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Everything posted by g13webb

  1. Retrospectively, If the dog hadn't stopped to rubbish he'd caught the rabbit.....
  2. What a pathetic polite little man you really are. Isn't it strange that the whole country can see the damaging effects that Lindback has done to our sport, all except the blue rinse brigade. If you had a ounce of common sense you will see the damage it does, but your so wrapped up in your own importance you fail to see anything, and that's real sad........ As a matter of fact, the next time I speak with Buster, I will personally ask him for an explanation. When Buster was elected as Chairman, I thought he was the one person who could make a difference. Now I'm not so sure.............
  3. Yeah , but most people have only 4 aces to play with, Matt plays with a crocked deck that has far too more aces
  4. Yes many times !!!!. Having spent my whole life as a motor bike nut, speedway enabled me to continue this adolescent pastime even now when I've reached that retiring age. As the years go past your priorities change. Where once, everything in life was important and had be done in the correct way, now you except the sub-standard ways as normal and just enjoy the parts that triggers the memories of the 'Good ole Times'.. The smell lingers, but its not as strong now, and the meetings take forever. Where once we would start at half 7 and finish by 10, now we start a half 7 and hope to be done by 10. but now we only have 15 heats where we always had a full second half. The ways that time is wasted is unbelievable..... The speedway of yesteryear was a different animal altogether. The crowds were 5 fold better, the atmosphere was electric, The riders connected with the fans. The Promoters promoted the sport. The fans were treated with respect and looked upon as the most important part.. Nothing was too much trouble..... Not any more. The BSPA, the Rules and the contempt has all but destroyed all the fans. There's not many left. If I was to think about the short term way the sport is run, or the integrity shown by the sports governing bodies or the way the meetings are drawn out I would never go near a meeting again. But the fact that I don't give a damn anymore, and go just to enjoy the concept of 4 riders racing with go brakes. That is enough to keep me on board, knowing when I had enough I can always go home...... For a speedway Promoter to read that, must make him feel real sad ....
  5. Nobody is saying that Poole have done anything illegal. just that everytime there is a problem it always involves them. The rules always seems to bend over backward to accommodate them.. Imagine this, S Worrall got injured and Belle Vue got Lindback in, as a replacement on a 7 average... I wonder what Poole would have said about that, a 2nd string being replaced with a SGP rider...... on a 7....
  6. Yeah, probably so, but sometimes he does tend to go overboard with his adulation of Poole speedway..... I have noticed that he is doing the Poole V Wolves match, which will alleviate any suggestion of biasness towards Lakeside. It will be interesting, you being a Wolves man, to hear his comment in the PO SF's.... I have found in the past, that when someone is trying not to show biasness, they tend to go overboard the other way. I've always thought Tatum was professional in this way and never showed his connection to Lakeside.
  7. Well I have to disagree. He and His side kick are always blowing sunshine up Poole's arse. Reading the topic of this thread I am most amazed that Kelvin is considering to step down because of the biasness to some clubs. He has never mentioned a word of this before. It will be interesting to see whether he opinionate on the Lindback situation and his ridiculous average, or will he , as usual say Mat Ford has pulled off a wonder stoke getting in a Ringer for the play-offs.... What's New....
  8. Whether Lindback is on form or not is not the issue. It is possible that Tai will score more point than him. But the issue is bending of points to suit the cause and as usual, these situations always involves Poole and Matt Ford. I don't agree with the rules for replacements, this late in the season. Why should we bend over backwards to accommodate riders who don't want to ride here normally. But IF they are allowed to compete, then make sure they do so on the correct average. Allowing Lindback to race on a 7 is taking the mick out of all those riders and teams who race here all year round........
  9. So would I... If that didn't bring the Fans in then nothing would...... All exciting racers But hang on minute ..... Shouldn't Emil be on a 6 average, after all he's not even a SGP rider......
