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Everything posted by Gazc

  1. A nuetral's perspective and very well put instead off one side against the other.
  2. Should really get your fact's straight before posting but then again do you ever Aaron saw the light and done what every aspiring youngster wants, to ride for Glasgow the imposed ban on anything grumbleweed from the east has only just kicked in .
  3. Maybe they will need to speak with his parent club in the uk first as the Panthers did this season.
  4. I wouldn't have Victor back next year still young and raw but far too inconsistent but he has bag's off potential. Think it is a nail on that the team for next year will be built around Richard & Aaron.
  5. Yep probably right m8 they certainly took there opportunity last night.
  6. I have no issues with Blobby in-fact i quite like him (god that was hard) but i felt very strongly about this last night and still do why anyone can get upset about a letter and then take it out on someone else is beyond me. And the point i was trying to make to him was not about attacking any poster George it was the nature off the reply that appeared to condone verbal abuse at Armadale last night and fob it off as the letter's fault nothing to do about on here. Anyway i have said my piece and will leave it at that.
  7. lewy an ex Monarch is the last think any off us want after the last few day's with our nearest & dearest anything Monarch present or Monarch Ex are about as welcome at Ashfield as Mo johnston at a septic Dinner Dance.
  8. The laid back nature off your post Blobby, few on edge, letter didn't help, In my book that is condoning it as acceptable because off the occasion & Glasgow for issuing a letter. Read it back Blobby and that is the way it has come across.
  9. So what are you saying then because of a letter it is ok to verbally abuse someone because they support a different team from you. Don't get me started on this whilst i don't condone this kind off behaviour this could escalate very easily to a t*it for tat scenario. Regardless of our owners dis-owning Campbell & Harkess it does not vindicate abuse but remember Blobby what goes around comes around and maybe i will just pass it off as one off those thing's. It is unacceptable in society Mr B so don't condone it. Rant over.
  10. Just to point out before i get slated the majority were fine last night but the minority were pretty vocal in the Anti-Glasgow theme i am surprised it didn't kick off at some point as it would only have taken one idiot from the Glasgow side for it to ignite. And yes we have our idiot's also.
  11. Certainly was last night the dealer's on Rose Street will be applying for voluntary adminstration as all the Zoomer's were at Armadale last night. Some off the abuse directed towards Glasgow fan's last night was abysmaly bad and I had to have a word with one to cut the s*it out but it was more than one so a pointless exercise. I have my own thought's on how this came about last night but will air these at another time.
  12. I know you are pretty new but i need a sick bag after reading that. But to be fair you are not far off the mark with your summary.
  13. Ive had enough the s*ite they served up at Armadale would put an alcoholic off lager well i had to get something in should have drank more might have been less painful to watch.
  14. They were good and we weren't simple as that well done to Edinburgh worthy champions but it has been brilliant just to have a team that can compete we just need to keep the momentum going the way the Monarchs do year after year. . Went round applauding the fan's off both sides after heat 15.
  15. Sitting having a few beers in my local in Paisley starting to feel the jitters I've just got a feeling were going to do this tonight. But whatever way it goes here's hoping we have no more injuries cmon boys right intae this shower.
  16. It is our preferred option as well the stench from Armadale only 30 miles away is pretty off putting and has had a great detrimental effect on the Glasgow tourist board.
  17. Because they asked the most important people the FAN'S what they wanted and the overwhelming majority want Friday night, & also the business model in place means a change off race night suits the model to A. Attract more rider's as a Sunday is prohibitive to some B. They see it as a must have to situation to maximise the earning potential As all successful business men would do to look after there interest's instead they come up against people that are only interested in there own self preservation instead off trying to maximise there own business and worry about what other people are doing. Not rocket science really well not for business minded people anyway. Im on the P*ss tonight and the p*ss take whatever the outcome i intend to enjoy myself.
  18. George look what you've went and done you upset Blobby And for that alone if i see you tonight I'd buy you a pint.
  19. George iil let u answer Blobby I can't be ar*ed after seeing the drivel he posts especially the last paragraph Anyway were heading through early what time are the gates opening and more importantly is the bar open at the same time.
  20. LOL just stating the way we see it the race night issue is just starting not ending. What gives anyone the right to hinder a business on when it can operate can you honestly believe that let's say it went to court and all the fact's were laid out to the judge what do you think the outcome would be being honest no court in the land would rule against a business on when it can operate out-with licensing and health & safety.
  21. Think they are going to find out very soon what they are dealing with not wanting to sound smug in any way though i have a very strong suspicion Glasgow Speedway will be racing on a Friday night next year.
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