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Grand Central

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Everything posted by Grand Central

  1. Yes. Well done to Zagar to be so open and honest about the incident. AND being so calm whilst explaining it in words of one syllable to someone who is under qualified for manning the burger stall.
  2. I assume that the early summer stagings of previous Cardiff GPs means that a clash with the football like this has never happened before, has it ? Will the extra 18k+ folk (locals and those from Boro) in the town for it affect the plans for the GP festivities this year at all ?
  3. True, but actually this point by Col may be even MORE of a reason to attend.
  4. No Torben put that spin on it as if it were BSI's choice. It wasnt. But if Tai is back by then it will be sold as a masterstroke to hold it late.
  5. Difficult not to get emotional seeing the great man like that ... and with his youngest grandson. Great to see him getting the sort of reception he deserves.
  6. I think we know that. But that does not excuse them creating such a crap competition with a crap name, using the crappiest format and rules possible, on probably the crappiest track and with the crappiest referee they could find. And they running it over two days so that the really crappy nature of it could be drawn out for the longest time possible. They all had a duty to do better once they had made the decision to replace the SWC.
  7. I notice such a conciliatory tone that you adopt whenever this comes up. Very shy to criticise the international forces at work in creating this hybrid abhorrence of a competition. Such a contrast to your approach to Brexit on another thread. I'd leave the SON without a deal like a shot. Shouting sod off Armando.
  8. So they got rid of the SWC for this. The idea of Poland winning by miles year after year was so bad that it had to be stopped. And in its place they give us THIS. In just about every respect. Utter crap.
  9. Much, I mean really MUCH, has been made of the new Great Britain Team management and structure. Being facetious I would say that they have improved the lads skipping technique no end. Though I am sure it goes much further than that. Behind the scenes. But up front, on show, with what matters on the Speedway side. Very little is different. Both last year's SON with nativity on tactics and this year's uninspiring team selection shows that they haven't advanced the actual speedway thinking one iota. Alun's personal stylist does get a ten out of ten for effort though. Must be the hardest job of the lot.
  10. Yes I agree about recent history. But I don't think he can get away with 'spinning' his past as being 'too aggressive', that does not wash. He was often nasty, dirty and deliberately intent on taken riders out. That went way beyond what we can accept as being just youthful aggression. Good that the referee saw it correctly last night.
  11. Yes that view made it clear that it was Bellego's accident not due to illegal the riding of Pedersen. Reality is Pedersen has gained himself such a 'reputation' that most people cannot objectively see beyond. And he can only blame himself for that as he was such a dirty git way too often in the past.
  12. Yes ... But that really does rely on the strong team affiliation to drive such success. Not sure if that is of any useful value in relation to streaming last night's type of event.
  13. That is the real dilemma of this. It will be almost impossible to get That pricing right to achieve the outcome we want. Especially, it would seem, with Speedway fans. £5 is so cheap that some locals would not attend and yet £10 would probably be considered by most of us to be too much to spend on a live feed of such a meeting. Let's not forget this is a meeting that if not being held in this country very few folk would have cared about at all. And no one would have paid £5 to havevitt being cast from Poland or Czecho at all. Not sure that BSI would get any real take up on a live stream of GPs at £5 a time either, come to that. We may love our speedway but we don't really like paying much for it. We d all look for a hooky pirate stream instead.
  14. I really do appreciate all that you say. And I am glad that you are enjoying the Star in 2019. Hopefully there are plenty more like you to keep it going. It must be me. More than anything. But I just dont like it and am not enjoying it at all this year. Main problem is probably the Lanning-ising of the articles now. Didnt like it in 1993 in the Mail and dont like it now. But I'll move along and allow others to get their fix as I did for 30 + years.
  15. I have to say that I have totally lost patience with the mag this year ... Every Thursday I get more and more frustrated and disappointed with it. I'm really unahappy with myself for leaving them after decades but my subscription will be ending at the next renewal.
  16. It will always go to the last couple of heats. No matter what. It's the nature of the format. And (even with the adjustments this year) it will still be possible to bugger up the tactics in the final and throw it away right at the end.
  17. Hi The sponsor featuring on the jackets of 88-90 was MONTINE not Montime.
  18. The Hull race jacket is not correct for 1976. They were not sponsored by Lada back then and I don't think the word VIKINGS appeared on the jacket either in 1976. I believe it was just the Viking head with the word HULL above that year.
  19. I agree. I can't really understand why BSI decided to go ahead with qualifying on Friday night's this season. Except that they just got the tech to work so HAD to use it no matter what. They were fully aware of the new TV deals for Friday racing in Extraleage and everyone knows the money being thrown around in Poland to riders. So it seems just a bit daft to start this timing thing in the full knowledge of having to do it with riders missing so often. Just looks a bit pathetic and puts KT/NP in the position of having to 'big up' tumbleweed on TV just 24 hours before the race. A dreadful advert for the sport. PR 'from the bottom drawer' someone might call it.
  20. After not agreeing with me ... You seem to move on to then say exactly why his personality/interactions may have caused people to have found him unpleasant. I find that comforting.
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