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Everything posted by g13webb

  1. He make a terrific Team Manager as well, Especially with his insight and connections gained through the years when riding. Team spirit would be there for all to see.... plus his knowledge of setup would be invaluable...
  2. I don't believe the fans of KL are being unreasonable. We don't need a lot to keep us happy and contented. All we need is a bit of Heart, some Passion and a show of effort. That's not a lot to ask for. But to be charged for the below par application we've seen of late is unacceptable. We once boasted of our team spirit, but that has long gone. We even have teammates racing each instead of concentrating on the opposition. Going back to Rory. He has done wonderfully well when thinking of the condition he was in, and for that I applaud him. I still question the sense of it all. I would have thought he wouldn't want to gamble again after he nearly lost it all. If he wants to continue riding then so be it, but If he is unable to score the points his team place warrants, then it's wrong he is gifted a place. The team has to come first always.....
  3. Following our recent pattern of home form, our performance last night was abysmal. Fair play to Wolves, they came to win and rode much better then we have done of late. From the supporters viewpoint, I found it all abit disappointing. Going to Belle Vue and winning like they did, I expected far more then what was shown last night. Having the biggest crowd of the year, to watch Woffy, the place was like a morgue, with no atmosphere at all. Most of the fans just wanted to have something to cheer about but got very little chance from the boring processional races. Our track must be the best 'GATE and GO' one in the country. There were races, when riders missed the gate tried to come from the back, but got no help at all. Even Woffy, World Champion like he is, couldn't come from the back to beat a fast starting Wilkinson, such was the state of the track. These two riders are as far apart as possible when we come to stature and quality, yet although Wilkinson provided the one reason for the fans to cheer, it illustrated how difficult it was once you've missed the gate. Racers, like Niels and Lambert were making no impressions at all, therefore generating little excitement. When we beat Wolves earlier in the year, I didn't rate them as high as other teams. But the inclusion of Woffy and Tungate made them into League winners. Take them away last night and the rest wasn't that good. Everybody accepts we are a 4 man team. Batch, Rory and Huckenbeck area waste of space, yes, some have had bad accidents, but why should they be convalescent at our expense. . Surely if the promoter had any inclination of making them Playoffs he would have changed it long ago... Treading water would be nice, We're sinking without a trace....
  4. No not at all, really appreciated Freddie's contribution. But that not a reason to allow Wolves to win tonight. We would have to ask 'what's the point of it all'
  5. I'm of the same impression. The fact he has been replace by an inform Tungate questioned the situation. Had he been replaced by and out of salt rider, his excuse would be more feasible. The fact that Tungate inclusion has made them significantly stronger, its obviously it will be questioned. This this just another spin off of the problems generated, when it was decided to run protected heats putting the CMA all too cock...... This replacement would never had happened in the old style rules... Be interesting to see how many points Tungate scores.... cause PK never scores that many here....
  6. Couldn't that be said about most seasons of late ??? Would die for a season when everything came together to win that elusive title, Just once , then we could too, be considered as a worthy name in the history of this sport, that we have graced for over 50 yrs.....
  7. Don't you believe it. .. Don't believe anything he says or does..... On the face of this meeting based on current form, it was never going to pull in a big crowd with most people assuming it to be a walk over win for the Aces. That is the problem when teams are performing badly, they don't insure confidence and as fans won't travel to witness a walkover. I am sure had Lynn been positioned near the top of the league ,instead of the bottom, the meeting would have attracted a bigger crowd.....
  8. Well I always give congratulations when it is deserved. non more so than tonight....Never in a month of Sundays did I expect that. Most of the team performed well on what was said to be a superb race track.... Huckenbeck obviously showed what he can do on a proper track and scored well. Freddie obviously likes the track as well. Batch and Rory still not pulling their weight, although they contributed important points tonight... Lambert again showed he is a force to be reckoned. So yes a big WELL DONE to all the team....... Cant help thinking though about all those loses we've suffered at home this year..... How did that happen ???
  9. When comparing guests, I would have thought replacing Fricke with Danny King is a big plus, But unfortunately Freddie comes up abit short when compared to Niels. Even if we fielded our complete team , we would still struggle to contain the rampant Aces... To me it has to be an easy home win.... by heat 12...
  10. I have to agree with you there. Going back to a time when there were a lot of decent speedway venues, Michael Lee once said, this track was in a league of its own. Its a far cry from that now..!!
