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Everything posted by Gazc

  1. There have been some very good points made and some we don't like but are very valid , however as some have said to accuse Glasgow of potentially ruining the sport all alone is just plain stupid. If we want to pay our riders in Gold Sovereigns we can, as I have said it is up to other clubs to operate there club there way and us the way we see fit, people get paid more in all walks of life sh*t happens. The dramatization and bigging the scenario up is both comical and stupid at the same time, there is not a lot more to be said people will always have a go at us all we can do is sit back and let them whilst pis*ing ourselves laughing while they do it.
  2. Not overstating it at all it is out there and not difficult to find. Glasgow will always do what is best for Glasgow it is there choice but as i said our finances and accounts will be under more scrutiny this year more than ever. Our business model has failed but i will not fault them on trying, the model needs changed the proof on how much by will be on how we do off the track more than on it.
  3. The distain and jealousy shown on here since the takeover at Glasgow has been present since 2015 and has started to gather pace, we even have a poster quoting how we allegedly do our business. Whilst you are 100% correct it will be ignored and the witchunt will continue from a certain few. Better letting them vent there bile and let them push there agenda they will continue regardless.
  4. I am sure it is our fault on the poor deal we got on Brexit. But some of the posts about us the last 48 hours on here ranges from the laughable to the pathetic im sure Gerry if looking in is pi*sing himself at the paronoia on here.
  5. The list of what is wrong with the sport is endless not just in demand overpaid riders. We spoke about the crowd levels at Paisley in another thread we will never see the like of that again. The what we do wrong list dwarfs the what we do right list and it grows ever wider, for people to continually lay blame with Glasgow is blinkered and wrong. The damage was done well before the Facennas took over, spitting the dummy and stamping your feet and airing dirty linen on a forum wont change a thing.
  6. Lot of good points made but it still doesn't get away from the fact you cannot tell anyone in any walk of life how to A. Run there business. B.What they pay. Yes we lost money but if you dig you will see a lot of one off purchases polyfoam fence , track work and so on. Whilst the statement went down like a lead balloon Glasgow will continue to conduct there business as they see fit, how much they pay is irrelevant it is up to them. However it makes last weeks statement all the more baffling if we are being gung ho in what we pay , i know the signing on fee is being paid by sponsors which is a major boost but the proof of how we perform financially will be under scrutiny more than ever this season.
  7. He was doing everything in his power to reduce it himself last season, and now he gets help to reduce it further .
  8. Surely it is every clubs right to conduct there business how they see fit not another teams fans business on how they want them to run it because it affects the signing of a rider they were after ? It happens in every sport FFS nobody can tell me that Workington or any other team for that matter have never gazumped another club over the decades on a signing. And why would Workington be bothered about us, it is up to Workington to do all they can to sign there targets and not down to Glasgow to back down from one just because another club is after him, it is the way it works and if the boot was on the other foot I am sure we would hear nothing more about it as we would just move on to our next target. It appears some at Workington have a bee in there bonnet about us why only they know, as for us we will go about our business the WAY WE SEE FIT it is not down to us to tread eggshells in case we upset someone.
  9. There could only be one favourite and your slavering makes you odds on, no need to thank me though.
  10. Now now you are flattering yourself slightly well a lot actually , and the only reason were on the same thread is it is usually a Glasgow one. But your odds will shorten dramatically once you are in full flow. And i can honestly say i have never been smarmy on here .
  11. Start a new thread something along the lines of lets say Glasgow the Satan of Speedway, then we can all pull up a seat get our cargo in and watch it all unfold, I can run a book on it to see who will have the most post counts Currently Jenga - 1/2 THJ- Evens Marksman - Evens Yourself 2/1 And anyway if we throw cash at riders in this weather the wind will blow it away pointless exercise I would say. But seriously do your lot not worry about what happens at your own Club you talk more about us it is not healthy, I await smarmy reply .
  12. Hardly a staement was more venting of his feelings, anyway im sure our sponsors will take your suggestion on board on how do spend there money and probably do as they wish. But if you look at the savings the club make on initial outlay from sponsors then it will be put to use elsewhere and help secure the longer term it is as broad as it's long. Remembering we wil be saving on wages in several areas and we wont have as many one off hits this season EG Ployfoam fence , major track work etc. Anyway this is a Somerset thread if you want to have a pop at Glasgow start a thread on it, I am sure there will plenty that can tell us how bad we are.
  13. Really see the whole point here is you see one point of the argument and react to it as gospel, and to be honest on a fans forum is hardly the place to air it. But you believe what you want dont think anyone will lose sleep over it. And if you resesrched you will find our major sponsors are paying sining on fees so a large outlay saved, see research it is a wonderful tool.
  14. To be fair it was only a week we were pleading poverty rather than a full season .
  15. I was talking about his comment on Riss riding Prem and abroad, what were you talking about?.
  16. Those were the days, i used to go to Workington at the height of the Stoney era some impressive crowds at Workington back then. How far has this sport fallen it is sad to see.
  17. Paisley consistently had crowds of 3 - 4 thousand, Neil Mcfarlane made an absolute killing at the time and there crowds blew the crowds at Coatbridge out the water. But your right it didnt last if i remember the track was very narrow my older brother will remember it better.
  18. I did my Dad used to take me to Coatbridge on a Friday and Paisley on a Saturday although the Lions were well only way to put it crap. But my town Paisley the open air asylum of Scotland .
  19. Can't beat cheap wine and two cans of special brew on a warm Saturday night down the park bench , is that what you mean by other recreational things Cumbrian style.
  20. Well at least we are singing from the same hymn sheet. But seriously you said it yourself TEAM not doubting he had a better season than he usually does but his strong finish to the season perhaps made it better than it actually was. How much did he increase his average by.
  21. Its called opinions you have yours and he has his. Im going to give this account back to Gaz getting fed up jumping down your throat.
  22. Probably appeals as his average is attractive in a watered down league , i would be dissapointed if my team signed him. No dis-respect to him but i have never been impressed any time i saw him albiet he was banging some big scores in towards the end of last season.
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