you should take a leaf out of our book chill and Monarch bait it is much more enjoyable but to be fair to them they give as good as they get .
  10. I think we have all put it down to youthful exhuberence and his high sperm count .
  11. Well it would hardly be covered in anything else unless he was doing some off roading and we know what happens when he goes off the beaten track pardon the pun .
  12. What you agreeing at George that every man has a dog or we are all paranoid .
  13. Well if you can't chill out in Cyprus then i think the NHS are now doing anger management courses but you have to admit he is really good at the rollers Sent from C Block Barlinne
  14. I took yesterday off back to normal today he does tend to have the occasional roller does he not.
  15. The last time i seen as many rollers that Cook get's away with is on my wife's hair before a night on the town
  16. We were wondering the same thing on what he was going on & on about wonder how much the chuckle bros paid him.
  17. I know crashing on the first bend and going under the air fence and injuring the same ankle you injured 2 weeks previously can be a real pain . You did well it only comes round every 18 years or so you wouldn't begrudge us that would you.
  18. There you go Fred there is your answer. I Fred am sorry to the Glasgow promotion on falsely accusing them on bad sportsmanship i promise to retract my original statement and buy Gazc several pints off lager on my next visit to Ashfield. There Fred i have apologised for you .
  19. Don't think there is much more the Moanarchs can come on and moan about think they have covered most subjects to moan about there Ashfield experience but i am sure knowing them there will be one that has slipped the net.
  20. Don't know Fred as they usually do did notice the Monarch riders going to there fan's it may well be that the truck had left as this had happened before don't read to much into it as i would guess that in all likeliehood the truck would have left.
  21. And you will stop talking sh1te and get yourself a new armchair recliner version i mean Dekks you can't have everything you know.
  22. Dekks not like you to have a wee sly dig and he wasn't drunk he was absolutley pished if you are going to do it do it right i say . Now i was going to ask if you were there but i then realised who posted off course you weren't there you must go through several armchairs a year so there is no crater it is just a small ant hill .
  23. On a side note has anyone seen the live updates on today's meeting on the shatzone some of the comments on there are hilarious if anyone is needing cheering up and feeling low have a look and you will realize that yes there are people out there worse off than you P.S Who would have thought you would get dust at an afternoon meeting whilst it is hot they have a winning team and moan about anything and everything a more pathetic bunch of fan's will you ever meet (not all) but most . They really should get out more and see what is happening in the real world .
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