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Everything posted by g13webb

  1. Don't go down that road pal... The only reason Woffy is coming back is because it suits him.. If he had any loyalty for Wolves he would be here from the start of the season and not use them as a fill in as his other teams have finished. Obviously Please to see him back in the Elite league, But please don't go overboard.......... He'll be gone again when the other leagues come calling......
  2. Once, speaking with a respectable referee, on this subject of issuing a warning, and asking him of the penalty of that warning, he said that the warning related to the start of that race only. Two warning in a single heat then you're disqualified.... So with that I asked, could a rider be warned every heat, and the Ref replied technically yes........but that would be up to the Ref to caution him...... of his conduct and warn of further punishment.
  3. Not bad for a boring rider who cant pass....... Well Done that man...... Now to watch Rossi, Followed by Liverpool- Arsenal, then the Velladrome . What a wonderful Sunday.......
  4. Lambert, Garrity, Bates and Ellis are all British riders who have a big future in our sport, all young but very different. Each has something to offer. Who is best is down to personal opinions. Am very impressed with the improvement of Ellis this year. Saying that though, it must be easier and more rewarding riding with top men in a good team. Lambert to me is Amazing, Frustrating, Exciting, Unbelievable and bloody annoying. I often wonder why his gating is so suspect when we all know how important it is. So often when the chips are down, he'll miss the start, ride his heart out, but still lose. Time and again he with Niels have pulled off amazing feats to rescue the team from a dire situation. But the nearer he get to the top the rides become harder. If he can't get his gating sorted, he'll never reached them heights his ability deserves. Bates struggles to deceive. At times he's brilliant, and at others disappointing. His gating is the same, when on the case he can be brilliant. I feel he's a year behind the other riders mentioned. Garrity, to me, stands out for all the wrong reasons. His style is so flamboyant , reckless to a point, that you question his control of the bike. Sometimes he come across as dirty and deliberate. Sometimes I get the impression his own team mates give him a wide berth, such is their feelings. I'm in no doubt he has the ability to become a very good rider, but he needs to calm down and have more control of the bike and less accidents. To me he wants to get himself a new role model, one that will to show him the way. Moving to Lakeside under Tatum guidance, he would reap the rewards, 10 fold... For me, I would put them in order of Lambert; Ellis, Bates, then Garrity, but the gaps are small and they are all capable of winning races......
  5. You keep on about Lynn using RR in place of Niels, but his absence was covered by Morley, a PL with less than 6pts. . The only issue is relating to the inclusion of the No8. and whether that can be covered by a RR. In the reality of it all, the No 8 CMA is so low his rides can only be covered by the reserves anyway... Its either using a RR or riding a man short. Either way its not very adventitious......
  6. The answer is YES, they can pick and choose their meetings. The reason for all the absenteeism is there for all to see. Because we are obstinately sticking to variable race days and not wanting to comply with all the other major Leagues in Europe, we will always have these availability issue associated with top names. Personally I would rather see Niels at 75% of the meetings than no Niels at all. But until we can sort out these basic problems the we will always run the risk of these star names missing. Its about time the BSPA woke up and see the sport for what it is and not keep living in the past......
  7. Its all very well you saying the rules have been broken, but the rules are so complicated and badly written they lend themselves to been interpretated several ways. If we were riding high by this so called cheating, I could understand your views. If there is any cheating going on it is done through necessity.in trying to field a team. The big problem here regards to teams working to different rules. Some teams have No 8's and some don't . surely it should be all or none. We have too match meetings and not enough riders, we have racing on too many days where the clashes are inevitable.. Until the basic are sorted and there are more riders, we will always have a different interpretation of these complicated rules.
  8. Although, the outcome was as predicted, at least some of the riders showed some fight. Batch, Lambert and Rose came to the party and showed what can be achieved. Rory and NBJ were below par and Morley was just out of his depth. Even with Niels riding I still don't think we would have beaten the reigning Champs. We are all aware the importance of EDR's but when the rules allow teams to use a ex SGP rider as one, it makes everything look stupid. These protected heats idea has been ridiculous and cause more problems than anyone has seen before. Wouldn't it be beneficial for all and sundry to have the minutes of the BSPA meeting made public so everyone can see who is responsible for these pathetic ideas that are ruining our sport.....If these members made decision based on the sport instead of their pockets, they would be better set to work. Protected heat was doomed from the start..... Rant over, Disappointed we lost, but still enjoyed the meeting as usual,,,,, Pleased though, I hadn't got 200mls to travel home.....
  9. That in itself speaks volumes....... Talk about finger on the pulse !!!!! ​
  10. I am no doubt of Huckenbeck ability and am aware of his form abroad, but please don't imagine that is the same rider we have had to endure these past months. His form in Elite is nothing more than scandalous. After an impressive first month this season he has done nothing to warrant any selection. We went weeks without scoring a point. Its because of his form abroad and his obvious ability, it really annoys the fans, the way he performs here. If he not prepared to perform than its better he stays away.....
  11. Yeah your probably right. 'Most' was probably the wrong word. I should have said 'some. I'm not a Matt Ford lover, but I take my hat off to him for what he has achieved. Just wished our promoter was as driven by success as much as he is....... I always thought, becoming Chairman of the BSPA would be a detrimental step for Kings Lynn Stars, and so is it proving to be....
