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Everything posted by g13webb

  1. Probably so, but thinking out of the box, by using Wilko he won't be strong enough to make the team competitive, so why not use the opportunity to give a Young Stars rider, hoping the experience will benefit both team and rider in the future....
  2. What is it with Kings Lynn Reserves ending up getting injured. Whilist my thoughts go out for Simon, and hoping for a speedy recover, cant help thinking there is some sort of curse that appears to scuttle the progress of riders when they are performing well for Lynn Stars. If I were a rider and Lynn came calling, I'd think twice before agreeing to join the endless list who has tried....
  3. Special thanks to Kenneth Hansen and Jacob Thorssell, for help out our depleted team. They performed as one would have expected. I see Kai Huckenbeck also, equalled his recent scores. But seriously this match should never have been authorised. How do you expect to promote this sport when the fixtures are a calamity. It wouldn't been as bad if there were only one match on, but to run 3 Elite leagues matches, all with riders missing , is sheer MADNESS. Just pleased we weren't the ones who paid to watch this shambles...
  4. If you dangle a big enough carrot, I sure you'll find somebody....... I too have never bothered whether we won or not, I just wanted to be entertained and have this connection with the club. Recently I have wondered what the hell am I doing here. The place is dead, no atmosphere, or desire..... We have plenty of Promotors; we have loads of Team Managers, but we don't have a Motivator...... nor someone who can connect the club with the fans....
  5. There are always options, but we as always tend to do nothing.... Its the same year after year after year..... When problems arise for other clubs they try to remedy the situation, Us, we don't do a thing. In recent years when injuries ( Rory, Kenneth, Niels, Kerr etc.) has sabotaged any hopes of success, instead of going out to find any cover we carry on with what we have left, I'm not prepared to pay out decent money to watch a 2 man team.....lose every week ......
  6. I don't ask for a lot, but a little effort is not a lot to ask.
  7. Such a nice change to see a large crowd watching Speedway last night. instead of the empty terraces we usually see. The enthusiastic fans were so infectious that speedway appeared to be entertaining. Whatever would the crowd reaction be if they had top riders and a proper track where the racing was better. We could have all them at Lynn tonight, but such is the uninterested mood from the promoters, I don't know whether I'll bother to go....... Never known Speedway to be that bad..... before....
  8. Sincerely hope so. Would much rather he missed an away match than one at home. if you take Niels out of the equation and there's not much left to attract the fans... Why should Poole have all the privileges. Even if the Stars fielded a full team, we stand no chance of winning. May as well field a half a side...get same result...
  9. I don't profess to being a promoter and would hate to be in their position, but they must appreciate they do not have a devine right to expect fans to fork out hard earnt cash to watch a poor team. There must be several important factors that make teams successful, and having two top riders like Niels and Robert has to be a good starting point. But from there we fall way short. I look down into the pit area with dismay at the lack of team spirit, togetherness, enthusiasm.. It resembles a wake rather than a place of excitement. There was only going to be one winner last night. The way Havelock was chasing around was a clear indication the BEES wanted it far more than the Stars did. Its going to be a long season, The team need major changes to get it back on track, but I get the impression, nobody is actually bothered.... Losing 3 matches in 3 days next week will signify the end of our season.
  10. Didn't realise that only Lambert and Niels were Lynn's only heat winners. That sums up how good the team actually is. We are in desperate need of new blood. Someone who would relive the workload on the top two, Someone, who would encourage the fans to turn up, Someone to generate expectations for the rest of the season, and someone who give a damn on how he performs...... There can be no place for riders with attitude like Kai Huckenbeck; Troy Batchelor. and Mads Korneliussen.
  11. As televised meeting go this wasn't too bad, with delays kept to the minimum. It didn't surprise me that we lost, it was always on the cards from our lack lustre team. We cant keep relying on Niels and Lambert to secure the points. But to be truthfully honest, they are the only two riders in our team worth paying to watch. The rest are beyond hope. I'm afraid that if Buster doesn't bring about some changes, there won't be many fans left to entertain..... We can accept not winning, but riders not bothering to try is asking too much.... Some of the effort tonight was disgraceful.... Congratulation to Coventry for winning, but we sure made it easy for you.
