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Everything posted by Gazc

  1. Ah but you didn't say that you said in previous years which we did, but anyway we should be up there but you never know what will unfold.
  2. Why do you have to be so condscending towards posters asking people if they are dumb etc.
  3. What does not meet crieria mean reason enough , bottom line everyone can blow out there arse as much or as little as they want it won't change a thing.
  4. Nobody has to tell us anything on here it really is as simple as that.
  5. And he didn't meet the criteria , i don't see many if any Scunthoroe fans shouting about agendas conspiracies etc.
  6. That would go against there own guidelines set out to the BSPA 2 seasons ago then. As i say its not beyond the realms of possibility they have gone against there own guidlines, it is a Government department and they never get it wrong do they.
  7. The point being the BSPA are following prcedures imposed by the UKVI wether they give blessing as you say is irrelevant as they clearly state they are following as per the guidelines issued. So they have given there reason they are following the guideline originally set out.
  8. It may well be that the UKVI have moved the goal posts , the BSPA have followed the procedure set out by the UKVI originally going by the statement. It is not beyond the realms of possibility that a Government agency have issued the wrong guidance in this case it happens on a daily basis with Government agencies across the board. So instead of blaming the BSPA continually as it appears they have followed the guidelines set out , it may well be the UKVI that aren't following there own guidelines not the first time it will have happened.
  9. Not at all . He has been insinuating agendas ever since Glasgow released the statement and now this, just saying how it is.
  10. Aye im sure Stewart voted for the whole committee you for real. Don't answer that think we already know your pathetic agenda. Not so charming are we.
  11. Only someone looking for something that is not there would find it odd , but the more reasoned speedway fan would find nothing odd about it. I am sure that most Edinburgh supporters will find the Glasgow input welcoming and it may well be that what Cyclone has said about Edinburgh having to tread carefully in what they say publically in order to not upset the apple cart with there landlord may well be nearer the mark. How this pans out who knows but given the timeframe Edinburgh will have options that I have no doubt.
  12. It would have been fine at Gkasgow if the original staging hadn't been rained off.
  13. As I say good to see these events shared around different tracks.
  14. It is to reduce the amount of restarts Sarj on to a winner here.
  15. Or in Mcgregors case green light 1-2-3-4-5......................go Suppose he keeps you guy's busy replacing burnt out clutches.
  16. And you think anybody on here would know that , we don't even know the rules ffs never mind how much someone pays for an event.
  17. One of ours. Anyway I want to know were Kermitfrog has disappeared to he started this thread and has just abandoned it , not very professional.
  18. There will be no illegitimate starts this season barring tape touching. So the odds not as high as you think.
  19. Exactly but they dont let the truth get in the way of a good rumour. As you say he either qualifies or doesnt simple really.
  20. Good to see these events being spread around different clubs. Obviously the good work the new promotion have done hasn't gone unnoticed.
  21. The way I have always understood the rule was whoever owned the rider (Glasgow) and whatever team rides in the same league as the parent club then that team get priority, unless it is a rearranged fixture that clashes. Saying that that rule will have changed several times since without anyone knowing.
  22. Need names just to check this out just for research and to see if you are lying.
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