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Everything posted by Gazc

  1. Maybe but we all know Glasgow will never want him back & Dimitri would never want to come back so for both parties it would be best to cut all ties and from Glasgow's perspective then that would be to sell him.
  2. I think Glasgow will be looking to sell Berge wouldn't imagine they will be that difficult to deal with either.
  3. Is that the best you can do when a few home truths get told about how un-proffesional it was last night well in that case you run along you are not really worth it. Rescue me bell-ends like you don't really concern me thankfully.
  4. Well that would have been an idea but you would not see them the lights were out my well informed east coast know it all (well maybe not) at least our lights would be on to see the tractors. But my patronising friend your lot didn't exactly cover yourselves in glory last night who was trying to fix the lights by the way Bob the Builder as it was not a school night he would have been up later than normal. Yes the total lack off communication with the most important people the paying public was in a word sh*te new levels off unprofessionalism were reached last night and yet you make excuse after excuse now we know were you lot get it the bulls*t must rub off from the top. But i will pass on your comments that you think he is thick , I am sure he will be interested to know, and as for me not being there my choice as i prefer not to stand in sub-standard conditions.
  5. Not that the lights were out more that what was happening next. That OK for you thicko.
  6. Meeting now off this will cost Edinburgh a pretty penny in all the cost's to officials , riders , etc not to mention the paying public to be refunded as i can't see how we can fit this in now with all the other meetings we have still to come. I know that is probably outwith the Edinburgh promotions control but from what i have been told the communication was poor to say the least. Will the BSPA see fit to impose a fine if Edinburgh can't stage this now would be harsh but you never know.
  7. Couldn't make this up fighting fund will need to dig deep tonight to pay the riders and officials left kicking there heels in the pits. On a more positive note it looks like we will escape from the trick dome injury free in this nothing match. Another nail in the coffin of British Speedway just got a txt from my mate saying they haven't a clue what is going on and people leaving the stadium now . Farcical was the word at the end of his txt.
  8. I know Edinburgh have had a rough time financially this season but there Electricity company have picked a strange time to dis-connect the supply .
  9. Play off discussion rearing it's head again it has been done to death there here thats really all that matters regardless if you agree with them or not.
  10. I just love the dry sense of humour it will be lost in translation though the further East it goes.
  11. Priceless i nearly believed that for a minute then i came to my senses.
  12. Maybe Dr Blobs but wether they are or aren't it does not concern you as your season is over after Friday now jog on as i now have my account back. Weather will probably be glorious as well no rain gods to p*ss on our parade.
  13. Nice words m8 always welcome up our way gutted for you and your fellow supporters. But you know we will look after you whenever you make it up you can let me or Paulco know when you decide and I can arrange to meet you at this end.
  14. You would assume Rye House asked the question before naming him.
  15. Good news for the Monarchs who are ready to announce on Friday that they are returning to Armadale next season. After the news regarding Plymouth yesterday and the amount off rain off's they have had which must have had an effect financially this is indeed good news for all concerned. Huge praise must go to the fan's fighting fund as without there input this may not have happened , I know we all have our tongue in cheek post's regards this but i am personally glad to see the Monarchs returning. It just wouldn't be the same without them and we would need to find somebody else to slag .
  16. Why does sad news like this resort to point scoring if anyone reads into that post needing an explanation then this is not the time or place. Anyway sad news for Devil's fans but not entirely unexpected really hope things can be worked out.
  17. I honestly thought Blobby would have been jumping all over that think he has got to know the content on my post's .
  18. Cheating the fans again Gaz..well lets face it you've pulled that one before and probably will again..June 2010 anyone?Oh dear!As i said you can put lippy on a pig but.. Wondered how long it would take for a bite didn't think it would be you though.
  19. Probably hacked off as he thought he was getting a full season off exposure not his fault Edinburgh's season finished in the Summer.
  20. Needs to be guest from teams out-with the play off teams so Bates would not be allowed to guest for BWD.
  21. Happened really quickly but cheers snapper either way Rene took a real sore one.
  22. We still have Somerset to ride at least another once so that scenario is highly unlikely.
  23. Josh Bates possibly but then again will be up the following week with Sheffield.
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