  11. Far from it. But in 'Whisperer' post outlining the costs, he mentioned the fact that RIDER cost have doubled in the last 10 years. When talking with a couple of top riders they stated a Brand new standard engine would never be quick enough to be competitive. It needed tuning to attain the performance they all crave for... And that don't come cheap.... There words , not mind..... Point 1: The problem with tuners is that they make the bikes uneven in performance and races become processional. The sport wants equality in riders and machinery. Only then will we get back to having closely contested matches. Having a super speed machine may a be good for the rider but it does nothing to the fans who want close racing..... Point 2: While we have a shortest of quality riders they will always have the upper hand. Unless all the promoters stick together on a pay structure, the problem wont go away. it would only need one to say 'OK' and the whole idea of lowering Riders pay would be lost.....
  12. After our performances of the last two weeks, I question my sanity in even going.. Wolves have been on the boil most of the season and the inclusion of Woffy will obviously make stronger. We are now that weak, every team coming here has a chance of winning. That in itself is sad to see. If this is the result of Buster being Chairman of the BSPA, then I for one wish he hadn't got the job........
  13. Nothing on here that interests us... Cant believe the attitude of our promotions. I think they don't put any importance in it.....
  14. Reading 'Whisperer' post it become more apparrent the sport has become too expensive to produce and promote. One of my biggest gripes has always been the tuning costs of the bikes. There, we have experts in their field who charge a earth for their services, but put nothing back into the sport. Promotor have to pay these high costs the riders are demanding so they can pay the tuning bills......Technology is all very well but the price is too high. Todays bikes dictate ones success in the sport. Slow bikes = poor results. Where once the rider was the skilful one, now its more to do on machinery. The sport needs to take control of its financial outlay. The bikes today are too expensive, too fast, and too difficult to ride. Moving backward could be a forward step. in bringing back the 4 valve uprights bikes, that was once the sought after bike that ruled the sport. This would bring the riders cost down and make the races more equal and entertaining..... Putting the emphasis on the rider rather than the bike....... We can all see that the sport is in an unsustainable situation. Decisions need to be made now before it's too late. We've had our heads in the clouds for too long...
  15. Not being privy to the finances of running a meeting it is difficult to answer them questions, But top riders need to have logistics in place to even contemplate riding in our league. That will include a Couple of bikes, A van, Mechanic, all of which need to be paid for.... When comparing them costs, to the majority of PL riders, who have all their equipment based in the UK , then the expenses are much less. So yes, they're must represent a considerable saving for the PL clubs....
  16. Appreciate everyone has an opinion, but I cant understand where your comment above is coming from, unless you deep down want Lynn to suffer. For you to say there are one or two needs clearing out in preference of, then they too must be really bad.... Overall, Huckenbeck has rode 43 times, finishing last in 22 of them races. He was third 10 times and only won 4 times. averaging 3.81. Away from home, it reads even worse. In the 16 races he has rode, he finished last 11 times, acquiring a average of 2.00. I have great difficulty, thinking of a worse performing rider, in the Elite league, and am in no doubt at any other club he would be long gone....... Watching him ride abroad on the tele, proves he has some ability, but to continue riding for us like he has, you have to question his attitude . It is because of that, then he has to go....
  17. I believe, by continuing with our middle ground attitude, as we have done for so long, is the reason our sport is in the decline it is. We either comply with other main countries and run the Elite on specific nights, or we close the door to top riders and run our league to suit us, at a cost we can afford.... Employing top riders, is now a false economy. They don't entice new fans into the sport, they only satisfy a few existing fans to continue their involvement. .. These past few years I've been to many PL meetings and have come to the conclusion there's not much to choose between them. The attendances are similar, and so is the excitement, proving to me the big earners are a waste of time.... I love to see Niels race every week. I've referred to it as 'Poetry In Motion'. a wonderful sight to behold. But is that enough to ask fans to come and watch. Recently I went to EESG and saw a cracking meeting. The Panthers lost that night, but the excitement and buzz around the place was brilliant. Lynn are having a bad time at the moment, not all their own doing. But the system does nothing to help. I'm a speedway nut, who loves to hear and smell the atmosphere of a competitive meeting. I don't want to go and witness, Guests, R/R and Delays . I want to be entertained with competitive racing, not be bored watching procession racing from uneven teams . Concentrating on some 'Middle Order' rubbish will only kill off what support there is left.....
  18. If you are impressed with Huckenbeck then so be it. but he doesn't rock my boat. Ask yourself what other team would want him. He has been a big disappointment after a decent start of the season. He would be hard pressed to attain a PL spot, let alone one in the top division..... Last night he had four rides, In his first he gated on Sedgman and PL rider (Lanham); Second race he fell off, (how many times does he do that), Third ride he came second beating only Nielson, on a broken bike, and his last ride he fell off again. Actually he would have been better for the team had he kept down enabling a rerun, giving Niels another chance to win against Morris.... Probably you were watching through those rose tinted glasses, but to me, I see it as it is.....
