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Everything posted by Gazc

  1. Hoping to get finished early on Friday to make my first visit in 4 years to Armadale being 7.30 on a Friday i could never get due to work but booked Friday afternoon off not going with any hopes off a victory but nicking a point would be nice .
  2. Don't know if you are looking for a bite or being just ignorant in terms off Pacific Shelf 595 the remit was the same as Sevco same concept as the holding company for the Football club if you are unsure as to who Pacific Shelf 595 is it was the Holding Company Celtic FC set up in 1994 Company No 153534 to keep the bank from closing the doors in this period since Celtic FC have set a further holding Company up HMS 02 Company No SC223604 and carries the same duties as Pacific Shelf 595 Sevco no longer exists as the Holding company for Glasgow Rangers Football Club whilst the Football Club has been in existence since 1872 and is the most successful club in world Football today. The current holding company for Rangers is Rangers international football club PLC but this is due to change as we have delisted from the Stock Exchange. So there you have it same concept initially carried out by Celtic FC with Pacific Shelf 595 hope this clarifies matters if you are unsure on understanding any off the above please ask someone at Torbet Towers. Both Football Clubs continue to exist since there inception it has just been the holding companies that have changed.
  3. On al lighter note on today's massacre full credit must be given to the stewards who caught the Edinburgh fan climbing the wall at the back off the enclosure today they got him down and told him in no uncertain terms to get back in and he will stay and watch the pumping unfolding.
  4. Didn't seem to stop him in Heat 1 pity the tapes hadn't gone up yet though.
  5. We have set the Glasgow fighting fund branch up to supply you with our much needed wealth once your own supporter fighting fund has imploded and deserted the sinking ship all in a worthy charity though who else can we ridicule if you lot are not here. He could have started a lap behind and still have caught the Flying Sedgemen No chance off catching the main men though as i said very encouraging performance to win so easily and not getting out off 3rd gear.
  6. Oops we have another good loser here this is great not enjoyed myself so much on here since Blobby's last post wonder who will be next to come up with the reason they got pumped must be going through the full repotoire off the book off bull sh+t excuses .
  7. Forgot to mention that this has now turned into a very enjoyable day Football coupon up Celtic's treble hopes in tatters Can't remember what the third thing was but it will come to me Maybe Blobby can help me with the third one .
  8. PMSL are you being serious here that has to go down as the most hilarious post you have made i feel your pain blobby perhaps some counselling would help . You have a point but this team is a different class to last year's whilst you lot are still decent it is not as strong as last year personally i think Edinburgh will need to get used too more Ashfield beating's but alway's good to see your reasoned post's maybe you can help blobby with some counselling he is really suffering big time in fact suicide watch may be an idea.
  9. Thank's blobby i will pass on your congratulations i am almost sure though no i am completely sure that neither will actually give a toss but once we get a real challenge at home i am sure they will both be fine. Aye but there's was 1.38 euros they don't use pound's tut tut youngy.
  10. Quite a lot i see but it is alway's nice when you can win with ease whilst not getting out off 3rd gear.
  11. You can only beat what is in front off you match report below Routine victory Scoreline flattered the away team enough said Well done boy's i am sure there will be harder test's to come.
  12. Well after picking up only the one point last night it makes a win today imperative and to stop them gaining any point's to stand any chance on topping the group the ball is clearly in the hands off the Monarch's on qualification but they face two tough away fixtures to us & Workington. Hoping that we can sort out the mechanical problems that we seem to constantly have, It cost us point's last night and if we are all not on the gas from the start today then i fear a possible away win will be on the cards we need Kozza to really up his game in particular but I am sure he will not be over the moon and know's what he has to do.
  13. Edinburgh fan in spitting the dummy out shocker now who would have thought that must be special tuition getting done behind the scene from there beloved No 1 on how it is done.
  14. Enjoyable nights racing we looked on course for another away win but the Comets upped there game in the second half off the meeting and in the end deserved the win, I was just happy to come away with a point at the end and set's things up nicely for Today if the smug lot think that next week is a gimme at Worky they can think again well done to the Comets on the victory but the point we got could be crucial.
  15. Certainly did for Dimitri George Kozza however has still to get going but his prolonged lay off won't have helped fully confident he will be fine very soon once everyone is firing it really won't matter how we set up as we have strength right through the team .
  16. Don't you worry your cottoned little socks how long it took we were basking in the sunshine without a care in the world then i come home to find your usual drivel about Glasgow but am i surprised you bet i am not. Tapes were fine two heats slow moving up but at least our new promotion are trying to be pro-active in addressing the teething problems what will next week's criticism be Mr B there was two stones on the track, or maybe the sun shining in your eyes .
  17. Not to bad a meeting with another large crowd although keeping the dust down was proving difficult Worky kept it close for the first few heats but then we pulled clear, For us everyone chipping in points except Victor and with Nick not scoring what he usually would then the scoreline was respectable from a Workington perspective. Dimitri & James were both excellent and whoever said Richard Lawson can't pass missed two great outside swoops from him today Kozza looks to be getting faster week on week and will soon be banging in big scores but lots off improvement to come and once everyone hit's form at the same time then this will be a really dangerous team For Workington thank god for Ricky Wells & to a lesser extent Kyle Howarth and also the unfortunate Rene Bach hope he recovers quickly he looked pretty second hand going into the ambulance , also a good few fans travelled up from Cumbria alway's do come up in numbers Tapes malfunction in a couple off heats nothing for the usual suspects to cream themself's about although as i see they can't help it jealousy is a terrible trait and it appears they are almost praying that something goes wrong.
  18. It is really brightening up now George which TBF was forecast so get yourself along think with the dry week and the natural watering over the last couple off day's track should be good.
  19. Well as per Sunday speedway and the rain gods haven't let us down again been wet most off the night but as we speak it is starting to brighten up and the rain has stopped forecast is for sunny intervals with showers so hopefully thing's should be good to go.
  20. Time will tell were just happy to be challenging again after a few season's in the doldrums but in all seriousness i really hope the Bandits turn thing's around i have alway's had a soft spot for them.
  21. Course we are we were only in second gear last week but still too good for the Bandits i would be concerned if we were riding to maximum potential but we will need to up our game against a good team like the Monarchs.
  22. I have been told that the Possil young team shall be in attendance fully kitted out .
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