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Everything posted by g13webb

  1. The thought of me ever agreeing with you, is something I never wanted to do ...... But as you say, either would be an improvement We can cover Lambert absence with R/R far better now he is our 2nd HL, thus giving Niels, Kenneth, Porsing and Milik an extra ride. Home should be OK , but its the away fixtures that would create problems. Finding adequate cover for Lewis is a different story. Coming the end of the season, this will have a big bearing on all the results
  2. That's the way it always seems to go. Buster and Rob must have run over a lot of Black Cats..... I wonder who'll be next ?? Such a shame for those people who work their socks off trying to put on a good show and be in with a shout at the end, when one by one the team disintegrates through injuries and accidents. Losing riders is one thing but losing the back-bone of the team is hard to fill with guests and RR.
  3. What utter rubbish you write. I reckon you must be the king member of the hate Pedersen Fan Club. Your explanation stinks of biasness. Having watched this video more than 20 times with no commentary, it is quite clear Pedersen did nothing wrong. The race starts, Doyle getting the drop, and leading into the first corner from the inside gate. Pedersen off gate 4 is behind entering the first bend. But Doyle drifts out wider then he should, leaving space inside to be exploited. Pedersen cuts back cleanly and has terrific drive to catch and pass Doyle way before the 3rd bend. You suggest Pedersen should've waited for a better opportunity to pass but ...Opportunities don't come any better than that. Just because Doyle made the gate doesn't give him the right pick and choice his line. He was caught out and should have excepted that Pedersen had the run on him. If, as you suggest he should have waited , probably we should change the art of the sport and play follow the leader..............
  4. What I find most amazing is that there are some posters on here are so bias its unreal. Rather than seeing the actual accident for how it was, there are some trying to create the justification, just so they can penalise Pedersen. What a strange world these people live in..... Ok you probably don't like the man, but that hardly reason to victimise him everytime.....
  5. https://twitter.com/DarekCieslak/status/630475549819957248
  6. Having attended more World Finals at Wembley than I care to remember, They were without doubt far more enjoyable and exciting, than any of the SGP I've been to in the years since. I didn't always agree with the results, or the idea of a one off winner, but when it comes to Spectacle, Intensity, Pressure, Tension, Climax, Atmosphere, the one off final is in a class of its own. SGP's is ok and benefits the sport in some ways. They stage rounds in various countries to spread the word. But where the idea falls down, is some of the horrendous tracks used in the series. Some of the Starting gates are a joke..... I think there are far too many SGP's that seem to dictate most weekends. In this instance I think less would be more.... I would have thought 5 or 6 rounds would be ample, but we all know the main reason for so many. No, Give me a Wembley everytime...... Whoever wins on the day is ok by me......
  7. Instances like this, is the reason for people perception of 'Dirty Nicki'. In this instance, he did nothing wrong and was incorrectly blamed. How he was adjudged the cause of the accident is beyond me. Probably the referee had a personal issue with Nicki and made a judgement on who it was and not what he did. Riders don't come any harder than Jason Doyle who was 100% to blame for this accident. Looking at the video recording Pedersen was 3/4 length ahead before the corner, and Doyle subsequently turned in desperation knowing he had lost his position. But issuing Pedersen with a RED card is laughable and for that alone, the Referee should be disciplined for bringing the sport into disrepute......