  19. How I see it we have but two choices. To retain the services of SGP riders, we have to run the Elite league on specific days, to bring us inline with our fellow European leagues. The PL running on different nights will eliminated Meetings and Rider clashes. Failing that, then the only other option to forego the involvement of SGP riders to foreclose the Elite League and operate with only 2 leagues in this country. Div. 1 and Div. 2. (these can be called whatever) These could operate independently of the SGP and operate on Friday Saturday and Sunday nights, hoping the more convenient race night will encourage more fans to come. Anything must be better than relying on guests and R/R every meeting....
  20. Without knowing the team format or the strength required next year it would be difficult to know what direction to go. But we have too many riders with other things on their minds... Rory and Batch are recovering from injuries, so always a question mark, Niels hasn't got the time to devote to all the matches, Huckenbeck is a waste of space.. Using Lambert and Rose as examples we want riders who are prepared to fight and be totally committed to the cause. If they can't do that then we don't want them here....
  21. I have previously stated on here, that the speedway cannot get any worse at Lynn, but i was wrong. Last night was dreadful. So much so, one has to question your own sanity watching such a lack lustred performance. The track offered nothing, once you left the start, and most races were follow the leader. Its seems it was tailored made for anyone who could gate. and here laid the foundation why the Stars struggled. Doyle, as sharp as ever, was never in danger of being beaten. He alone achieved more race wins than the whole of the Stars team. Like I have said before, losing is not a problem, as long as we make a fight of it and the racing is competitive. Tonight the match was over by heat 6. We were 8 points behind and had nothing in the cupboard to fight back. Even Niels was founding it difficult to gate, and powerless on a track that offered nothing....There was no atmosphere, no excitement, no expectation at all......Just a cold wind blowing that made one wish they hadn't bothered to come It was noted that the 2 Stars riders missing last night, top scored in the PL match. It appeared the team, with these two riders short, seemed acceptable to defeat and offered very little fight. Such is the state of the Elite league, nobody gives a damn...... Drastic changes have to be made.... Addicted to Speedway as I am, I struggle to understand the downward spiral the sport has gone. The Rules, The BSPA, The Promotions, The guests, R/R ; even the Riders need to clarify their intentions, because it's quite obvious, appealing to the fans is not something, any of above consider. Last night we also had both Rosco and Lyon moaning about the rules. Them, even being instrumental people of the rule making procedure are still moaning about them .. imagine how we feel...... Last night could be the last match I go to this year, such is my disappointment of the way our speedway has gone .... Couldn't wait to get home.....
  22. That being the case, why not air the new set of rules for comments before they are implemented... After all, we all want the same thing in that Speedway is exciting and run fairly with equal teams......
  23. At times, the BSPA is beyond belief. Surely, it should be irrelevant who fixture was arranged first, Lambert and Rose are Lynn riders, riding on their proper race night and the Elite league club cant use their own riders. 2 questions come into play here; 1, Why has the PL club got first call on a double up riders on our race day, 2,If that be the case why re-arranged a fixture knowing these riders will be missing... Not only are Lambert and Rose two big crowd draws at the AFA, but also their points scoring is imperative for success.. It will be impossible to replace them like for like plus any home advantage we may have, will be nullified by the inclusion of replacement guests... With attendances down and people losing interest, can you blame them when this sort of decisions are made.... People, with any thoughts that this league is run on a professional basic are simply deluded.......Would this sort of thing happen in Poland ?? or maybe Sweden? I doubt it.
  24. If there is another set of rules being considered , wouldn't it been a better idea to involve the fans and take on board some of their feelings and ideas. When you look at some of the more recent inventions I would have thought a little help would have been greatly appreciated.... Who ever you are, regardless of ability, it always best to have an open mind when thinking of being positive.... The last thing you want is THEM and US....
  25. I'm having great difficulty understanding what has happened. Any normal rider would jump at the chance to represent their country at any level. More so, if you are the King-Pin and adored buy all the fans. Tai is the same to GB,as Hancock is to the USA. and the country desperately needs you onboard. Now we get a statement saying he's leaving and not riding next year, but also not burning bridges for the future, by saying he hasn't made his mind up whether to ride or not.... This is not the attitude of an World Champion, or an ambassador of our sport, or that of a respectable countryman, more of a selfish individual throwing his toys out of the pram... Either you act like the GB captain we all thought you were.............. or clear off for good..... you can't have it both way.....
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