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graz gp

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Everything posted by graz gp

  1. Still early doors yet to make a proper judgement on the team, but looking very promising. Riders need to sort bike problems out loosing vital points. Imo the team will only get better once everything settles down. I think we have had some bad luck, and dodgey ref decisions.
  2. I think the Tiger's can run Scunny close. Bonus point within our capability. Be interesting how Frankie albin goes. All the heat leaders should go well. So it could be down to the lower order boy's for the tigers.
  3. I bet Mr Machin made a huge sigh of relief after last night's performance. Imo Frank Albin could be a real favourite. He gave it 100%and that's what the Tigers fans love. So onwards and upwards. If the team can carry on like last night it should be a entertaining season. The attendance last night looked quite good. I no it was only the first match but the fans will keep supporting the team if they perform like last night. Steady is the number1 we have been missing. He will win the big heat's. From the look of things he could have some decent back up. Good luck at Scunny tonight.
  4. Very encouraging. Steady different class he will take some stopping in the premier league. Scunny heat leaders not at the racers tonight. Scunny fans you were going to win by how many.
  5. Is this the end of Speedway at Sheffield. They are going to put a Mcdonald's on the center green. But they say we wont miss any of the action because we will have a big screen on the back straight. I cant wait for that. So you see the rider's go into turn 2 the next time you see them live they are going into turn 3. There is going to be a tunnel under the second bend with cars going in and out, distracting or not. It's a joke. I have never heard of a building been put in the middle of a sport's stadium. Breaking up the action for the watching fan's. Unless I have missed something I don't see it working. What do the rest of Tiger's fan's think.
  6. Odsalboy you want to get real. What did you expect last night We were riding against one of the good elite teams. You should give them a chance judge them after a few meetings against premier team. I would say I thought it was a bad idea to start against a top elite team. When we had so many new riders in our team. The lads were always going to struggle to be on the pace.
  7. Are we all ready for the off. Get in there you Tigers, and show them what you can do.
  8. Sky only bothered about making money. Well done Eurosport.
  9. Im glad you are looking up to your elder's.
  10. Is Spinny paying you. Or are you is dad lol
  11. If joe does that maybe Simon can try team riding. He as plenty of experience, and is good enough, could be a very good partnership.
  12. Team managment, very inspiring i bet they really motovate the team.
  13. Everyone must think it will be an easy win for the Tiger's.
  14. Good opener. Ashworth booked as guest. I think he might like to beat Steady. Will be very interesting. Bit of pressure on Steady. But i think he is good enough. Roll on the 28th.
  15. Why has it been changed. Is it just to save money. I can't see any other reason.
  16. Who's the team manager for next season. I can't remember if it's been announced yet. Also what do we think of the new bonus system for next year. Is it just a cost cutting exersize, or will it do anything for the racing. Will it make team mates ride harder for 2nd place with there being no bones point for 3rd ?.
  17. That's the promoters decision. Imo they are taking a massive risk with the future of Sheffield Speedway. But i hope it work's out . If it does we could be in for an entertaining season.
  18. Cheers Squall. I will have another look just make sure i was looking at the right guy. I think i was.
  19. Put some shale on it , and grade it properly. Have we not got one of the best track guy's doing the track. Tell him what the rider's want, and he will try to get the track set up correctly.
  20. To see Steady at his best the track needs to have plenty of dirt on it. Just been looking on youtube at Argentinian speedway very big track. Albin was riding, but the commenty was in Argentinian ( or what ever language they speak) it looked quite fast..I think i worked out which one was Albin, if i was correct looked good.Great style.
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