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Everything posted by Gazc

  1. What do you think. But fair play to you Blobby for having a sense of humour unlike others i could mention Or was it off.
  2. This will be close tonight could go either way but i have to get the 6th & final old firm game out the way first can't wait .
  3. Deary me my keyboard stuck and if i have 13 posts maybe just maybe its not me that needs to get out more. If that is all you really have to whine about then you should have a look at yourself. And seeing as you are talking about obsession it appears you have took the time to count my posts and you call me obsessed. Some advice if you think i am nasty simple dont read it then you cant be one of the offended brigade. As for a night out in our city if that is what you come out with you wouldnt last 2 mins you would have bored us all to death. BTW this is the 14th post just for the record or is it ffor the record.
  4. Fair play but you won so he is a bad winner as well.
  5. Even he had a sense off humour. So I have been told didn't know the man personally.
  6. Don't think he really understands the bit that we really don't like them.
  7. Hurt my feelings any more off this. But if i come across any spare sense of humours i will give you a shout saddo.
  8. Round off applause for that one and a pint at the bar tomorrow night post off the evening. You will have Fenway Bleachers on the phone to Blobby to explain this to him. I tend not to look at Riders butts. Weirdo.
  9. Now that was a clever man from the East. I used to think Fenway Bleachers was quite clever until he mentioned Blobby as wise if i had read that in the morning i would have choked on my cornflakes.
  10. Wise men don't call them self Blobby your post hit the skids with that one.
  11. 12 is pushing it i was thinking two 6 year olds. Didn't realise you had to have a degree in bullsh*t to understand the children on the shatzone. If they ever get on Mastermind there questions will be everything relating to Ant & Dec with no passes.
  12. Suppose if you look at it that way. On the other hand when you make a lot off changes at once it can have the opposite effect as Peterborough found out to there cost last season, but the position the Bandits find themselves in they really have to change drastically to keep interest going. I wish them luck never nice too see a team i have a lot off time for struggle.
  13. Maybe we should have sir. But if that's what you call banter then it just confirms what we already knew , your sense off humour is akin to a nursery school playground.
  14. No use having a shed load off points f you don't get the right riders in they will need to get any changes they make right.
  15. Work it out for yourself he will have had his 3 rides before Heat 14 , he is riding crap & and Riss will replace him. Unless off course Davey is just as crap and Riss replaces both off them.
  16. Did you not fancy going to see speedway tonight instead. Congrats to the other tigers in reaching the next round of the cup , and a big well done to Rich vital heat 15 win for him there. Shatzone texter sounds a bit of a walloper must get special training as it is a long line off wallopers. Still trying to understand the Ant & Dec comment and Richard WTF, be dark soon they will need to be home. Although it is not a school night so maybe not.
  17. Would be ancient history if you didn't keep bringing it up but lets be honest here your lot can be just as petty as the best off them. We used our get out off jail card last week so i think we shall be on it from the get go tbis week 52-38 to the stripes.
  18. Remember it well my opinion was Edinburgh wanted that called off long before it was but did not expect the ref to suspend it for track work. That is the exception rather than the norm though the rider safety is paramount statement whilst is correct they use that card at every opportunity im my opinion refs need to grow a pair and be more harsh on desicions regarding conditions.
  19. Covers are fine to an extent but if it rains in the lead up to start time or during a meeting you can forget it. Not faulting covers Berwick have been pro-active on that front but they can only do so much and rider power will alwsys prevail.
  20. PMSL aye ok then most from Edinburger speak whilst chewing Golf Balls ok ya. But on a serious note how can it be refined with the following in every 2nd sentence Vit ye sayin. Ken vit a mean. Gon oan then gie me a three pound bag gonny. Think about it most popular with whom dealers. Hit a nerve there m8 you should get it checked out.
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