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Everything posted by Skodaman

  1. Thats because they already have the money from the Season Ticket Holders for that match!
  2. If you go to the Leicesterspeedway website, you can see what they are doing.
  3. I thought that the capacity was 4500 hen it opened.
  4. Nick Morris and Ryan Douglas are having to quarantine!
  5. There are details of prices and Covid details on the Leicester speedway website. The capacity has been confirmed as 50% and the spectator areas are sectioned off. Masks are not mandatory except in toilets or when purchasing food!
  6. Surely that is down to indivual clubs and riders not the BSPL
  7. Leicester have told me that entry by prepaid ticket is going to be the method used. They are in discussions with LCC about other details.
  8. Leicester have suggested that only prepaid tickets will be accepted for entry but this is not yet definite.
  9. Whilst being sympathetic towards the reason you were speeding, the time that you were speeding is probably more dangerous because when there is little or no traffic about, there is more likely a surprise in store such as a driver doing similar.
  10. For a while two years ago, I used public transport to get to matches but it was impossible to get home again on the bus. My wife had to pick me up from the stadium!
  11. Surely, he was cut before the Rising Star system was introduced. He was cut because Barker was free due to Somerset not riding.
  12. pederson was not much use to Leicester when he was there!
  13. For Leicester, it all depends on Bates staying fit!!
  14. Leicester - 4500 when it opened.
  15. Connor is Australian! born in Western Australia
  16. a totally independant body to run the sport will not work as they do not know much about the sport. A mix of business, Referees, Supporters and Team owners and riders should be considered
  17. If it is considered a new track, then there should be a 2 metre safety gap between the fence and the spectators i believe.
  18. But you should have a reasonable immunity after the first dose.
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