  10. What rubbish you talk !! By being a SGP rider he can be argued to be in the top 15 of the world. You cannot make comparisons with other leagues because we are by far the worse. Also looking back to what his averages were 10 yrs ago is of no consequence to how he rode then or of the differences in League racing today Looking at the averages that some of our riders have achieved this year, We have Cook 7.87; Worrall 7.24; Danny King 7.14; Robert Lambert 7.68; Kim Nillson7.89; Kyle Newman 7.27; Josh Grajczonek 7.33; Sam Masters 7.86 and Lindback is better than all of those. Anybody who knows anything about this sport would know Lindback has been undervalued purposely to satisfy Fords request. I have always been optimistic the BSPA would eventually get in right, but seeing this happen this week just illustrates all that is wrong with our sport. Matt Ford has some massive hold over too many people and can pull the strings if and when he likes.. He has no allegiance to our sport, he's just a selfish man governed by his own personal existence. By allowing Poole to bring in Lindback on this ridiculous score, the BSPA members have said to all the other riders and teams UP YOURS!! When the integrity has gone, this sport has nothing left to give......
  11. No I don't suppose you would. Obviously you can't see the end of your nose? When stunts like this are pulled they do immense damage to the creditability of our league and people like you are too blind to see. So too are the powers of the BSPA who haven't the strength needed to run the ship on an even keel. Allowing Riders like Woffy and Lindback in at this late stage is so short term, they only come here only to feather their nest, they have no allegiance to this league only the money when it suits them...... But to allow them to do so on ridiculously averages in an insult to all the other riders and teams. It was once conceived that all SGP riders be assessed 8. By allowing them to ride on these points, the BSPA have done the dirty on BV, Lakeside and Swindon and they are the teams who played it by the book......
  12. But you could say that about all the riders in the Elite League. Because the format of the rides and the biasness of some heats and riding positions, all riders averages are questionable. Quite honestly, the averages are not worth the paper they're written on. The only answer to all these issues is to start again. Have an independent panel to assess all riders starting point, and revert back to an old format where all the riders have to ride against each other......so their averages will relate to the quality of the rider...
  13. I have always felt the league is devalued when all that is at stake is the privilege of picking your opponent in the PO's. The PO is only about money and promoter wanting to milk the situation for guaranteed packed house. Why cant we have both with the league winners going straight into a final, and the next four team compete against each other to win the honour of the other place. That way the League winners get rewarded for the seasons work, and the rest still retain the chance of reaching that final... It would only mean two extra meetings but would satisfy all of peoples argument.....
  14. Like you say, Holder has really come on of late and was mightily impressive. But I feel you are too critical of others in the team, who to me rode very well. Ellis has come on leaps and bounds this past year and he too impressed me with his paid 8 last night. With him dropping to reserve could be detrimental having to move Pedersen into the main team. Pedersen, Kurtz and Buczkowski all rode very well and adapted to the track quickly. They will all serve Poole well in the Play-offs. Tungate, surprised me last night. The gating tart we all know he is, showed a different side last night when being attacked from the back. Twice he flipped his rear out to block the rider as they swopped round the outside on bends 3 and 4. In each of these cases the rider behind averted the pile up by taking evasive action, but Tungate's intention was mindful... Whatever respect I had for him as a rider dropped a notch last night..
  15. Went along to the final Elite match of the season knowing full well the inevitable outcome. We carry to many passengers and guest to compete with the might of Poole, especially when Holder is on a mission. Last night he was something else....The Stars did show some spirit and most done their bit, but it was always going to be hard without your No 1. This is not a dig a Danny king who I thought rode much better than his points showed... As usual, disappointed with the track. We had to wait till heat 6 before we got an overtake, that was more down to Holder than the track. Of the 15 races only 4 produced any passing all the rest was 'Gate and Go'. Huckenbeck riding round the outside of Ellis and Pedersen in heat 8; Huckenbeck again, and Lambert in heat 14, and finally the race of the night from Lambert in heat 15 when going last to first.... If we are to continue with this sort of track then our team will need to improve their gating because . because most races were decided by the first corner.... A big well done to the Supporters Club who made a massive effort to show their appreciation to the riders in, what has been, a difficult season. The bit I found difficult to understand, and bloody annoying, was that this being our last home Match, all the riders out on the centre green, and Kevin trying to interview them for thoughts and feelings, and all we could hear was them bloody tractors going round and round and round, for what seemed like an eternity. I and the people near me couldn't hear a single word. . I think this more any anything else epitomises the problems with our club. We have all the people out there for a purpose, trying to do right. We have the commentator trying to put on a presentation that the supporters want to see, .... And Buster doesn't give a damn..... to the Supporters Club, the Riders, the Commentator, the fans. he is totally oblivious to anything accept doing this laps on his tractor. When thinking back of the first half of the meeting, it wouldn't have made much difference had he forgone any preparation at all. Fortunately he stopped in time to hear the presentation of the trophies, that mostly went to Lambert... Such a shame the communication and organisation is at an all time low...........
