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Everything posted by g13webb

  1. And you likewise, having problems remembering any of your constructive comments.. No nobody of importance , exactly the same as you, .. Just a supporter with an opinion. Our views very often differs, but whose to say what's right and what's wrong. Regardless of who I support, my opinion is governed by no one, I speak as I feel. Fend or please it makes no difference. so whether I'm outnumbered 100 to 1 My opinion is just that...... Everyone on here is blowing sunshine up Kerr's bum, thinking he's done no wrong... blaming everything onto Buster and the Lynn management. But had this had happened to Newman and Poole, the Forum would have gone into melt down, saying how unjust the draft selection is. To me Kerr is as much to blame for the situation as Buster.... Probably, Buster had to change nights to get a team ?? Probably, Kerr told Buster he didn't want to ride?? Probably, Kerr didn't say he wanted to ride for someone else?? Probably, Kerr didn't want to be protected ??? Probably, Buster assumed as an asset, he could rely on Kerr to ride?? Probably, The Draft is just a free for all?? Probably, the whole scenario was just a ploy to wreck the Draft system?? The one answer to all those queries, is communication. and we all know, that's not one of Speedway attributes. Lynn Stars must rank as one of the worse in the league for that.........
  2. What you say makes sense, in that everything been done so quickly........ But surely, had Buster been aware of Kerr's priorities, why would he have named him as our protected rider in the Draft selection???? That in itself is ludicrous..... Kerr's actions has made everyone look silly....
  3. Forgive my slowness in picking up on the Kerr situation, but has Lakeside signed Kerr in their 1-5, or is he been given one of their DRAFT places. ??? I thought the process was for the teams to pick the rider, and not the rider to pick the team. Has Lakeside dropped one of their 'Drafts' to accommodate Kerr ?? I get the impression the whole system has turned into a free for all, and the selection process gone out of the window???? Sorry, just me trying to be realistic of the whole situation. How would you justify this, to the un- converted........???
  4. You'll have to dress up as a teenager and get in for nothing.
  5. A lot of what you say I agree with. but to me its the timing of it all. Obviously he agreed to be a draft nominated rider for Lynn when asked, otherwise Buster wouldn't have choose him. Had he told Lynn of his ideas then , Buster and Rob could have approached the draft selection differently . (for instance), By protected Rose in tier2 instead, we would have had first selection of the remaining riders in tier1. By leaving the club now, he has made the Draft process even a bigger joke, than it was when left to the BSPA. Just because our race nights clashes with Ipswich Kerr decided to leave. He was made aware of Lynn's intentions of racing on Thursdays before he signed for the Witches, but he still went and signed. That's not the action of someone who had any thoughts about this club, that says he couldn't get away quick enough. No, He's certainly gone down in my estimation......
  6. All this talk, insinuating it was Lynn's fault of Kerr leaving, but from what I am lead to believe this is his doing. He has choose to leave the Stars, siting the race night as the reason why. But the truth is he would rather to ride for Ipswich than the team who has given him the best opportunity, for his career to improve. Obviously, Lynn would have wanted to keep Kerr. It wasn't about Lynn not wanting him, it was a case of him wanting out.......
  7. As you are no doubt aware, you can make lists out to show whatever.. and like you say those figures are attained from HL positions only. It doesn't show how many or how few meetings the averages were achieved. Obviously the top riders are taking all their rides into consideration whereas someone like Lambert only rode a few. The list you did a couple months back, with loadings calculated into each rider score, is a far fairer indication of the riders ability.... What a pity the BSPA didn't take on those figures and do away with the present format and the secret HL lists.......
  8. I try to look at the life with reality and hope everything is straight and above board. To me rights right and wrongs is nobody business. Unlike some, I speak as I find, and if that comes across as negative then so be it. You appear to be one of those Ford followers, who can never see any wrong in all he does. Because of that I find it pointless trying to discuss or argue any point, cos quite frankly you will have lost all sense of reality......
  9. Me reading the announcement on the website, it appears Kerr, having been named as a protected Draft Rider of Tier 1 for the Stars, was made aware that Lynn were planning to change race night to Thursday's before he actually signed for Ipswich. To continue with that signing, to me that's him choosing Ipswich as his main aim in 2016. No doubt, him wanting to hold Kings hand in the Sponsor deal they both share. Am assured Buster would not have wanted to lose a prime asset, but this is Kerr's choice.......
  10. Well, considering he finished with a 6.91 CMA and bottled all those races, he must be pretty special. . I like to remember the SGP when he put 6 race wins together and was only beaten by Niels in the final. Now that the positives that I like to remember.... I'm sure he'll do really well at AFA... .. Easily a top 12 performer....
  11. Ain't you, just typical of the Ford Mania that usually gets it all wrong. Nobody questioned the unfortunate accident to North's father, it was how Ford used it as an excuse to consolidate Poole's advantage. The rules were used in a way they were not intended. Poole was always going to win against a depleted Coventry side, just a pity the match will be remembered for Matt Ford's manipulation of the rules, rather than the Poole team's performance on the track.....
