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Silver Bee

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Everything posted by Silver Bee

  1. 1) Crump 2) Pedersen 3) Jonsson 4) Rickardsson Can see gollob mucking it up this time around after I have put credits on him
  2. And it's as much as a mess as mine Bet you spend longer on it than me too
  3. And I wont be one of them I'll be the 1 with the cornish flag
  4. Was Nicki P. with Tony Steel. "If you keep exlcuding me we cannot be friends any more, we have to be fair with each other"
  5. No one was questioning the hampel and gollob all 4 back.
  6. It shall stay as this now. I apologise as I got the referee wrong
  7. She had posted before it was changed but i take offence to being called racist - so the title was changed.
  8. According to Ole - slick tracks create better racing
  9. I think gollob leaned in him, only reason that there was contact. Think Tomasz was chasing a lost cause.
  10. Sorry rabs - just slightly annoying. Also can't quite work out why they seemed to water the track ? And what about letting the 1 with the tapes go ? Just seems rather conveniant. And of course, Rune Holta
  11. Racist ? And yes - afaik that was the ref at cardiff. Someone feel free to correct me.
  12. So what if there fans are dedicated ? Doesn't stop them from cheating ! Take Poole for example....
  13. Maybe there was slight contact but a rider of Gollob's ability could easily have styed on in my book.
  14. Shazzy - I thought that was the best GP yet racing wise. Ok the ref didn't help matters but I still enjoyed the racing. And it didn't really matter wether trick won tonight or not. He WILL still win the world title before the last round, no doubt about it.
  15. The reason Nicki P would have had for being excluded is the fact that he is nicki pedersen ! IMO he never touched Gollob.
  16. You seen many better meetings this seaosn then Steve ? Or was it just because your God didn't win ?
  17. This is a man on the top his game. He captained his team to world cup glory at the weekend, dropping 2 points in 2 meetings against the worlds top riders. He rams the back of Simon Stead yet manages to stay on his motorcycle and win the heat. Step in Nicki Pedersen. Gollob makes a hard ride under him on bend 1. Nicki does what is almost exactlly the same move back and yet Gollob cannot keep the bike up. The Polish referee excludes Pedersen. Another disgracefull decision from 1 of the worst referees. Almost as bad as letting the race go when Hampel was in front and the tapes clearly going unfairly!
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