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Everything posted by Gazc

  1. What makes you think i am English. I will write it slower for you next time shall I .
  2. We are now well done boy's dug deep when we had to hopefully we can get back to a full septet soon don't think the texter is a Lawson fan dirty rider Rich is most definitely not but job done with a weakened team hopefully the Monarchs in the final with all due respect to Ipswich but that would be a corker. Also well done to Ricky Wells scored valuable points to keep us in front .
  3. Difference this time is you would need to buy him which ain't going to happen is it.
  4. Aye it has been a pretty miserable few day's for both Scottish clubs on that front and with Dimitri calling it a day leaves us struggling a bit to find anyone to fill his boots although we can't really complain too much with your top two riders missing for a while now part & parcel i'm afraid. Although the way Jorgensen is riding he may soon take up the No 1 race jacket.
  5. And the good guy's from the West coast are all rooting for you to bring them down a peg now that would be nice and then see you all up at Ashfield on the Sunday for a celebratory get together.
  6. Dimitri will not be riding anywhere this season unfortunately and if he decides to make a track return next season it will only be in the stripes off Glasgow nice thought though riders are pretty thin on the ground well at least the good ones.
  7. Looks like lady luck has deserted both Scottish clubs it's pretty frustrating when one off your top riders get's injured whilst guesting Nick Morris & now Craig Cook throw in Masters injury Berge leaving and Howe & Branford still out it is safe to say we have both had better weeks.
  8. Now your talking reliable point scorer and we have points to play with but wouldn't be for Nick he will be back sooner rather than later we do however have ample scope with the other two places we need to fill .
  9. The guesting situation hits the riders clubs the hardest as in Nick's case injured whilst guesting and it is Glasgow & Swindon who now suffer, I understand that riders need as many meetings as possible but surely they need to cap the number off guest bookings they take. Richard has probably guested as many times for other teams as he has ridden for us this surely cannot continue in this vein. I would doubt either would end up at Ashfield Barrett is to hot & cold and after seeing Hawkins a couple off weeks ago i am glad he gets a nose bleed when he crosses the border as he was dire.
  10. Have faith Dorothy I am sure Jose will pull a rabbit or 2 out the hat i have no doubt .
  11. Team being decimated at an alarming rate Kozza injured out for season Replaced by it appears a less than fit David Howe who i would be surprised if we see again Nick Injured whilst guesting for Somerset out for a few weeks apparently Dimitri leaves stating loss of confidence I would imagine Stewart's phone will be red hot in sourcing replacements for David & now Dimitri by my reckoning we will have 12.14 to replace both albeit we can use guests for Nick major headache for Jose Whoever he can muster up will need to hit the ground running or the solid start we have made could all go pete tong. Now on official site to be fair the past few weeks if Dimitri didn't gate he really didn't look like he had the confidence to pass when he gated he was very quick virtually impossible to replace him though on the average he is on with a rider that could get even close to the ability he has. Remember that he is very young and had a really serious injury last year seems a very shy young man and homesickness must be a factor he will be a big miss and we are looking weaker & weaker with every passing day.
  12. Have I missed something need to stop going on holiday for midweek meetings good result from the boy's best wishes to the injured riders.
  13. I am sure the doctor that diagnosed his injury made it up what a silly comment to make on an injured rider.
  14. Warming myself in warmer climes at the minute and looked in too see how things were going wished I hadn't bothered what a shambles and a complete waste off money to go and watch a 2 man team any real ambition off play offs is a long way off with this excuse tonight
  15. And tellIing us what our team should be taking the good-will part a bit far there Rob. Stewart kindly offered to pick your team for next week can't say fairer than that.
  16. Really enjoyed today and the witches fully deserved there point really pushed us all the way, Tungate is a real enigma though witches fans must pull there hair out with him and I won't mention Hawkins. For us everyone chipping in Nick starting really slowly but came to the party when it mattered his heat 13 was awesome stalking Tungate for 3 laps before a final bend outside swoop brilliant race. Well done to both teams and thankfully no injuries.
  17. Exactly Rob short memories though did Glasgow not help & co-operate with Scunthorpe when you wanted Nick Morris a couple off seasons back.
  18. Pretty much nail on the head with that comment the continual sniping against Glasgow from one side is now laughable say's more about us that we have kept a very professional silence on the matter. Rob stabbed in the back in your view but from were we are looking we only followed the rules at our disposal all this talk of gentleman agreements is only coming from one side and to tell another team what they can & can't do is frankly unsporting. A big saying up here the last few years has been sporting integrity this in my view has shown a lack off it.
  19. Not seen it and to be honest not that interested more than enough has been said on this subject all the allegations are coming from one side it appears and our promotion have taken the professional stance of not airing there thoughts in public await the backlash though i am sure they will not want there name tarred I'm bored with this now and have said all i need to say.
  20. And that is how it should be to a certain extent hopefully it doesn't leave a sour taste.
  21. So you have cleared the confusion up i understand what you are saying in the highlighted part but is it not our promotions right to protect Glasgow Speedway just the same i am not disputing what you say but i am sure we will be given an update on our promotion's view on thing's tomorrow as you have so kindly given your view on thing's it may well be the same or it may not. I have never denied it if you read my post's what i have said there is two sides to every story .
  22. No problem Rob had asked and i told him i didn't know what was said and he kindly told me.
  23. I have got tablets you can use for your short term memory loss my fellow bear wouldn't offer these untested black market purple tablets to anyone or you can order them from www.whatsitewasthatagain.com and you don't even need to pay me I'm using you as a guinea pig before i try them only too happy to help a fellow bear. Ah the sarcasm George your sounding more like me with every post .
  24. Exactly us mere mortals are only second guessing Rob is more in the know than most on here i would just like to think that we wouldn't go back on an agreement if that is the case.
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