  16. Most people on here live in cloud Cuckoo Land. Even with a new stadium and a fantastic track, Belle Vue crowds are a long way from those in Poland. We have to cut our cloth to survive. All this talk of a team with 3 SGP riders is beyond apprehension . If each team could afford one each, that would be a step in the right direction...
  17. I think last night showed just how good this track really is. Ok , Poole came back well to finish close but this was down to Holder, who was quite brilliant. What this meeting showed more than anything else was that any team wanting to be successful, has to be scoring on all fronts and last night neither team done that..... Whoever BV pick for the 'Play-offs', will have a chance of winning, the track is a big leveller. But they will need to be on the ball with each rider scoring. Last night Zagar was a big let down. When teams ride in important meetings, they look to their No1 for leadership and inspiration. I am sure he will come to the party when the cup is on the line. No doubt mark Lemon will be aware of this fact and will ensure the ACES have full team, all focused on success....... The biasness of the commentary team is over whelming, and so annoying. I'm sure they only see one team, whoever is riding... Tatum going on about Cookie touching the taps was embarrassing...... I know they have a job to do, but BV were equally as exciting as Poole were..... Just hope the 'Payoff Spectacle' is not spoilt by their biasness............
  18. I always believed we at Lynn had one of the best track in the land, and any issues on the raceability was always down to the way it was prepared. But watching meetings from the new Belle Vue track is something else...... This must be equal to anything else in the World..... Brilliant track, Brilliant action........
  19. Wherever the cap fits !!!! I'm against the principal not a specific club........
  20. Such is the history surrounding Poole's interpretation of the rules, there will always be those with suspicion of any replacements. My ideas of Clubs bringing in extra quality to compete in the Play-offs is totally and morally wrong and does nothing but devalue any competition. But the rules allow it. For clubs like Poole, who will explore every avenue to win, the rule is there for them to abuse......
  21. My imprssion of Batchelor, is that he has lost the confedence to compete closely with other riders. When he makes the gate and gets clear, he goes as quick as most , so the ability is still there. All the problems appear when other riders get close. this is when Troy backs off... The riders know this and are only too quick to put a wheel in ...... When you lose that confidence it a big thing to overcome. Sometimes it never comes back. I seen a few riders have a bad crashes and were never the same afterwards.... Looking at Troy intensely, like I have, its difficult to see any improvement from the time when he first come back.. Yeah, he's got a bit quicker from the gate and looks more in control, but that nervousness is as apparent now as it was then.. and that worries me....... I hope I'm wrong, but Troy has a long way to go, to get back to anything near the talent he was.....Its a journey that could take forever.....
  22. Good points !! have to agree with most you have posted. Without knowing the exact details of the league next year, it is hard to pinpoint the makeup of riders we need, but like you, Lambert and team Lewis should be the first consideration, 3 Brits on the up. Obviously Niels if he commits to the schedule, coupled with Porsing who I think will only get better. These five will form the basis of a good side, that would only need to breath in some new young enthusiastic blood to motivate it to its full potential.. I think we have exhausted the old brigade and need some new STARS to connect with our deserving Fans....
  23. Although, it is expected the EDR will go, there must be some requirement of British riders. Each team to have say 3 Brits...... , One always at reserve If not we will all have a team of foreign hopefuls, and no chance for the Brits to improve....
  24. Any improvements on them fronts has to be welcome change....... ​
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