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Everything posted by Skodaman

  1. I thought that the Leszno Wroclaw meeting on Freesport was quite good.
  2. Leicester have committed to CL on Saturdays and NL on Wednesdays once the racing starts: if it does!
  3. They did some Polish matches last season as well as a lot of Swedish ones.
  4. There would not be a problem arriving at the stadiums as people stagger there arrivals. Spacing can be organised in the stadiums. The problem comes when the majority of the spectators leave en masse after the meeitings.
  5. Freddie was an avid speedway fan and I believe he bought a track spare for Sheffield at some stage.
  6. I remember an incident at Wolverhampton in the 70s. A polish team were riding there. Edmund Migos and a team mate tangled and both ripped up half of the satfety fence on the back straight and both ended up on the greyhound track. Edmund was taken away in an ambulance. The stadium was in silence. When they had finished reerecting the fence, Edmund surprisingly appeared for the rerun!
  7. Yes, they are doing nasal and throat swabs.
  8. If your team is doing well, the crowds will increase. Leicester, last season is a good example. How many of this seasons championship teams have two young brits at reserve this season (if it goes ahead). Leicester, Eastbourne and Belle Vue for starters, are there any others?
  9. We should be loking at new cases not deaths to give us an idea of the way the lockdown is working!
  10. Mine is arriving on the following Tuesday. I assume that a shortage of post workers due to the virus is the reason.
  11. Not sidecars! I enjoy watching sidecars but the rip up the track causing problems for the solos.
  12. I'm surprised that we have had none from Eurosport/Freesport who have televised Swedish matches in recent seasons.
  13. Sneezing is not a sympton of te Coronavirus!
  14. It is rumoured that Ryan Douglas and Nick Morris have already returned to Aussie.
  15. Belle Vue and Leicester would struggle as they both have two teams
  16. Leicester Riders are facing Manchester tonight (Friday). They have good crowds and the arena holds 2500 spectators. I wont be going!!
  17. Kyle Dicken for Danny Woodward then. This should add strength to the team.
  18. i am not against sponsorship, all I wanted was an honest answer which I got from the club. You will note that I did not put the wording of my request on the forum and I was fair to the club by putting the fair reply on the forum.
  19. Early June 1977 (I think), a meeting was snowed off at Leicester.
  20. This is the reply that I got from the management re the back straight: 13:11 (6 hours ago) Thank you for your email regarding the naming of the back straight stand. We are forever grateful to the generosity of people who came forward during the build of the stadium. The donations pledged from fans was gratefully received and as you say each person's name has been recorded on a plaque. You have raised an interesting observation and we gave the matter considerable thought before entering into discussions about the naming of the stand and took into consideration the part fans played. The total of monies raised by fans amounted to a contribution that paid for a stretch of concrete, whereas the total cost of the building of the back straight stand with terracing, steel girders, roof and back support ran into thousands of pounds. With this in mind, we came to the conclusion that in this instance there was no requirement for prior consultation beforehand as the highest significant proportion of the total cost fell to the club owners to find. I hope my explanation clears up any misunderstanding and once again many thanks for taking the time to write to us and we look forward to seeing you in March.
  21. I totally agree, my name is opn that board. I am writing to the club about this. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.
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