  8. Unfortunately, there' no quick fix to the problems that bestows our speedway now. It would impossible to recapture the same scenario we enjoyed back in the 70's and 80's. But we should be able to learn from all the positives we had then, when speedway was second only to football in terms of popularity. A big factor then was VFM. Earning then around £100 per week, it was easily affordable to take the wife and 2 kiddies out every Saturday night to watch the beloved Stars. Then there were at least 20 odd races and the evening lasted the whole night. Even when adding the costs of, Sweets, Burgers, Program and Drinks it wasn't a disastrous affair. The terraces were usually full and the atmosphere was exciting. We were never the best team and had to fight really hard to win matches, But that what the crowds appreciated. The riders effort was totally committed to the cause, something that is not always evident these days....... The biggest factor now, compared to back then, is the riders and their attitude. Whereas years gone by, it was the club that held the upper hand and the riders were pleased to have a team to ride for. Now the riders are king and can hold the sport and clubs to ransom. Most riding regularly in 3 or 4 countries each week, they can pick and choose where they ride and dictate the costs for their services. Rider loyalty is very different now. Where once, rider were professional people doing numerous jobs, now they are Professional Riders and their existence and costs, has changed the sport dramatically. This one issue of rider affordability is the over bearing reason why the costs have risen, causing the popularity to drop. A big problem highlighted here is, If the sport can't retain the support from the hard core fan base that has always existed, what chance has it got of bring new blood to the table???? I don't think there is a quick fix. It is a massive problem, one that needs a structured approach for the years ahead. Changing rules on a whim, and implementing half thought out ideas is not the way forward. Going back to the old 13 heat format plus 2 nominated heats, In my opinion, would be a step in the right direction.....
  9. Strange SGP , one that was interesting because of the riders scores fluctuated all evening. Some riders were unlucky, some were brilliant, some lost their head and some were damn right fortunate.... PK should change his name from KILLER to KID'YA, because to sure does kid the referee. I am fast losing respect for someone who goes down at every opportunity needing only the slightest touch, yet when chasing riders he is one of the hardest on the track. His execution of Pedersen and Zagar was a prime example, of his 'no holds barred' approach, when he deliberately took their space. The Referee, along with big mouth Tatum, were taking in by the fact he had half a wheel lead and can choice his line. But the accident was created by PK and he was the only person to who could have avoided it happening. Pedersen and Zagar were innocent of the whole manoeuvre. A strong referee would have rightly excluded him. He was a lucky man.... Then come the final, Zagar was away and gone, PK was struggling to hold on to second place, when Woffy comes up the inside. Woffy has the run for the inside pass, The touch was slight, but true to form PK makes a meal of it. Not once did he try to retain balance or contest his position, he takes the fall and get the race rerun. Again he was a lucky man.... No, Not the best GP, another one where the gates were too important, and luck played a bigger hand than most venues. Probably Zagar would have been a deserved winner, but some riders were luckier than others. Probably the luckiest rider was Woffy. Yes, he was unlucky to be excluded in the final, but to perform as poorly as he did and still extend his championship lead has to be very fortunate indeed. It could have been so different....... I feel if Woffy was to lose his championship lead, it would have happened tonight. Now I believe he will go on and be the World Champion for the second time.
  10. Its such along time since the BSPA have sung from the same hymn sheet. They are always governed by personal interest instead of the sport as a whole. And until such time this changes, then this total shamble will continue...... There are so many positive ideas on here that would have a input to the sport, but they will be met with the same resistance as ever. ' How will they benefit me?' ' Individually, I have a great respect for all PROMOTERS, the way they put their money on the line to promote the sport, But collectively, they must be the most disorganise governing body ever to rule a sport, by thinking only of themselves.... Surely they realise, that if the sport was projected and governed as one then all the promoters would benefit...... The sport has to rid ourselves of the 'THEM AND US' philosophy, and realise we're all this this boat together.........
  11. I'm not running other riders down, although I except Wright and Worrall are good riders they are not a Lewis Kerr. Also availability is always an issue. As for another change, Lynn have never been a team who change a lot, they will always persevere rather than do an impulse buy.....
  12. When putting things into prospective, my first thoughts are only for the well being of Lewis Kerr and sincerely hope he continues, as like Rory, along their positive paths to a full recovery. When thinking of there well being the playoffs are of little importance. Once again, come the business end of the season, 'Lady luck' has struck the Stars team down. so it won't be a case of Belle Vue or Swindon, more likely both will qualify for the play-offs. One has to assume Lewis will play no further part in this year's campaign, and will therefore leave a massive hole in our team. When the selection process was initiated, little thought was directed to the replacements of a selected draft rider. so the only avenue open to the team is to utilise the guest option. The only two draft riders capable of filling Kerr's boots are Newman and Garrity, and those we cannot use. So losing Lewis is a massive blow......as much as 6 points a meeting..... had Kerr been riding on Monday at Wolves the outcome would surely been a lot closer..... We as a team are still struggling to overcome the lost of Rory. Riding then, better then he had for some time, he was scoring high and was the second heatleader in most matches, coupled to that, he was the driving force behind the motivation of the team, he was without doubt, another hole to fill.. Although Milik was brought in to offset the that gapping hole, he has failed miserably to score similar points or to generate that team spirit we once had........ It was a tough ask....and probably the wrong man......but the choices were few... So unfortunately this, our 50th season will pass like all those before, and the league title just as far away... But if Rory and Lewis can make full recoveries and be in the starting team for next year, then to me, that will be as good as I could have hoped for.....
