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About Girdy17

  • Birthday 06/13/1994

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    Edinburgh Monarchs

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  1. Yup agreed, but poole gonna have to let one at least go out of cook brothers and Brennan? Lawson already signed
  2. Tom Brennan thinks ready to step up as number 1 he could be a shout
  3. What does it matter if it’s on stream or there in person? Bear in mind I have other commitments. Quite embarrassing that you targeting me because I watch the stream…
  4. Dan Thompson would be good signing
  5. Who would you have part of the 2025 team ?
  6. Picko lasse cook paco kye hook bickley although no sure about that team. for me it fits, but would be pressure on too 3 again if that was the team. This 40 point is a pain in the backside really.
  7. would love to see sedgy back but sounds like averages are effecting alot of riders
  8. I would think Sam, Erik and mark would be the first 3 on the team sheet. also would go for Mitchell Davey as our number 7. weather its 2.00 or 3.00 average. would be good to get Dan back aswell
  9. think its 6.98 possibly as he gets a reduction i think
  10. no theo at edinburgh for 2014 http://www.edinburghmonarchs.co/news/article.asp?id=1521
  11. Cookie got deals wrapped up fro el and pl
  12. http://www.edinburghmonarchs.co/news/article.asp?id=1251 Fricke To edinburgh
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