  12. Bearing in mind the traffic and accidents, would choose either, go Thorney to Parson Drove then Wisbech then back on the A47, or turn right at Guyhirne an head for Coldham then go to Wisbech the back way.... either way would be better than A17
  13. Yes, Robert lambert is going well and will score points from whatever position he is riding. He is one of the few good members of our team. Along with Niels they are the main points getters in the team. I noticed you didn't mention Troy Batchelor who as of yet, has failed to impress. I wonder how much longer it will be before he recaptures the form he once showed.... Whatever happens tonight, we will need a full team. For us to win, Troy has to come to the party........
  14. Wouldn't it be nice, if just for once, there wasn't any issues about who is riding where, and each team was able to field their stongest team, instead of all this legality of EDR, Reserves, No 8's; RR. What a mess !!!!!
  15. So you say, but I can assure you the clock was correct. Some of the early accidents looked bad, but from the break they were simple slide offs. Had the ref been hesitant a moment he would have seen the riders trying to clear the track. In heats 14; 18; and 20 the fallen rider was up before the other riders had returned to the pits. Each of these occasions put extra waiting on the endless list. In 50 yrs of going to Speedway, this was the slowest meeting I'd ever witnessed. And you wonder why the crowds don't go any more. Spot on Mate!!! The ref was a joke. Heat 13, Buster had done his lengthy track grade, the track is empty, we wait..... 9mins passed before the riders came out. It was only when the riders were approaching the tapes for the start of the race did the 2 min warning sound. The cheers along the back straight could be heard over the bike noise.... Everything resembled 'Kinda-Garden Cops' . It was farcical......
  16. Such was the slowness of the meeting, I posted the clock in my program throughout the night. Yes the parade started at 7.15am I didn't clock Lamberts opening ride, as it was the first on the night. His second ride Heat 7 hadn't started by 9.15. I can assure you my timings were spot on. Yes I was there, all the time... until the final was run. I had had enough by then and forewent the celebrations . Just because the riders were on the track before the buzzer, doesn't show urgency, it shows the ref is so slow in putting it on. Sometimes were we waiting 10mins or more between races and still no 2min warning.. I have much respect for Buster and for the work he does, but it doesn't stop me voicing an opinion when things go wrong. its a pity others don't do the same.....
  17. When a meeting takes as long as that did last night, then you look at all the reasons why. 4half hrs to run any meeting is rediculous. It started at 7.15 and come 8 oclock we'd only had 3 races. That in itself was alarming, but there was no urgency shown by anyone. 8.15, 4 heats gone, 19 to go, and Buster spends 10 mins on the tractor. Another hours passes, 9.15. we are only on ht 7. Lambert has been waiting 2 hrs for his second ride. 9.30. we've had 8 heats, Buster does another track grade. Instead of just one tractor, why not use 2 or three to push proceedings along. The referee was always reluctant to press that 2 mins buzzer, it was left to the pit manager to get the riders out for the next race. it was taking forever.... The ambulance delay in heat 12 was unfortunate, Hate to see people get hurt. The announcement that we were going to forgo the interval, but we had 12 mins of Buster track grading on his own instead. . Its way past 11 when the 20 heats had finished. then we had to endure the gate selection process. When the final race finished, the time was 11.39pm. I'm so pleased you made the journey. Yes there were some good races, close races. and Lambert was supreme. Unfortunately he missed out on the final by a whisker, but he more than anybody else kept the local fans from going home. Standing 4half hrs watching 23 races that cost a premium is not my idea of good speedway. To put this into some sort of prospective, this meeting lasted as long as 3 football matches, I bet there were more people pleased they didn't go last night, than those that did....... Just saying you couldn't put any blame on them for the slow progress.