  13. How I see it, We have two chooses: The Elite aspect of this sport is all but brain dead, and survival relies totally on guests and RR. The high percentage of top riders 'do the rounds' and ride in 3 or 4 countries on a weekly basis. They do that because the 'Powers' of Poland, Demark and Sweden, arrange their league program to allow these riders to compete in it. Now if we want too attract those top riders, to compete in a comparable league in this country, then we have no option than to arrange our league similar, to run alongside those already in existence and run an Elite League on a 'One day' basis. (Probably Thursdays ?) . If the census of opinions are against that, then we have no alternative then to scrap the Elite pretence, and have the clubs that are interested competing in a single League, running on the days they choose.... Comply or Give up .....
  14. I for one think Philip Rising did right to comment on the state of the game in his editorial in the SS. Also, he aired some creditable suggestions to discuss about the dire situation our sport finds itself in. Its so easy to dismiss positivity and do nothing, That's the reason the sport is in the mess it is at present. What a pity these comments came from the SS magazine instead of from the BSPA. .
  15. To me the mentality and respect for fellow riders has changed through the years. Where once you would never witness a move, if it meant contact was made, now it's an everyday occurrence.... Following the Stars like I have, I can remember times when there were no injuries to riders for season after season. The team was always the same every week, and that when we rode 40 matches a year. Now the accidents and injuries come so frequent, the team changes every meeting......... There's something wrong somewhere....
  16. Top post mate...... Far too many accident nowadays. The sport is now totally governed by speed, Riders fight to control these high revving machines, at the expense of all these riders injuries... Something has to be done.......
  17. Congratulations to Wolves for the win, but one that was expected considering the circumstances.... To put this meeting into some form of prospective, Would Coventry have done any better with Garrity missing? , of Poole missing Newman? Top draft riders are more important now than the No. 1's. So,for Lynn to push hard in this situation was commendable, . Thinking of Lewis laying there in Hospital, not know the extent of his injuries yet, makes one realise how unimportant speedway results are.....
  18. Yesterday, at the scene of the accident, Kenneth Bjerre was totally destroyed and had to be consoled by those closest to him. If he were to pull out of the meeting today on companionate grounds , I can imagine the abuse he would receive.... I can't imagine any of the Lynn riders would choose to ride tonight...... Especially as Lewis is still in a coma and his condition unknown.....
  19. That's the first bridge crossed on the road to recovery. The first positive news we have heard since the crash. Fingers crossed, more will follow. We're all thinking of you mate...........
  20. Has the overtaking skill gone from Speedway these day????? There are far to many accidents. Every week someone new, gets injured. The sport was not like that years ago. Bad crashes were few and far between. Now the Bikes now are so fast, crashes are inevitable... Seeing someone get injured as such, really takes the enjoyment away ......... You ask the question What's the point of it all..?????