  12. When you come out with crap like that, its no wonder people have this bad impression of you......Let me inform you the Stars fans are the salt of the earth. Tell me another group would support their team for 50 years through thick and thin, without winning that elusive title. All we need is a little bit of hope and we're always be there. What we don't want is to be treated like mushrooms. The only reason Poole have the support it does, is because most are glory hunters, turning a blind eye when the rules can been bent to suit. I wonder if you would still be so optimistic after years with no trophies... But there's no need to worry. If you were to open your eyes you would see your 4 pts is guaranteed tonight , even if Batch, Lambert and Rory score well, that would only be 30 points, where's the other 15 coming from. I can see Poole scoring 55+ with ease..... Open your eyes man.........
  13. You must be mad.. Travelling all that way to see a one sided meeting. I'd give you four points now to save you the trouble.......
  14. Kings Lynn Stars !! What a shambles. What was once a highly respectable Speedway Team has turned into a complete disaster. We are simply going through the motions to be whipped to all and sundry. Last night was a disgrace. Losing is one thing, but not bothering is totally unacceptable. Every Poole rider scored more than each member of our team. We won just 3 heats, and came last 13 times.. The team we put out was not acceptable, Some of the riders attitude was not acceptable, but probably there as pissed off, as much as the fans are, and cant be arse also. Whatever the problem, this club is going downhill fast. The lack of announcement about tonight meeting is alarming. No doubt Niels is not riding, and a replacement is proving difficult. But whatever the circumstances the Fans/ Supporters should be kept in the picture. Not knowing any news is the worse scenario possible. Why should the fans bother when they are treated with such contempt Personally I will be there tonight whatever. Not to see the Stars win, but just to feed my personal addiction. Poole have always been in the prime seat for success ever since they managed to secure the 2 top EDR riders from the crocked lists, coupled with 4 heat leaders and a brilliant young Aussie they were always been favourites in my book. Then to be able to strengthen with Pedersen has made the Elite league a laughing stock... I am not jealous of Poole's success, I just wish that our promotions put as much emphasis on team building as Poole do. We would lost tonight with or without Niels. He has been a shinning light and an example to every rider. With him in the team we have hope, without him we have nothing........
  15. If the Chairman of the league doesn't know the rules, what chance has the other mere mortals.. The rules are so complex, nobody cares anymore.... Looking on the bright side, R/R must be more positive than using Huckenbeck, cant remember the last time he beat somebody. With any other team he'd been dropped weeks ago.....
  16. Its nice to win, but its not the be all of everything.... The perfect scenario is to always be competitive and put on a show for the paying public. There's nothing more off putting than a runaway victories and team rolling over. They do no-one, or the sport any favours at all. Poole is always be a hard place to go and get a result. I can remember being here, 14 pts in front and still beaten by the terrible two in heat 15, But at least we were competitive. Tonight will be very difficult. Its hard to see where we can score enough points ....
  17. Riding at Poole with Huckenbeck, and no Niels or Bush Jacobsen, is like Poole coming to Lynn , without Holder, Kurtz and Newman. Ridiculous....... Complete waste of time...
  18. Not being a Promoter, Huggy could concentrate on just making the track good. When you need to balance the books, you have to cut the material to suit the cloth. No doubt Buster could bring back the track to its past glory if he too were to work to the same guidelines. Using the crap he does, is so the surface is suited to the Stock cars as well. Using top quality shale would be so wasteful and expensive. For this reason it would be wrong to compare the two track men. Unfortunately that's the way the sport has become....
  19. For those of you, more observant than others, will have noticed, looking at the track from the Pearson and Tatum Studio position, you will have seen that there were additional protection added to the Brandon fencing. Inside the concrete wall were placed a row of tyres, to which they then positioned a wooden perimeter fence. The AIR Fence is than placed inside so giving as much protection as possible. I don't condone the Air fence lifting, and provisions should be made for them to be tethered down. But I feel the lessons leant from Holders crash has been taken on board and that Harris last night bears the fruits of that work. There is only so much that can be done, and in this case I feel Coventry are being unfairly criticised.
  20. I could imagine, every promoter in the land would like to get hold of AFA. With the exception NSS, it is the most complete stadium in the leagues... Our problems is not the Stadium, its all the issues associated with it. Like: Team People, Promotions, Riders, BSPA , Fans, Shale, Attitude, Atmosphere, Excitement, Presentation, Communication ... The list is long but surmountable. With the right person at the helm, positioning the club in the right direction all these issues could disappear. I always thought Buster was that man, but in recent years, he seems to have lost his enthusiasm. and that is reflected by the fans. Shame really....
  21. It is my belief that since Buster became Chairman of the BSPA, his connection with the Stars has suffered. Where once we were a little club with a good atmosphere and decent happy crowd, now we are a smaller club, with a lesser crowd and no atmosphere at all. Most of the fans are unhappy with this but nothing seems to be done to address it. Win, Lose or draw, Happy or not, the impression I get is that nobody gives a damn anymore...... Except TREES......... Probably you should be the PR person..... Cant be any worse than what we have now....
  22. Firstly, I hate to moan, I'm a half full kind of guy, not the half empty type. I try to concentrate on the positives, but that doesn't blank the obvious issues that do arise. In contrary to what you say about the website, I think it's taken a backward step, both in design and information. The frequency is alarming poor, and only the twitter feed keeps some upto date when information has been added. The announcement and team for the Swindon match wasn't posted until the day before the event. I thought Marc Gent was a top bloke who knew what needed to be done.. Very professional in everything he did. What a pity the Stars promotors didn't recognise his obvious talent.
  23. I'm hoping when you get this new stadium, the track is something to be proud of, that will generate good racing......
  24. My view exactly Mark, I once thought Swindon was one of the best, but like everything else time moves on......
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