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Silver Bee

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Everything posted by Silver Bee

  1. My moneys on Crump. Was going to put some at Scott for a value bet but 12/1?! Really not worth it.
  2. Quite right, he isn't.Olly Allen took his place.
  3. Nothing wrong with Bombers engines. This year the problem is Chris in the GP's.
  4. Just responding to Rob having the audacity to call Freddie a nutjob, considering who the other rider in the incident was.
  5. What a load of crap. Richardsons performances for Team GB have often been hugely inspiring, so for 'us' he has given hope. He's 1 rider who always ups his game when wearing a GB race jacket. He had a bad year in his last effort in the GP. It happens. The guy was low on confidence and really struggling but he still stuck at it. Really don't know what the poor bloke has to do
  6. But how can he beat Adams by nearly the length of the straight at Swindon and Crump by a mile at Brandon e.t.c if he doesn't have the ability? I'm at a loss to know what his problem is. I genuinely think he's good enough to compete with the boys in the GP series, quite what his issues are at the minute, I really don't know.
  7. I watch Bomber week in week out in league racing and the guy is fantastic. There's no-one in the league he can't live with or beat convincingly. As has been posted, he left Crumpy for dead on Friday at Brandon and easily had the better of Hans at Monmore last Monday so what's his problem? The guy is good enough to be challenging at the top end of the GP series, but at the moment he just isn't cutting the mustard. It's clearly not the bikes as they are far quick enough as showed with his performances against other GP riders in the EL, but quite what his problem actually is, I've not got a clue.
  8. It's hardly the only controversial incident Lukas has been involved in now is it? Never seen a worse move than that of Dryml on PUK on that bank holiday, will never have respect for him as a rider after that. Didn't spot you at Monmore last Monday Rob, if you were there, surely you would have seen Hans try to block Freddie when Freddie was already past him. Lindgren a menace? Hilarious. You're talking bollocks.
  9. Yeah, alright then. Lindgren's ducked his elbow to miss Dryml. Dryml is moving out and out, obvivious to the fact the fact that freddie is already there, which causes the contact with Freddies arm rather than the other way around. The gap is well and truely available when Freddie commited himself to the move, which Dryml kindly shuts on him half way through. Then you have the nerve to call Freddie a nutjob considering some of Lukas' previous moves ?!
  10. Nicki Pedersen - 60,000 Hans Andersen - 40,000 Andreas Jonsson - 40,000 Fredrik Lindgren - 30,000 Rune Holta - 30,000 Pedersen Captain from next round onwards.
  11. PLRC last year Tai rode. He'll do it
  12. You put Allen in the world cup team with the final at a super slick Vojens. Only gater we've got after Rico.
  13. No reserves this year after last years farce.
  14. Agree again, and he's unlucky it's one of the Temp tracks it's happened at too, as he's missed 1 of his 4 opportunities (probably the best one too considering Holta now has gate 1) to grab a place in the big money race. He does, however, have to take it as a positive and not let it bother the rest of his season owing to the fact under the current system it's not as much of a loss as it could have been.
  15. No no! I wasn't suggesting either of you were being petty! My apologies ! All I meant was the longer this dragged out people would deem it as a petty argument. If I thought it was I wouldn't have taken the time to reply. Again, hard to disagree. BSI have said in the past they want GP winners, however with Lindgrens current points situation, the extra points he's scored will probably be more of an advantage to him.
  16. I don't want to get into a completely petty discussion with you guys and I don't completely disagree with what you're saying. Thing is, it's not our opinions that can 'settle' it, it's Freddies. Don't get me wrong, I bet he's gutted he didn't win the GP, I would be, especially after a 6 ride maximum. At the time it wouldn't have been nice, however after the adrenaline has worn off and he thinks about it, he's scored more than Holta who's won it has, so some consolation there. Had him and Holta been the other way around, Lindgren would have been over the moon he'd won the GP, but then, after the adrenaline had worn off he'd realise that someone below him had actually scored more and be, to a degree, rather disappointed. Again, I know I would be. I suppose it depends on what Freddies goal was at the start of the season. To win a Gp? To make the Top 8? If it was to win a GP on this occasion he's failed. If it was to make the top 8, he's contributed more towards that than Holta did.
  17. He's more likely to be world champion under the current system coming second and scoring 22 than winning and scoring 17 isn't he? I'm not doubting he'd have prefed to win the GP and score 24, however out of the 2 options, (winning and scoring 17 or 2nd and scoring 22) I'm sure he's happy where he was.
  18. Whilst as a general rule I agree, I think freddie's a bit more sensible from what I've seen of him in the Grand Prix's. Far rather get the points in the bag and the job done.
  19. Well I'd rather be in Lindgrens and adding 22 points to my WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP total rather than Holta adding only 17.
  20. I'll be there. Bon Jovi Thursday, Somerset Friday and Cardiff Saturday, just after exams = Brilliant weekend
  21. Yes because Nicholls didn't score more points than Harris. Lindgren scored more than Holta.
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