  21. Of all the posters I 've read on here, you two are like pee's in a pod, are both so bloody wrong. You make judgement on people, simply by your views, and your views only. . Who are you to question the validity of peoples opinion. People base their opinions on what they feel and believe, but you say, you have the right to question them. You sure are some character ... Before I close this ridiculous charade you created, I will explain again, again for the last time. I think the 10heat rule is wrong, Wrong in that it short changes the fans, Wrong that teams who win get the same amount points as a 15ht program, Wrong in that it diminishes the appeal of speedway to the paying public. Yes, wrong in so many ways. But It makes no difference how I feel, the rules are there and the meeting are run along them lines. The situation the other night regards the match against Leicester was also wrong in MY opinion. Our league is looked upon as the poor cousins in the speedway world and trying to arrange fixture with complicated schedules is no doubt very difficult. Our meetings are shifted from different days of the week, trying to accommodate these hectic schedules. The meeting with Leicester was never going to be a classic but even in view of the forecast it was decided to press ahead hoping the weather were wrong... If the meeting had only just started before the rains came, fair enough. Call a halt to the proceeding and offer a full refund...... As it was we had got to ht 8 they already were well adrift. Having already use their TR, The sky's were threatening, the forecasted rain was upon us. It was in everybody interest to push on with the meeting just to get a result and get it out of the way. No, I still don't agree with the ht 10 rule, but its there, and has been used by others. Ht 9 was run, slower than usual but no problems. The rain at that time was not bad, people were still seating in the Royal Box. If the Ref hadn't deserted his post and run ht 10 the fixture would have be over and done with. No reruns to organise, no refunds to pay out. By not running Heat 10 the Promoter and the supporters have to find additional costs. By abandoning the meeting after ht 9 has benefitted no one. But I understand the logistics of rule and the reason why. My dislike of the ht 10 rule is because it short changes the fans, and the results can be manipulated by certain clubs.... the above meeting was the reason the rule was introduced just a shame the Ref didn't see it that way. I hope I have made by views clear, I haven't changed how I feel, and regardless of your effort, neither have you.......... Good Bye......
  22. As proven by yourself so many times, If people don't agree with you then they are wrong.. ..... I can live with that.. An opinion and moaning are totally different, something you have yet to grasp.. When pointing out, about you not going to watch speedway, I did so trying, to understand your rants of what is correct and what isn't. I found that hard to justify some of the views you post. You say that argument is that of a 5 yr old, that I wouldn't know, but I'll take your word on that........
  23. That's some recovery....... So for his low score at Brandon he doesn't have any excuses.... Just put it down to an off night Probably to weary of Garrity !!!
  24. ( Copied from comments I posted on another thread on the same subject) Considering the matches we have left to play, I believe Lynn will comfortably finish in the top 4. I also think the final positions will be a lot closer than it looks at the moment. Coventry have only 6 matches left and 3 of those are against Swindon. Those results will have a big bearing on the positions of the final four........ Poole could easily finish on top to have that all important choice. They have 7 matches to play with 4 of those at home. Two of those against Belle Vue, could make or break the Aces challenge..... Like I say, Too early to call Yet....... Swindon at the moment are on a roll, Darcy making all the difference. Not only is he scoring mega points but also getting better scores from other team members. I had a wee laugh to myself this week when Swindon played Poole and Darcy only score 8 pts. In a 5 day spell, Darcy has been tremendous and scored really heavy, 11+1; 12+2; 13+1; 17+2, winning 12 times in the process, But riding against Poole on Wednesday, he could only manage 8 points. Probably, he knows the Wimbourn Rd track better than any other in the world yet he fails to win a race. Makes one wonder the influence of Matty Ford. I hope I'm proved wrong, but if proved right, then Swindon don't have a chance in hell of winning the league, with or without Darcy Ward.......
  25. Its too early to call yet !!, Not only, was I pleased we got a point last night, but also the distribution of points was far better than I expected. Niels, Ashley Morris and Lewis Kerr all scored well, Milik and KB battled hard for their valuable input. The only sub-standard point collected were from Porsing and Lambert. Lambert usually rides Brandon well so will put it down to the injuries he carrying, whereas Porsing never goes well there. That a shame as he's really improved of late and I was hoping he'd carry that form with him when riding away matches. Unfortunately that didn't happen..... Considering the matches we have left to play, I believe Lynn will comfortably finish in the top 4. I also think the final positions will be a lot closer than it looks at the moment. Coventry have only 6 matches left and 3 of those are against Swindon. Those results will have a big bearing on the positions of the final four........ Poole could easily finish on top to have that all important choice. They have 7 matches to play with 4 of those at home. Two of those against Belle Vue, could make or break the Aces challenge..... Like I say, Too early to call Yet.......
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