  12. As much as I agree with what you say, we could lay that thought against most riders of late, even Niels.,!! But with Rory you get so much more than just a rider. He is the motivation, he is the generator of team spirit, he is the captain that the riders look to... Rory is so important for Lynn to do well. You only have to look back to last year, without him we were rubbish. When he came to spectate, that alone was enough to put a spring in the steps...... I agree with you to a point, but you don't have to ride rough-shod over riders to create a winning team. Loyalty is very important and works two ways. If we have to switch race night to accommodate a star rider then so be it, no problems with that, but to lose a prize asset like Kerr, off sets the advantage we would gain. So Buster has to think long and hard to find an answer to enable to keep everyone happy. Looking long term, Kerr has many years to go and will prove a valuable asset in the years ahead. To jeopardise that just to bring in a star rider for a season, has to be questioned. But , if Kerr is holding Buster to ransom then any loyalty is already lost.....
  13. What a pathetic comment. What is it about some Poole supporters they have to come out with such rubbish. Nicki Pedersen has been around for many years and is a credit to his profession. Professional to the last and will undoubtedly bring much needed spotlight back to the port itself. Just because he had a fallout with Peterborough last time here, doesn't s deserve comments like the above. If he is coming back to the Elite league , I say well done to Buster and co for showing positive thinking. Everyone is aware the league is in desperate need of a massive pick-me p. With comments like the above, lets hope they will be rammed back down their throats. It is little wonder, one body likes Poole, when you read crap like that.....
  14. I've heard the rumours doing the rounds, but the exact rider could be anyone of three, All of GP quality, and would each be a brilliant proverbial rabbit if true.
  15. I have no doubt, that had Matt Ford not wanted Buzz, then Matt would have insisted Buzz be on the Heat leader list. That what makes the whole scenario unacceptable.....
  16. Of the four teams announced so far, then Poole, with their 4 heatleaders have to be odds on favourites. Belle Vue have a solid looking team with strength all the way though should figure prominently. Wolves although, without a top No1 have a solid team and should improve on last year. Coventry have 2 top end riders but also have a long tail. When the top two miss out on the points I don't think the tail will be strong enough to compensate. Opinion so far : Poole ; Belle Vue; Wolves; then Coventry.....
  17. They'd do me, In these hard and trouble times, I'd take them as our heat leaders...... (Assuming that Rory can recapture the form he showed before his accident...)
  18. Don't see there is much options for many changes. It 's been well chronicled that top riders don't want the heavy schedule of the Elite League, so any inclusion has to come from the riders that are left, and haven't been named. It will be no surprise to see Rory, Posing and Kenneth back in 2016 to join up with Lambert, Kerr and Rose.. My guess for the one replacement could be Batchelor . He has always expressed how he favours our track, He still retains the local sponsorship from Roger Warnes, I appreciate there's not many supporters who like him, but he has ability......Once he gets his head in gear he could fill the gap honourably. ..... The choices are few.....
  19. Of the few teams that have completed their line-up, This one from Belle Vue has to start out as one of the strongest. Well done to the promoters for retaining most of last years riders, something that has been missing in recent years . Fans like nothing more than a continuation of riders, to relate with. Obviously Lady luck will play her part, but barring any unforeseen problems, Belle Vue should be there or thereabouts.....
  20. Obviously a difference of opinions. I think you are expecting too much. Collectively Freddie, Joonas and Bech will score similar to other teams HL trios. You may well say, you lose most Ht 15 and feel justified. but you might be surprised..... Freddie was poor last year, but he still is a quality rider, one most teams would love to have . All you need is for Freddie to hit some previous form, in now what is a weakened league, and you'll be laughing. There'll be more team weaker than you than those that are stronger. Like I say a solid all round team.....
  21. Considering the weakened state of this Elite league, I think this Wolves team is pretty good and will hold their own in 2016. 3 solid HL's 2 good 2nd Strings and 2 decent reserves is a good all round team. Quite a few have improvements in them, none more so than Fast Freddie. Joonas is a capable and reliable rider, whereas Bech will become special. Masters and Thorsell are above average and the reserves will hold their own. Don't understand the problems with some of you fans. They'll win more matches than they lose........... Easy, Play off contenders................
  22. I am in no doubt that Lambert can push on this year to become a true Heat Leader, possibly, even a No 1. How far he can progress is down to him..... He's well capable of winning any race......at any time
  23. It sure is...... Every club and supporter in the land is finding this perpetual droll very tiresome...... Its all but killed my interest. Never thought I could feel this way about a sport I've followed for years.... But the consistent inefficiency, of the BSPA, to govern in a clear and fair manner, has just about destroyed everything the sport stood for. All we have left now is comments like the above, from people who haven't got a clue about the damages being done, as long as their beloved team are able rule the roost. For God Sake Man....... Open your eyes and see the real world..........
  24. As an Professional Project Engineer it was always expected of me to think logically. When there is a problem you find the cause of it. It is quite clear, from the statement above, the BSPA are aware of the problem caused by the race format, in that it creates distorted averages. But instead of dealing with the cause of the problem, they decide to compound it further by making more concessions to counteract it. Amazing..... It would be like making a tray to catch leaking water rather than mending the leak........... EVENTUALLY, the tray becomes full and is deemed as useless........ And that's the same with this sport, When they decide to do something about it, all the fans will have gone...... ( all those except Poole that is !!! )
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