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graz gp

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Everything posted by graz gp

  1. Get a move on Mr Machin. Sign him on. Before someone else does.
  2. If they signed those three there's one fan who wont be going Thursday or Sunday. Thank you.
  3. What about winning at home. That keeps the fans happy. You need to do quite well away from home to be succesful.
  4. I am glad you two sorted the Alden situation out. So that means we can't sign him then lol.
  5. I agree about Steady. I would like Seb Aldern in the team if that would be possible. I think he would be great around sheffield.
  6. Do we no when the decesion about our raceday will be made?.
  7. I hope they don't leave it late to sign rider's. Now we have had the agm let's get on with it.
  8. I think the promoters no that we need a decent team after last year's sorry effort. Let's wait and see what the team is going to be. Before criticising.
  9. I have read in the past that club's that change there race day dont report it to be succsesfull very often. So i think it will be a big risk to change. I agree with what a previous fan posted. If you lose the regular fan's that have been going for year's on a Thursday you will have a real problem getting them back. We all want Speedway to carry on a Sheffield so i hope the power's that be think long and hard about this massive decision. Good luck.
  10. Thursday for me if Sunday will not be going. Swindon were going to sack Steady last season. He should think very carefully about next season. Speedway should be run in the evening for me not at 4.30. Better atmosphere.
  11. Stick with Thursday. Mr Hoggy please. Get a decent team and i think the fan's will return. You know what they say, build it and they will come.
  12. Who are the 2 riders with elite experience we are speaking to. Any idea's
  13. If we get Steady you will see plenty of entertainment. Plus plenty of point's away from home. If we get him.
  14. Steady would be great. Hall no much cop away from home. We need a good season in 2013 to try to get the lost fan's back. Stick to Thursday tried and tested.
  15. Let Belle Vue change to Sunday. Maybe they could get a better team for there fan's to watch.
  16. Totaly agree. We lost alot of fan's because the team wasn't good enough. Tiger's fan's are not used to finishing next to the bottom of the league. The internet warrior's were not far wrong about the make up of the 2012 team. Joe being the exeption.
  17. Get the team right , and Thursday will be ok like it as been for years. If it's Sunday no thank's.
  18. Great having Joe back. Now suprise us with 6 good sighning's.
  19. If Pedersen had done what the aussie did he would have been excluded. No danger
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