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Everything posted by speedflash

  1. Track will be changed the Club statement will cover the timing of it. Alan and David are at the AGM this weekend so the statement will also cover the AGM and whats happening for the club this season. Glyn
  2. The Training day is ON the 9th of December then we are running every 2 weeks. A statement re the track changing will be put on the Club web site.
  3. Yes we are going to work together on this occasion.
  4. The Training day on the 18th has been Cancelled. This is due to the Enduro Cross not being able to remove their track and rebuild it for their event on the 2nd of December. They were going to remove it but the cost in doing so has meant that they are leaving the Enduro Cross track intact ready for the second meeting. We will now be running on the 9th of December. I do Apologise for the late announcement but I have just received the notification at 1.15 today. Glyn Taylor
  5. I have 4 new type silencers that I can lend out if you need one. NO Charge
  6. I have new 125 Zongchen HO motors now in stock. These are the most powerful stock 125 made. Very much the same sort of power as a 140. 07711159044
  7. Sorry that you havent been able to book in. There are plenty of spots left we can take as many riders that turn up. If we get say 40 riders we can run longer. At the moment we are starting at 11 and running till 4 but we can turn the lights on and run till 6 if we get more riders. You dont have to have a dirt deflector or low rear gard. You must have a working kill switch and a New type muffler on a 500 Glyn
  8. Leicesters training day on the 18th of November. Bookings 07711159044 Run under the SCB rules. Adults £40 Juniors £15 Fuel and oil will be available. Flat trackers, Quads, welcome (NO OPEN EXHAUST PIPES MUFFLERS MUST BE FITTED) If we have a big turn out we will run from 11 till dark then we can turn the lights on so every one has a fair go.
  9. I need a Talon rear wheel in good condition.
  10. CBS? do you mean CBR? I have a new CBR honda head.
  11. As most of you know I dont post on here anymore. On Sunday night after the meeting I had a meeting with the team to sort out the track problem. So I removed the total surface of the track down to the type1 bace and put it in each corner (on the outside) this took me till 1.30am. Then this morning a sample of the dirt has gone to the Lab to give me a breakdown of whats in it or not. I feel that the fantastic drainage we have has washed the clay content out the surface as we have a few feet of clay in the bottom of each of the main drains. This has give us a very sandy surface which ruts up badly on turns 3/4 thats why we have a lot of grading. The riders have spoken, I have listened and we will sort the problem. We have been able to run meetings in very wet condition but I fear we have a price to pay now to replace the track surface. Cheers
  12. If you have oil coming from the Exhaust (depending on how much) its could be Rings or the bore worn. Leaking Exhaust valves( causes a vacume and pull oil down the valve guide. Sounds like the motor needs a service.
  13. The Meeting is on. 3pm start £5 to get in including race card. See you there.
  14. Lived with my Mum and Dad in Perth and rode at Claremont Speedway. Came to Perth with a German rider called Heck Hasslinger who is still in Perth. Would love to know where he is now.
  15. Hey Tai, You dont see any Aussie fans pulling Darcy down. You would be welcome to take an Aussie Licence as Crump has. This guy needs your support not pulling apart.
  16. Hi, Anyone going to Sams meeting from Manchester. I am looking for a lift one way. Cheers Glyn
  17. Hi, The Redcar meeting has been called off due to the lack of entries and no other reason. We had a poor response from the riders and had only few entries for the 500 class. We waited for the post today as the closing date was the 24th. We cant run a meeting without riders. We had good prize money, and a good track so I dont know what else the riders want. Happy New Year. Glyn
  18. Hi. The meeting starts at 3pm. The weather is going to be good how ever the track has had a lot of rain on it. It will be a bit heavy to start with but it will soon dry out to a good race track. We will be putting some limestone on it in the morrning to help dry it out. The weather man tells me we will have few light showers tonight then dry from midnight. Have had no rain today .Center green is flooded ( not badly) but we will get that off in the morning. See you there. Glyn Taylor
  19. Any results from the U/16 West Australian championship.
  20. Hi, Has anyone got a phone number for Mick Poole?
  21. Has anyone got any results of tonights meeting.
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