How about a season opener against the Monarchs closest track and a fair few from Edinburgh attending.
Should also get the Confidence up as you pump them what’s not too like.
Good signing for the Gladiators but as usual when Plymouth sign what will be a top rider in this league the doomsayers have to put it down.
Plymouth and especially there fans deserve a good season hopefully this goes some way to achieving that.
Every season I normally say I like the look off the Berwick team and they are contenders, only for them to be decimated by injuries.
So this season I really.
Think I will not and maybe it won’t jinx them, but an injury free season and they look pretty good.
Wouldn’t disagree Rowe has really improved as shown when he joined us , but you can never tell for sure maybe something will just click with Leon.
He certainly improved especially at home towards the end off the season.