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Everything posted by Gazc

  1. How can you tell the difference between an over zealous move as you say or a racing incident from the terrace or is this just your blinkered opinion on what you wanted to see that is a tad dis-respectful to the Berwick rider and in my humble opinion a bit cheeky.
  2. Looks like everyone chipped in Rusty brilliant again i have been critical off some performances this season but they all deserve all the praise with that performance tonight well done lad's . Have to feel for the Comet's though i tipped them at the start off the season but it look's like it is going all wrong for them at the vital stage off the season taking nothing away from what must have been a fantastic performance from the Tigers. Aye he sneaked in the back gate .
  3. You are starting to sound like another team not far north from you with comments like that .
  4. I would assume that will be for Berge at reserve.
  5. Don't underestimate the promotion if they can uncover foreign dross then they will that is there strong point they put uncle Len to shame on fielding crap teams.
  6. Possibly but the hospitality suite is now the bar after the other one was destroyed Hospitality has been few and far between this season unfortunately.
  7. The point being that i would be telling them something they already know as probably half the stadium knows this goes on LOL the only thing that is missing is the black face paint and the camouflaged gear .
  8. First time i have really brought it up MD but i am not the only one that has noticed this it may not add too much on one particular meeting but over a season it would be pretty substantial think most off the Directors know this is happening it probably boils down too who is gaining free gratis and whether the cheek is turned or not . Bottom line is you cannot have one rule for one and different rules for others stick to one rule and keep to it everyone pay's then there can be no MIS-INTERPRETATION it is not contentment i was looking for just set rules for everyone.
  9. Don't think any off us really know what cost clubs pick up probably varies from club to club but that is a few riders in the last few seasons walked away because they are losing money Mickey Dyer & Lee Complin spring to mind .
  10. Your not biased to one particular side by any chance are you You should change your user name from Fred to MYSTIC MEG though .
  11. Nobody knows really what the stadium rent is then you have utility cost's . Rate's , Wages . Water . Stock and that's even before you get to net income to pay all these costs one thing though and i have alway's wondered this but if everyone that attends on a Sunday were to pay to get in and i mean by that everyone then i think we would be in a much healthier position and by that i mean the freeloader's that knows the young brother off the sister off the 4th bend raker but hasn't seen him for 5 years if you know what i mean. Basically there are an awful lot off people not paying to get in that really should be paying and deep down it is money the club can iil afford to lose.
  12. What makes you think that but seriously there will soon be more Director's than fan's at this rate .
  13. Nothing new there then as it was my post you refer too then no need to be confused as it has been stated that break even is 700 through the gates and they are getting circa 500 then that is why i refer to i think most know the answer too that in that Glasgow are and will continue to lose money on those figures. And taking this into consideration if they are operating on a budget and they cannot field a team that is challenging for honours them I am sorry but what is exactly the point in entering the competition in the first place if you are only there to make up the number's. It is our club but it is also a business and if that business is losing money and continues to lose money then it is no longer viable this is the same in all walks off business it is not down to the Fan's to decide though that decision will come from the people who have invested there money and rightly so, if one or more decide that it is not viable then it is them that make that desicion And finally i hadn't noticed that you have been absent this year you must have a lot on .
  14. Not just the weather being the reason that crowd levels are down racing has been better yes but the atmosphere around the place is poor the whole race day experience is poor to be honest i never went today for the first time in a couple off seasons and i actually feel better tonight than what i usually do and there a good few faces that you don't see around the place anymore.
  15. But hardly surprising George there is a total lack off any spirit or atmosphere around the place at the moment and it all stems from a losing team plain and simple the negativity then spreads like a cancer. Someone should have had the ball's months ago to replace Wolbert that is where the sh*t began and it manifested itself from there.
  16. Part of the reason i am pretty dis-gruntled with what is happening if it is indeed true about his blown engines he can hardly lay the blame at Glasgow's door as he took the guest booking for Berwick last night then plead's poverty but i am not entirely sure that this is the only issue that he has left and he may not be the last one to walk. Thing's are just going from bad to worse at Ashfield at the moment and i am afraid to say the blame lies solely at the Promotion's door they have had opportunity after opportunity to strengthen this team and have continually went with either the wrong option or the cheap option both off which are wrong. If the begging bowl comments resurface i am sorry to say they have too look at it from a business perspective and seriously number crunch and ask the question is Speedway viable in Glasgow i think we all know the answer to that being honest, bottom line if they can't give the supporters a half decent team to support i really don't see the point in continuing with giving the support the poor teams that they have given us it will only lead to fewer & fewer fan's taking the lead off others and staying away.
  17. You lot really are worse than the Granny convention at the 9 o clock tittle tattle school playground convention the anti Glasgow feeling with the majority from the east is getting pretty tiresome 2 & 2 makes 5 Right said For the first time in a very long time i have no appetite left for Speedway i will not pay to watch half a team with Theo away Dimitri injured again Anders throwing the rattle out the pram and Blob Man sensationalising it to say he is chucking it Wolbert being in general guff before his return to the dark side and a 3 point reserve riding at No 1. I therefore admit defeat and have found something else to do today the promotion's signing policy along with all the above has finally taken it's toll will i make a return this season it is very doubtful.
  18. The Invincibile's have now become the Invisible's they have all went missing notice the smugness has been replaced with excuses now there's a surprise not.
  19. What you own about in-fact why feel the need to comment at all just stay off the thread and problem solved for you , and then we don't need to put up with you moaning about us moaning simple solution.
  20. Maybe George but it was a No 1 we were signing oh hold on we still haven't signed one thought we had there for a minute well in that case he would have been a good shout as he seems keen on riding for us.
  21. You could probably find another few threads to post this incase we don't read it enough in the other threads you have posted.
  22. My enthusiasm has long gone with nobody having the balls to tell Wolbert to do one 2 months ago then sign a rider who would struggle at reserve never mind as a No 1 i really sometimes wonder if they are intentionally trying to p"ss us off or they actually don't have a clue on building a team and then to big the Lad up makes it even worse we stood a slight chance before this poor signing but now we have no chance.
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