  18. For someone who was actually here, I can fully appreciate the issues of a long drawn out meeting. It would be difficult to apportion blame on a specific reason. Yes the track was very grippy, yes, the riders were riding above themselves, yes they wanted to perform in a world championship, but there can be no excuses for some of crashes that happened last night. Some were Kami-Karci manoeuvres When sky are in town , they take control of the meeting, but last night the Polish Tele didn't appear to have that power.. They were there televising the event. So no blame can be put their way. The biggest culprit has to be the Referee. he never once showed any urgency or common sense. When he did press the 2min buzzer he got the biggest cheer of the night . Buster didn't help things along with his lengthy grade grades. The meeting needn't someone to push the proceedings along but sadly it didn't happen. Robert Lambert, didn't win, but he, more than most, keep the poor crowd entertained. This meeting did the sport more harm than good. Total Shambles....... PS : 2 years back I criticised the Brandonapolis meeting for going on till 11pm, saying never again. But this was even worse....
  19. Yeah, miles too slack, On the outside gates, the tapes were clear, way before that at the centre ....... But that's easily solved by shortening the length.. If that's all that could be found wrong, then that's a pretty good meeting...... I was well impressed with everything...... Job well Done....... .
  20. Thoroughly enjoyed the British Final on what is a tremendous venue. The track held up well in the adverse weather, and I imagine will produce even better racing in the dry. Sure is a speed track that creates loads of excitement. King was a deserved winner showing his top form when it mattered. The honours escaped Cook for the second year running, and Lambert continues to impress. Never seen him gate so well, probably another day, he will make that top step,,,,,, A lot of riders performed really well. Richard Lawson, Steve Worrall, Paul Starke, Josh Auty, Richie Worrall, all deserve a mention. they had a night to remember. I expected more from Scotty Nicholls, while Bomber was an embarrassment. Be interesting to see if Rosco is strong enough to pick the riders who performed at Belle Vue last night or go back to his tried and trusted mates......
  21. Interesting thread this, one thats been discussed many times. Personally, I like nothing better than seeing Niels in full flow. To me he is at the top of his trade, and gives me so much pleasure just watching him perform......... as does most of the top rider..... ( not all of them mind). Our sport has been allow to decline on a yearly basis. The popularity has been banished with badly thought out ideas. The cost of these top riders has become a luxury, that some clubs now, cant afford. So New plans without these top riders have to be the considered. We cannot run our sport on the sole purpose of seeing these top performers at the extent of the lesser ones. Having frequented the EESG this year, It has shown me, that when the track is prepared well and the teams have riders who want to race, the entertainment is first class, proving those 'top riders' are not that important. The product of speedway racing was as it should be, fast, furious and exciting with close racing. The attendance appeared to be similar to those at Lynn. Both venues need to up their promotion and presentation and the cost of them Pies need to be addressed. but looking at it as a complete package I am sure that if the BSPA of both divisions worked together, we could find an adequate answer to most problems... Probably the BSPA will take on board when thinking about new ideas......
  22. I accept all that you say and can see your point of view. However, Kerr had ridden for the Stars for a few years and provided for his family in the past, and no doubt would have done so again. He must have been a much sought after rider in the PL and if he couldn't ride for Ipswich, no doubt he could have acquired a good contract at a number of other places. I don't doubt Buster had a major part to play in this situation, but probably, he was of the same impression as I, that Kerr, a major player in our team, would be riding for the Stars. I listen to other posters, and accept some feel differently. I have no problem with that... There is no right or wrong in this situation, it all down to what virtues are important in one's life. ...... There is no argument here to win, merely a difference of opinion
  23. There can be no fair way for it to be done. How many matches have been won and lost already where the top scoring reserves have acquired massive points. Would it be fair on those teams that lost to change the rules now. It was always a stupid idea allowing for the movement of reserves with protected race format, they were always going to score higher than others. Then allowing seasoned heat leaders into those protected heats. It was always going to be chaos. Any integrity the league once had, has long gone. Its too late for changes now, let this year continue as the farce it is, but instead of wasting more time, why don't the BSPA put their heads together now, rip up the whole rule book, and start again from scratch for the year 2017...... That way they have a 6 month start on a new beginning.......
  24. Exactly!! Had Kerr been in our 1 to 5, his decision wouldn't be so important, a lost yes, but one that could have been replaced. Being our protected EDF made the lost, in the selection process, 10 times worse. We were never going to overcome that.....
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